Thursday 26 July 2018

The Visionary

This eclipse promises to be a potent one. It aspects a lot of my own natal chart, but Tania’s message is a good one regardless of where the Moon meets your chart. Listen to your intuition, rest, recharge and rejoice as you feel led. ❤

Tania Marie's Blog

Many of you see and envision things, and are guided by inspirations, that feel out of this world and unseen or felt by others. You believe in all possibilities and the invisible because for you it is real and through you hope is cultivated for others to experience the same. It’s your inspiration that nurtures the courage to take action on what channels through you, despite there being no assurance or promise of outcome because you are the builders of the path – the visionaries – and each step is creatively innovated as you go along.

When you act on your visions this creates alignment and magnetically draws forth magickal synchronicities, potentials that can be opportunities, incredible journeys, and collective possibilities. Although some of you do this more naturally, it is within all of us to live out our fullest creative power by more courageously engaging the visions and feelings…

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