I had an email catch up with a friend today, and we both thought parts of our exchange would help anyone else facing discouragement. I’ve corrected typos, added paragraphs for easier reading, and removed obviously identifying information like names, location and personal details. Otherwise, the question and my response appear intact below.
This week I’ve heard from enough clients, friends and relatives that I know more than just my friend are dancing a mazurka with discouragement. Whether your challenge stems from money, work, family, health, life path, and/or romance, please know, you’re not alone. You don’t need to know your entire trajectory right this moment. You just need to get unstuck by finding and taking the next step. And then the next one. As J.R.R. Tolkien said, “Little by little, one travels far.”
My friend:
… As an aside, do you ever get discouraged? The reason I ask is because you always seem so confident in your dealings and writings about Faeries, the world beyond the Veil, and all things spiritual/mystical, and that is a tremendous inspiration to me, but things lately with ___ and me just seem to be taking some intense and disheartening turns. It all centers around money. It’s a major issue for both of us, and it is in the forefront just now. SO much just seems to be collapsing in that area.
I really feel like I am doing all the right things, but yesterday was awful, and I totally lost my temper with my Guides and everyone Over There, which is so unlike me. I’m sure the influence of Scorpio is part of it, but honestly, I am so, so discouraged and upset about everything. I feel like I don’t even know my own self anymore. Damn, that does sound like Scorpio (and the House) stirring up subconscious garbage. Does this part end at some point? Wednesday evening was wonderful, with deep insights, heart-opening conversation, and I went to bed feeling so good. But then, wham!
There’s been a lot of that lately. I just wondered if this is me being weird and untrusting, or if this is normal and healthy. I can’t even tell anymore. I feel like packing up my crystals and feathers and candles and books. But I don’t know what I would do without them.
Hehe, you sent that at 11:11.
Do I ever get discouraged? Not now, but I was no stranger to discouragement earlier on my path. I’ve also been known to throw the occasional “Enough is Enough” “Faery Hissy Fit,” which always precedes a major shift. It’s like my own energy has had enough of a situation, and one way or another, I refuse to tolerate those circumstances any longer. I might get annoyed with circumstances or a little like “I don’t know HOW I’m gonna find my way out of this one — but I know I will, because I always do.”
I don’t get discouraged, per se, because I know that I can shift things whenever I’ve really had enough of a situation. It might take thinking outside the box and especially being willing to look at those Shadow areas and the “of course it couldn’t be that” things … but I know no one is ever truly stuck if they’re willing to explore ALL their options. Also, I’ve had enough ebbs and flows of life to know that when the tide seems so far out that it will never come back in, it surely will. If it hasn’t yet, then I ask what I need to learn, acquire, set up, or pay attention to now because I’d be too busy to do so once the tide rushes in.
Saturn goes into Capricorn on December 19th [2017]. That is huge, since Saturn (taskmaster of the zodiac) has a slow cycle. We’re also in Mercury Retrograde, so really, I wouldn’t count on having any major answers, clarity or decisions before year end. It’s just not likely, so go with the little steps, the present moment, and all the re’s … re-evaluate, review, revamp, re, re, re … which the energy does support. Have you and ___ explored ALL your $$ options, or only the ones that seem like “should’s”?
Most spiritually conscious people I know right now are overextended in terms of faith at the moment, but it’s the energy of “We’ve come this far; now would be a stupid time to stop or to start doubting our progress. We are WAY past the point of no return, so just finish the job.” You can’t turn back, but even if you could, it would be lot longer journey than staying the course.
I keep getting that you two are not exploring all of your options. There are LOTS of … options for all sorts of things. When you ask for the options, also ask for the eyes to recognize them and the courage to take the next step. And realize it might initially be several seemingly unrelated options you need to explore, which then becomes the next step.
Hey, can I post this exchange on my blog but without your identifying details? It took awhile to answer, and I suspect a lot of people could benefit from being flies on the wall to this one. This issue is up for many people right now.
xoxoxo, love, and magic,
My friend:
OF COURSE it was 11:11! lol
Now that you have said all that, I can also recognize the same pattern repeating. That was also part of my anger last night — that “here we go again” feeling. I know it will be OK in my head, and all this is part of the process, and I believe myself absolutely incapable of giving up my connection to the other side, but dammit, I get so tired. It’s also been a hard week in other ways, so there’s that.
I will take your advice and ask for eyes to see what we might be missing in terms of income. …
I have to go to a meeting right now, but I have “heard ” you. And i love you dearly for allowing me to vent a little.
And yes, please do use this on your blog. I really took it to heart when I heard in church as a child that we should lead by example, and that’s what I try to do.
Thanks so much!
Me (to blog readers):
You’re here to heal and be healed. If you feel pressed for time, then close your eyes and “take a breath of God.” All your power in all time radiates from the present moment.
“Magic is believing in yourself; if you can do that, you can make anything happen.” ~Johann Wolfgang van Goethe

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/12/08/moving-beyond-discouragement/
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