Since I end up sharing this post at least several times per week via private email, I think this wants to go up again. Your body never betrays you. Really.
Ahhhh, the elusive Diagnosis! That tricky non-entity that drives so many sincere seekers my way. It’s ironic, because from a medical standpoint, I am not legally allowed to provide a diagnosis or “prescribe” treatment. All I can do is read people’s energy, note “dark” or “red” spots, static, blockages, and other aberrations, and share whatever else floats into my brain — be that past lives, herbs for people to investigate, the name of a treatment provider, questions, words or phrases. Sometimes I “see movies” or feel pain; sometimes a map lights up; other times an ignored but crying for attention life path reveals itself. A Medical Intuitive Diagnosis is not the same as a Medical Diagnosis! Not by a long shot. But sometimes, that’s a very good thing indeed.
Traditional Diagnosis Dynamics
As a survivor of a Traumatic Brain Injury and the former spouse of someone with Advanced and Chronic…
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