This video seems very important to post right now — perhaps for some individual readers, but also in this time of increased revelations. Our world is run by narcissists, on both sides of the political aisle, in many religions, cults, and high positions of power. This video speaks to people involved in a romantic relationship with a narcissist; however, it offers insights into more public displays of people getting caught in various situations.
I especially agree with the “projection” and “hoovering” information. I hear from so many people who, often unbeknownst to themselves, are involved with people on the narcissist, sociopath or even psychopath spectrum. The lines they’re fed are so eerily similar that it’s almost like listening to a script whenever someone describes this type of relationship. In the interests of supporting those people beginning to feels cracks in their denial and little flickers of clarity and courage, I present this video for your consideration.
No comment on specific political or religious affairs, other than to say: narcissism is rampant, especially in the less obvious players who seem to have all the right words and excuses. As a society in evolution, we have a chance to move beyond this entire paradigm. Let’s use it!

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