Several people have inquired how my November writing month went, as well as how we’re enjoying David being in Kalamazoo full-time now. I thought I’d give some quick updates. We still love it here! Every week we find new local hiking spots of such beauty, and we haven’t even begun to explore the various forests one to three hours from here. So far, we just feel delighted to drive three to fifteen minutes to scenes like these:
We love having David up here full time! We continue to settle in here, with David’s office now built and just waiting for unpacking. We put up the Christmas/Solstice decorations, put the yard to bed for Winter, planted the remainder of 200+ daffodils and alliums for Spring color, suddenly found all manner of long held clothing, shoe and kitchen desires manifest at unbelievable discounts, and we’ve attended some great lectures and local concerts. Next on the project agenda: the basement.
I’m glad I did not officially join NaNoWriMo this year, as I wanted to tap into the creative energy of so many people focused on writing, without forcing myself to write words just for the sake of word count. I feel good about the fiction writing I did this month, much more sure of my themes, location and some of the characters. I soon realized which directions would not carry a full novel, but I enjoyed finding unexpected subplots and new directions for the main story.
I continue the delve into characters, themes, location and inherent conflicts, curious how it will all come together, but I’m glad I relaxed the daily word count goals once David got up here full time. We’re still technically newlyweds, and we’ll never have this first time freshness in this house again. We love the adventure of finding just the right use and decorative expression for each nook and cranny of our home, and we’ve so relished our little road trips to Ann Arbor and Holland. I wanted to begin my next novel, and I have. I also unexpectedly got some new ideas for the nonfiction Lyme book I had set aside.
I continue to offer sessions throughout all of this, and the indoor garden seems as happy about all the progress as we are:
Wishing you and yours some marvelous days … whether you’re approaching Winter Solstice or Midsummer.

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