Tuesday, 27 February 2018

March 2018 Specials

With increased focus on healing and integration, this month features a Medical Intuitive Special, as well as a new special called “Grace in the Workplace.” As always, I intuit the month’s specials based on whatever I sense will offer most support to the most people this month. Details below:

40-Minute Medical Intuitive Special

Save 25% ($44) off the usual rate for a 40-Minute Medical Intuitive Reading.

Medical Intuition is the ability to access information about physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health through “reading” the energy field around the body. A Medical Intuitive session decodes the message(s) from soul to body into language your conscious mind can understand and begin to address. It is not meant to replace traditional medical or psychological treatment, and it is not any form of medical or psychological treatment.

Instead, Medical Intuitive readings look for the root cause of continuing symptoms or conditions. Without addressing the root cause, even the “right” treatments or treatment providers fail to find a cure … or … a person continues to experience one new issue after another. By locating the root cause, a Medical Intuitive reading allows the individual to understand what the soul wants, so that healing can move through all the levels, including physical.

$133 (instead of the usual $177) for 40 minutes, if purchased on or before 3/31/18. Please contact me to sign up.


Grace in the Workplace

This new hour-long special delves deeply into career dynamics, looking to harmonize mismatches and conflicts, in order to shift into more graceful, ease filled and fulfilling work. Depending on your situation, this reading can assist with burnout, dissatisfaction, relocation, expansion, career change, or simply embracing much more Divine and supportive flow.

Many people inquire how I manage to grow and sustain a business without using social media, advertising or typical marketing. They ask me things like:

What energetic or mental tricks does this require and how can I learn them? How can I find better balance between work and play? How do I attract more compatible clients, coworkers and/or boss? How do I find more satisfaction in my current job while I prepare to move into my dream career? Do I need to consider an intermediate step? Where do I block the natural ease and grace wanting to unfold in my life’s work? What steps can I take right now to open myself to receive what my soul longs to experience?

If any of this sounds like you, too, then perhaps you’re the reason I feel led to offer this new special. $188 for the hour session if prepaid on or before 3/31/18. Please contact me to sign up.

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2018/02/27/march-2018-specials/

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