I’m posting these early since I will have limited time between now and the end of the year. You still have a few more days to purchase December 2017 Specials, but those would also need to be scheduled in 2018.
$44 Tarot Overview for 2018
So many people request Tarot readings at the beginning of the year that I felt led to make this a New Year’s Special.
Half hour tarot readings at 20% off the usual rate. Tarot readings offer an energetic check-in, the chance to ask questions about pending decisions or intentions, and represent a fun, yet powerful way to gain perspective on relationships and challenges.
Tarot readings are particularly good for people who don’t know what kinds of questions to ask me; they just want some kind of guidance because they feel unsure of what’s coming or what to focus upon. Tarot also seems to benefit those people who have exceptionally good things coming their way, yet wonder if I might be “padding the reading” or “just saying what they want to hear.” The cards don’t lie. (Neither do I – but the cards seem an even more objective medium for delivering good news.)
Please contact me if you’d like to sign up for this special. Offer valid if prepaid on or before January 31, 2018.
Three for Two
Another New Year’s Special to help optimize intended shifts for 2018: start off empowered, supported, and efficient with good focus and discernment.
Three hours for the price of two: save $222. This package can be used in whatever increments you choose — hour, 40-minute, half-hour or 20-minute sessions — and for whatever services you’d like — Medical Intuition, Life Coaching, Soul Readings, or any other related service. $444 if prepaid on or before January 31, 2018, and yes, you may purchase more than one package. Please contact me to sign up.

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/12/28/january-2018-specials/
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