Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Book Review: Stories from the Messengers, by Mike Clelland

In December 2015, I wrote about how I “devoured” Mike Clelland’s book, “The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicity and the UFO Abductee.” Well, the long-awaited companion volume just became available! As of this writing, “Stories from the Messengers: Owls, UFO’s and a Deeper Reality” is available on Kindle only, but the paperback will get listed very soon. (Perhaps by the time you’re reading this, it already will be.)

The first “Messengers” book stands out as a turning point in my life, forcing me to explore a lifetime of paranormal events, owl encounters and unusual “gifts” within a context I generally kept at bay. For whatever reason, I feel much more comfortable speaking or writing about the Faerie Realm than I do talking about UFO’s. I always sensed a strong connection between them — and the lore supports this sense –but reading so many accounts in Mike’s first book got me to go public with a very enthusiastic book review. Despite my public blog and books, I value privacy. A lot. Especially about some topics. The compelling need to make people aware of “The Messengers” broke through my reticence to address this topic head on in a public way.

The first book explores the phenomenon of owls, synchronicity and UFOs/orbs by interviewing hundreds of experiencers. Stories from the Messengers delves far more deeply into fewer stories. It reads like a spooky, surreal, yet very intimate gathering of friends sharing stories by the fire. As Mike says, “You won’t understand these stories with your brain, but a deeper truth might emerge if you listen with your heart.” I agree.

Full disclosure: some of my own never before shared stories appear in the chapter “Owls and Healing.” When I first received my proof copy, I read the Foreword by Whitley Strieber and the first couple chapters, then skipped to my own chapter so I could get back to Mike with any changes. I thought he did an amazing job turning two years of emails and phone conversations into some kind of coherent and meaningful story. And then, I freaked the heck out! I could not believe I agreed to share all of this material, many of my deepest, most confusing and traumatic experiences, not just with Mike, but with the entire world.

Part of me wanted to revoke all permission to share my stories, but I knew how long and hard he had worked on this book. I also believe to my core about the importance of this project. Despite the yes, sheer terror, of letting these stories see print, I also felt proud to participate in such a sacred project.

After reading all the other accounts in “Stories from the Messengers,” I see I’m not alone in feeling this inner tension between wanting to stay quiet and the need to offer these stories to the world. I recognize and honor the courage of everyone who shared their own vulnerability and most precious moments. This includes Mike, who maintains such compassionate purity as a researcher. He triggered powerful healing by coaxing such hidden wounds and treasures into the light of day. Everyone included in the book works in some capacity as a healer. Shamans, Reiki Master Teachers, therapists, nurses, hands on healers, intuitives, and people at one with nature: they fill every chapter and footnote. It gets eerie after awhile, but I know from my own work the common intersection of all these callings with unusual animal sightings and Near Death Experiences (NDE).

I don’t know how to describe this book other than to recommend you read it. None of the participants offers any clear explanation for our experiences. Nor does Mike. The deeper he delves, the stranger things get. What I call the “Mystery with a capital M” shimmers throughout beautiful, traumatic and/or extremely bizarre memories and documented events. The format of this second “Messengers” book reveals how far profound synchronicities spiral and ripple across time and space — in both individual and “impossibly” interconnected lives. Despite their depth, I suspect that like mine, this sharing reflect only the surface of an endless well.

This collection feels holy.

Everyone, including Mike, shares stories that suggest a highly organized and beautiful “something” beyond full comprehension. Mystics know this feeling. So does anyone who’s survived NDE. Students often express a similar feeling about their Reiki Initiation Attunement, and many shamanic initiations follow similar trajectories to the kinds of tales shared in “Stories from the Messengers.” Going further back, though, these contemporary stories resonate with the oldest stories — our myths, legends and lore. Reading “Stories from the Messengers” invites us to remember these are living stories, with active participants. We, whoever and whatever we are, are part of this Mystery. I have nothing but gratitude for Mike Clelland and everyone and everything who made this possible.




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