This just in from astrologer, numerologist and author, Timothy Glenn, along with a short note/trigger warning:
Eclipsing Our Reality
We have been hearing lots of hubbub around the subject of the August 2017 eclipses, the opening of the lion’s gate, and especially the anticipated impact of the August 21st total solar eclipse on the United States.
First there will be two warm up exercises. Depending on where you are on the planet, the lunar eclipse will occur at 15 degrees Aquarius on August 7th or 8th. This will be followed by the Perseid meteor shower, which will peak on August 12th. These events will set the stage for the main attraction.
As the meteor shower is ending, Mercury will go into its famous retrograde phase. This lunar eclipse in Aquarius will stir a collective desire for a radically improved world, and the Mercury retrograde will suggest that we let go of our preprogrammed ideas as to what social actions will “fix” the dysfunctions of our current society.
Fake Moons
New moons or full moons: they’re all fake moons. In December of 1995, I was asked to do a channeling session for an astrological society. Proterrian asked the audience of about a hundred, “How many of you are open to the ‘theory’ that your moon is not really your moon, but rather an artificial orb placed in an artificial orbit around your planet for the purpose of keeping human emotions under control?” With no hesitation, about 95% of the astrologers raised their hands.
When mentioning this in subsequent years, it has helped to edit the term “under control” to “within certain parameters”.
This has colored my work as an astrologer. There is no denying the powerful influence of the moon, because it was designed to have a profound effect on this world and everyone in it. However, not seeing that artificial space station as our friend, there is no way to recommend playing into its energies. That definitely includes the times we experience eclipses.
Hmm…elaboration requires a separate article…later.
A wise old astrologer once said: “Your stars are not there to master you. You are here to master your stars.” Along this line, your moon is not there to dictate your emotional states. You are here to transcend the emotional programming it inflicted on you.
Dark Shadows
As the total solar eclipse casts its shadow, we could interpret this as something artificial blocking out that which is natural. Why doesn’t a cosmic referee blow the whistle and call interference?
But let’s refer back to Buckminster Fuller’s recommendation: “Don’t fight forces, use them.”
We can use this total solar eclipse as an astringent, to draw forth unhealed gunk from our subconscious, both individually and collectively. There are still compressed files of limiting matrix data within us, waiting to be unzipped, so the contents and their issues can finally be resolved.
From my article 2017: Welcome to the Twilight Zone:
“Carl Gustav Jung recommended that we integrate the shadow. All around us, we see unresolved issues oozing or erupting out of people, and the planetary transmutation process will amplify this phenomenon as everything intensifies throughout the year. Those who have done shadow work will be glad they did.”
A truly brilliant observation by Jung is expressed in his well known quote:
“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”
Truth Will Out
With Uranus offering a tight trine to the solar eclipse, facets of our collective shadow will become significantly more visible. We have used expressions like the deep state or the shadow government, and the time has come for humanity to step up and face the music. Humans as a species have an amazingly deep and dark shadow side.
The old guard of the planetary management system has been trying desperately to maintain its public façade, but the Uranus influence here wants to reveal the truth.
The fluffy “it’s all good” crowd will be challenged to look at our collective shadow: war, murder, poverty, rape, conquest, exploitation, abuse, deception, human trafficking, organ harvesting, pedophilia, child sacrifice and on and on and on. None of this could manifest in our world without our acquiescence, so now the human race will have a huge wave of responsibility plopped onto its collective lap.
The Planetary Data Dump
Independent researchers, journalists and investigators have been unearthing massive troves of data to expose the workings of the political, religious and economic machine that has long held humanity in abject slavery. This eclipse season will give their efforts a welcome boost. But what will so many typical Earthlings do when their favorite political figures and entertainers are revealed as the criminals they have been all along? Suggestion: deal with it.
My friend Inelia Benz has long emphasized that we can always reserve the right to say no. When any set of possibilities is proffered, we are under no obligation to acquiesce. And no, hundreds of millions of us do not wish to continue tolerating a fear-based illusion being imposed upon us as though it were Reality.
No, we will no longer put up with an artificial Matrix that keeps us from experiencing the Natural Universe and flowing with its love-based Reality.
Truth will out. May we bolster enough courage to face it.
Timothy Glenn

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