Some people have inquired about the collaborative healing Lyme Disease book project between Catherine Grace O’Connell and myself. Although we remain in contact, at the moment, it seems that life has sent each of us in different directions. When Catherine was ready to start working on the project in 2016, I needed to finish up several other projects; when I started writing the book in early 2017, Catherine’s other work ramped up so much that she couldn’t do any writing at that time. Then, David and I had the whirlwind of our house purchase, move out, and still ongoing relocation.
Around the time of our move, Catherine and I decided that we will support each other’s work and writing, but not write the book together, since we currently have very different foci. She started the “Fierce 50” campaign, which helps to connect women over 50 to their most empowered selves, while simultaneously building bridges with the millennial generation, and she’s also busy with her Kat and Kaehler radio program. Meanwhile, a huge motivation behind David’s and my move was to get us into a compatible location where we could both thrive and I could write fiction again. I’m happy to report that’s already happening, as I recently began work on my next novel.
With all its complexities and multiple layers, I find Chronic Lyme Disease most responsive to some very unusual strategies of healing. In early 2017, I started writing about these in a non-fiction format; however, I’ve since decided that non-fiction is not the best avenue for delivering these concepts or triggering healing. Instead, I feel inspired to interweave my Lyme insights into a novel, where hopefully, the story itself will bypass much of the devastating resistance and stuckness I see with Lyme disease and other “medical mysteries.”
Over the past 13 years, I’ve known and worked with some of the most incredible people who’ve found Lyme a worthy (though unwelcome) adversary. I hope and pray the power of Story helps more people to help themselves, as well as provides entertainment, inspiration and healing to readers from all walks of life. At some point, Catherine might write her own story, or I/we might write a non-fiction book on Lyme disease. For the foreseeable future, though, that’s my update: non-fiction Lyme book, out; novel with a Lyme connection and all sorts of metaphysical goodies, in. Thanks for your interest and support!

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