Saturday, 17 February 2018

Timothy Glenn ~ Smoking Hopium

Today we have an excellent post from my long time friend, the astrologer, numerologist and author, Timothy Glenn. On the surface, this article seems to address both Left and Right political Hopium; however, the takeaway message goes much deeper than politics. Like me, Tim supports inner empowerment and creativity. Good things are happening in the external world — yes, even in politics, unless, for some reason, you like human trafficking and pedophilia, which I really hope you don’t!

Yet we have far more influence tending our own gardens, both literal and metaphorical. Beyond the prevailing bad news and false hope exists another, magical paradigm that responds to us in real time and with tangible, verifiable results.

I know so many people living from this inner space, and contrary to doom ‘n’ gloom or empty platitudes, these people keep manifesting dreams come true. As Within, So Without. Carl Jung said, “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light but by making the darkness conscious.” Once we do, though, we can actively “become the change we wish to see in the world.” The Hopi prophecies remind us: “This could be a good time.” Indeed, it is a good time … whenever we align ourselves and make it so. Here’s Tim:

Smoking Hopium

By Timothy Glenn

Proterrian describes hope as “a wimpy substitute for faith.” When people have been beaten down by life, to the point that their faith has been shattered, hope is all they have left. Faith reaches assuredly for the next handhold or foothold, even if unseen. But when hope is the only show in town, it grasps at straws in the wind, like a last gasp of desperation. The best thing that can be said for hope is that it’s better than nothing, because at least it hasn’t chosen total self destruction.

If your faith ever gets reduced to mere hope, it will help if you avoid the common tendency of reaching to the outside world for what can only be found within: your faith, which is a facet of your divine creative power. You are an expression of the infinite energy field. If you approach things from your infinite self, the infinite will support you.

Rather than submit to external forces, your human personality can surrender to your infinite self. That constitutes an act of genuine faith. Your life can pivot in that moment, because your spirit can handle anything.

On the other hand, hope can become quite delusional. Nowhere is this demonstrated more effectively than in the world of politics.

Your Tax Dollars: Inaction

People look to governments to solve problems, most of which were caused by the governments. Centralization of power attracts corrupticrats in droves. The people respond by increasing the centralization of power, hoping the further empowering of corrupticrats will solve the problems of corruption.

This is like an alcoholic who wants to recover by drinking more alcohol. Want to lose weight? Eat more junk food. Want to get back in shape? Avoid exercise. Want to learn? Keep your mind closed.

A Slog Down Memory Lane

Back in 2008, the United States gave the world a mass demonstration of deluded hope. Hordes of Americans (ardently supported by others across the world) swallowed the Big Blue Pill of “Hopey Changey”. Yeah, they were sure smoking a lot of what they thought was the newest brand of Hopium, but was really the same old brand in a different colored package.

In our immediate circles of colleagues in the metaphysical community, Laura Bruno stood out as the only other practitioner who did not fall for the 2008 Blue Pill sales pitch. It helped that neither of us had been playing the game of party politics, and could clearly see through such illusions. Non-partisanship can build strong immunity. And no, neither of us voted for John Insane McCain, in case anybody wonders.

Even today, many Americans cannot see that both of their major parties are owned and operated by the same financial interests at the top of the infamous pyramid scheme that passes itself off as government. This applies in most other countries as well. We still hear an endless refrain of “Yay for our team, boo for their team.” These folks evidently don’t see the ancient game of divide and conquer at play in their own lives.

Left, Right: The March of Tyranny

Ben Garrison’s brilliant 2010 cartoon called The March of Tyranny shows people being trampled by a massive “being” made of Illuminati symbolism. The blue left leg is stepping onto someone who says, “Ow!! Next time I’ll vote Republican!” Meanwhile the red right leg is flattening someone who says, “Ugh!! Next time I’ll vote Democrat!”

An important symbol in the cartoon shows the pyramid-shaped head shouting through a bullhorn labeled MSM. In case you have been living under a rock, MSM stands for mainstream media. It doesn’t matter if it’s the old king’s crier or a modern talking head on television, the bullhorn represents a horn used for spouting bull.

You might think humans would wise up and see through the illusions of this ruse after a few thousand years of it. But no-o-o-o-o.

If this comes as news to you, please go easy on yourself as you wake up. You were born in the trap. You grew up in this illusion, and you have never known anything else. Even regarding current governments, the system has operated this way since before our grandparents were born. As an aside – my oldest grandparent was born in 1885, so yeah – it’s been awhile.

Brand X Trump Hopium

We currently have two different brands of Hopium regarding President Donald Trump. Most of those who are smoking heavy loads of Brand X are the ones who all but overdosed on the Hopey Changey brand back in 2008. They desperately want to see Trump impeached and forced out of office, so some will ask if it’s in his chart. Then they pout when I tell them no.

In the summer of 2015, I gave him a 99.99% chance of winning not only the Republican nomination, but of winning the general election in the fall of 2016. A rabid Hillary supporter once got in my face and objected vociferously while hanging out at a local teahouse. I simply shrugged and said, “All I’m doing is reading the charts.” She indignantly huffed in response, “Well, I disagree.” I smiled and gently replied, “Okay, it’s you versus the universe. Good luck with that.”

There are greater forces at work on Planet Earth than such people know about. And the more of their Brand X Hopium they smoke, the less they will be able to perceive a bigger picture, let alone focus on it.

Brand Y Trump Hopium

Then we have the Trump supporters toking on their Brand Y Trump Hopium pipes. Their big pipe dream envisions President Trump brandishing a Harry Potter type magic wand and making the corrupticrats disappear overnight. They have no clue what it takes to dismantle a system of economic, political, academic and spiritual enslavement that can be traced back to ancient Babylon, if not beyond.

During the 2016 campaign, Trump did promise to bust the global pedophile ring and put an end to Luciferian child sacrifice, along with other forms of human trafficking, organ harvesting, etc. This takedown operation is in full swing, but the Brand Y Hopium smokers impatiently demand seeing arrests and convictions on mainstream television right now.

Sure. No problem. Presto change-o. This planetary cleanup involves going up against entrenched forces with billions of dollars in black operations budgets, backed by multi-trillionaire families. That would be like a single knight in shining armor stepping up to a gigantic sinister castle with hundreds of dark rooms and deep dungeons, and then simply announcing, “You’re all under arrest.” Good luck with that.

These creepazoids who run the world have access to weapons of mass destruction, control most of the world’s economy and resources, have literal armies at their command (not to mention air and naval forces), manipulate most governments, and maintain an array of socially engineered psychopaths ready to carry out terrorist attacks when a particular pheromone is released.

For example, these ultra wealthy predators could order a few of their mind controlled minions to commandeer a submarine, go rogue with it, and fire a missile at Hawaii in hopes of igniting world war. The Americans might block the attack and the Chinese might destroy the submarine, and then tell everyone it was a false alarm because someone had pushed a wrong button. But the global creepazoids would still have plenty more tricks up their sleeves. They thrive on false flag attacks of all shapes, sizes and colors.

Meanwhile, their mainstream media is busily brainwashing much of the population. And yet somehow, the Brand Y Trump Hopium smokers think a flourish of a presidential Harry Potter wand should make these ensconced global power mongers go kerpoof into the thin air of an admittedly well earned oblivion.

Get Real

The Brand Y Trump Hopium smokers might contemplate a few questions for starters.

Could you pull this off without collapsing the entire world economy? Could you pull this off without triggering mass destruction or even a world war?

Could you haul these perpetrators into the courts they own, and then somehow miraculously convict them? They can afford to hire teams of the most formidable crooked lawyers on earth. They already have most of the judges in their hip pockets. So exactly how would you accomplish this, Mr. Potter? These guys make Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters look like school yard bullies – in kindergarten, no less.

Different Rules of Engagement

A literal civil war has been waged behind the scenes for decades. In the intelligence agencies and military, as well as throughout other structures of the system, people have been getting killed. Only now is this conflict rising to the surface.

We might or might not see the global creepazoids being convicted in their own courts, with the proceedings being broadcast on the mainstream media outlets they own. We might be much better off employing methods like remote viewing, astral projection or soul travel. Then we could watch the military tribunals that are not being shown to the public at large.

Keep the faith, kids.

Wake Up and Smell the Sewage

All Hopium addicts are hereby encouraged to lay down their pipes and go through withdrawal. Reach inside and find your faith. Open your eyes, open your minds and open your hearts. This is the planetary transition – the Great Purification – that we have been talking about for ages.

If the Hopium smokers of all kinds are willing to endure some excruciating self-honesty, the resulting mental and emotional body detoxification would help facilitate the overall planetary detox. The time has come for humanity to integrate the deep, dark energies of its collective shadow.

Once we have cleared away the sludge, who knows what we will find beneath it? Perhaps flowers, butterflies, dragonflies, puppy dogs and rainbows. It’s entirely up to us. We are the Infinite Creator, and it’s about damned time we started acting like it.

Timothy Glenn


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