Friday 19 October 2018

Medical Intuitive FAQ: Can I Have a Session for Someone Else?

This wants to go up again, especially as the gulf continues to grow between people who are now reaping the benefits from years of inner processing and shadow work and some loved ones for whom the consequence tab has now come due. Sometimes it feels hard to claim your own hard earned joy and liberation, and you just want to “make” other people see how different life could be. Force is not a recipe for enlightenment and self-responsibility, though. This post shares my own ethics for supporting relationships while honoring individual choice and timing. Much love to all, wherever you find yourself on this spiral journey!

Laura Bruno's Blog

Well meaning friends and family members often ask me questions about other people in their lives who would not themselves be inclined to schedule their own Medical Intuitive or Soul Reading; however, I’ve noticed a major uptick in this trend during the past 24 hours. Because I know this issue comes up during sessions and emailed inquiries, I thought I’d post my general policy here.

My parameters for doing a session for a person through someone else include at least one of the following:

a) Expressed permission from that family member or friend to discuss whatever comes up.

b) That person would need to be a child or otherwise unable to express themselves or participate in a session (i.e. in a coma, autistic, no use of vocal cords, etc.).

c) I can do a session for you, but we would focus primarily on helping to support you in dealing…

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