Monday 6 March 2017

Lyme Disease Prevention and Resources

In response to some reader comments and emails, I wanted to post a couple links today regarding prevention and resources for Lyme Disease.

First comment from PeaceNowFlower: “Hello Laura, I heard the early Spring was causing an epidemic of Ticks in many areas. If you have a post you can republish to give your readers knowledge about how to prevent or treat early Lyme, it might be a year to post it early like the early warmth.”  Here’s a link to a May 2014 post that still holds true today:

Protecting Yourself from Lyme Disease includes my own tips, as well as a tick protocol by homeopathic MD, Dr. Ronald Whitmont.

Also, from blog reader, Linda: “just read this article by a Toronto [psychotherapist] who wrote a book on Lyme disease (Lyme Madness) in the hopes of waking up mental health professionals to the reality of Lyme.  Her adult son has it.  Thought you might find it interesting/of use:  Lyme is All in Your Head.”

When I clicked through to the article, I realized it’s by Lori Dennis, whose interviews by Catherine Grace O’Connell you can find linked on my blog by clicking here.  Lori is both compassionate and extremely savvy about the mental/emotional/neurological side effects of Lyme Disease, as well as the insurance and medical reluctance to look at Chronic Lyme. She’s a mama bear advocate, driven by love for her son, and I love how the article notes the role of mothers in addressing and changing the narrative about this disease.
Big blessings, healing and safe hiking to everyone!


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