He’s ba-a-a-ck! After his last post rocked many a worldview, Timothy Glenn returns as promised to discuss the moon and its influence. How to introduce this post? Hmmm … here’s what Tim said in his email to me:
“The moon is currently part of our experience. We can learn to deal with it, work around it, or even utilize it without surrendering to its influence. The suggestion here is to exercise vigilance so as to make informed choices. Again we swing back to Carl Gustav Jung: ‘Don’t fight forces, use them.’”
“The only thing you can ever know for sure, is that you can never know anything for sure.”
And with that intro, here’s Timothy Glenn:
Lunar Explorations
Let’s explore theories of the origin and nature of the moon. Indigenous peoples and ancient writers have spoken of the time before the Earth had the moon. She was inhabited by humans, who passed on their remembrances of life on Earth when there was no such thing as the moon we now have.
The July 1970 edition of the journal Sputnik featured an article by Russian scientists Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov: “Is the Moon the Creation of Alien Intelligence?” Since then, a variety of scientists around the world have chimed in on this valid question.
An early book on the subject is Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon, by Don Wilson, copyright 1975. The title of a 2006 book by Christopher Knight and Alan Butler asks: Who Built the Moon?
There are plenty of anomalies regarding the moon and its orbit, not to mention outright absurdities when viewed in the light of current science.
A Zulu Perspective
Perhaps the best known example of indigenous lore in this area comes from Africa. For decades, Credo Mutwa has served as the lineage holder of Zulu shamanic tradition, and carries the ancient history of his people; a history that stretches back to the Golden Age before the moon arrived.
According to Credo Mutwa, two extraterrestrial reptilian brothers, Wowane and Mpanku, stole the moon from an entity called the Great Fire Dragon. The moon was analogized as an egg, which the brothers hollowed out by removing the yolk. They rolled the moon across the sky to Earth. That event marks the time when Earth’s Golden Age ended, and people started going crazy. After all, where do we get the word lunatic?
These two brothers, strikingly reminiscent of Enki and Enlil from the ancient Sumerian writings, then demanded obedience from the inhabitants of Earth. They threatened that they would move the moon and cause massive destruction if the Earthlings defied the brothers’ authority. Already traumatized by the loss of their Golden Age, the human acquiesced.
Paradise Lost
Credo Mutwa says that before the moon came, the Earth was surrounded by a canopy of water vapor. Some Christian teachings describe the firmament mentioned in the book of Genesis the same way. These conditions created a greenhouse effect that resulted in extremely lush flora, with towering trees and magnificent flowers. There were no seasonal changes, which means no winter. No one ever got sunburned, because the sunlight was diffused by the canopy to eliminate harsh glare. Storms were unknown, as everything was gently watered by mist.
When the moon arrived, it wreaked havoc. The water canopy rained from above, and the force exerted by the moon caused the Earth herself to tilt, altering her orbit. From then on, the oceans had strong tides. Many other cycles began at that time, including menstrual cycles. The life forms on Earth adapted to the new environment in whatever way they could.
NASA: Never A Straight Answer
Since this section comes from NASA, we can take it with a pound of salt. In 1969, Apollo 12 jettisoned its lunar module, which crashed onto the moon. They reported that the moon reverberated like a bell for more than an hour. The following year, Apollo 13 repeated the procedure, but actually commanded the lunar module to strike the moon’s surface. Again, the moon rang like a bell, but the reverberations lasted for three hours, twenty minutes.
Not even crashing meteors or nuclear explosions cause the Earth to produce any such effect. Most scientists have concluded that the moon must be hollow, just as Credo Mutwa said it was hollowed out before being brought to Earth. Carl Sagan said, “A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object.”
Then we have the phenomenon of the moon rocks, which have been analyzed and estimated to be more than half a billion years older than the Earth herself. The list goes on, and too many pieces of the lunar puzzle simply don’t fit the standard narrative. One of the oddest puzzle pieces is that there is no such thing as the dark side of the moon; the far side of the moon, yes, but not the dark side. The moon remains stationary in its orbit, not rotating, but always showing the same side to the Earth. This also means that the moon is perpetually hiding its far side from us. Natural? Not likely.
Food for the Moon
The Gurdjieff/Ouspensky writings offer considerable material on the nature of the moon. Peter Ouspensky wrote and lectured extensively on what George Gurdjieff had taught him, including Gurdjieff’s perspectives on the functions and effects of the moon.
“Everything living on Earth, people, animals, plants, is food for the moon.”
Lance White, host of A Fireside Chat with Zany Mystic, spent several years formally studying the Gurdjieff/Ouspensky Fourth Way material. As brevity is the soul of wit, he condenses the message to: “The moon eats souls.”
The Cosmic Recycling Department
While living in this biosphere, all life forms have energy siphoned off by the moon and by various entities as well. But upon death, the souls are drawn into the moon. According to the Proterrian channelings, the moon serves as the cosmic recycling department. Even the more awakened humans here on Earth are taught that they will follow a tunnel into the “light”. It’s actually a tractor beam, pulling the souls into the moon.
They also anticipate being greeted by loved ones or by some “spiritual” representative of the “heavenly” hierarchy. The caveat here is that the Beings who make up the recycling crew can read you clearly, and ascertain which person or persons would be most effective in luring you into their program. They can mock up the manifestation of someone you would trust, knowing how they would look, sound, talk and act.
To help us get a feel for this phenomenon, there is an old Star Trek Voyager episode called Coda, wherein Captain Janeway has a near death experience. Her “father” is there to greet her, and wants to take her through a portal into his world. You can easily find the pertinent clip on YouTube, usually entitled something like “Janeway versus evil alien”.
Getting With the Program
No other Being can force you to reincarnate back into the Earth Matrix. However, they can deceive, seduce, mislead and somehow convince you that you need to return. Their modus operandi is to convince you that you still have lessons you need to learn and/or you have karma to work off and/or you have relationships to heal. Once you have agreed to this program, you will receive a complimentary memory wipe on your way back into the Earth Matrix. Good luck on your mission. You volunteered.
Their method of persuading you to return is called a life review. Many here on Earth are being prepped for this by well-meaning teachers who truly believe this is an essential experience. On one level, it is…if you want to keep giving your power away and recycling through the Matrix.
This is not to indicate that everyone is sucked right in and shot right back down. If a soul drawn into the moon believes it has earned a place in some sort of “heaven”, it will happen; but their “heaven” will be contained within the Cosmic Matrix. If they believe they will be able to look after loved ones on the Earth, it will happen. But eventually, the vast majority will be persuaded to reincarnate. There might just be an important mission that only special souls like you can achieve, and the poor people on Earth really need your help. Can’t resist? Good luck on your mission. You volunteered.
Deal With It
Lunar apologists will point to what they believe to be the beneficial aspects of the moon, and some will emphasize that there are higher octaves of the lunar energies. Sure, there are higher octaves of literally everything, because everything is part of The Field. But within the context of our current reality, caution is recommended.
The moon is currently part of our experience. We can learn to deal with it, work around it, or even utilize it without surrendering to its influence. The suggestion here is to exercise vigilance so as to make informed choices. Again we swing back to Carl Gustav Jung: “Don’t fight forces, use them.”
In the comments section of the previous article, Eclipsing Our Reality, Kieron offered a springboard for those who wish to begin their research:
This obviously challenges a lot of entrenched beliefs. But if our ideas cannot withstand scrutiny, then those ideas need all the more scrutiny.
Philosophical Skepticism
To be skeptical is not merely to doubt or disbelieve. Etymology traces the root back to the ancient Greek word skepsis: inquiry, study, research, investigation, examination or inspection. The genuine skeptic avoids the pitfall of accepting theories at face value, preferring to explore the possibilities.
An open heart combined with intellectual honesty is the best policy. One of the quirks of the human mind stems from the insecurity of needing to accept or reject ideas on the spot, pretending we know. A popular saying has helped alleviate this: “My jury is out.”
As of the early 90’s, I have opted to view myself as an ever-changing bundle of ever-changing perceptions in the midst of an ever-changing universe. That doesn’t leave a lot of room for belief. Let’s close with Proterrian’s favorite paradox:
“The only thing you can ever know for sure, is that you can never know anything for sure.”
Timothy Glenn

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/08/16/timothy-glenn-lunar-explorations/
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