The magic continues at our new place. The wonderful neighborhood cat, who so successfully shooed away the groundhogs and scents the garden whenever bunny nibbles get too big, has taken to napping with me, just outside the sliding glass door. Whenever I decide to take a quick BioMat snooze in the back room, I usually find something like this:
or this:
or acrobatic feats of backscratching on the red maple. Close up, I’ve realized just how amazing this little feline is, since he? she? (that energy seems to shift, too), is actually quite small to have scared away two groundhogs. Methinks it’s a faery cat putting on Glamour to seem far larger, because I watched this little one project an almost bobcat sized presence that sent both 30+ pound Kalamazoo Kal and slightly smaller Tucker Rat Boy whistling and fleeing not only our yard but the yard across the street, too.
I’m ever so grateful, but this kitty is so independent. It’s like don’t leave out clothes for brownies or they’ll leave forever. Once I apparently offended the cat by leaving a bowl of water outside, but now I know: kitty does his/her thing, and I do mine, fuhgeddaboutit. It’s nice to have a napping buddy, though, especially since I only take cat naps myself.
Meanwhile, sync winks continue wherever David and I go. Two weekends ago, we took a day trip to Grand Rapids and I had David snap a photo of these amethyst bunny ears and tortoise for my faery twin Tania Marie.
Upon closer inspection, Tania noticed a reference to her bunny Joy, and I noticed the painted “street” signs behind that look remarkably like this housewarming gift from our sweet friends Tracy and Chip:

When it arrived, I wasn’t sure where to put this little beauty outside, because I thought it should demarcate an actual fairy crossing. Most of the garden fairies in our yard stay in their beds. I temporarily put the post by our front door, near the nudge-nudge-wink-wink porta portal that says, “Not all who wander are lost.” After a couple weeks, it dawned on me just how often I go in and out to and from my front yard kitchen garden. Fairy crossing, indeed. David, of course, had gotten the reference right away. It seems my little jokes are so often on me, but eventually I catch on.
In any case, cyclical time rolls on, whether or not I catch the giggles. I’ve made some delectable babaganoush sandwiches using garden fresh eggplant, parsley, garlic, tomatoes and lettuce, with a little lemon juice, smoked paprika and powdered peanut butter instead of tahini. Unbelievable when you “grill” the eggplant in the Avalon air fryer! And those late summer tomatoes…….. mmmmmm, I can’t even say how good those are.
I mostly grow eggplant because it’s pretty, but come harvest time, I remember how much I love babaganoush, eggplant curry and grilled veggies:
I spent yesterday transplanting balloon flowers and salvia and planting seeds of chard, spinach, beets, arugula and gourmet lettuce blends for fall crops. Critters willing, we should have some yums from front and backyards. The mums and nasturtiums are really blooming now, too, giving just a glimpse of Autumn peeking around the next Turn of the Wheel:
Wishing you and yours a gorgeous late Summer. Enjoy the bounty. And the beauty.

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