Yesterday afternoon, I was taking one of my usual walks, admiring the magnificent trees and clouds:
I happened to wander past a field and copse where I know a groundhog lives, probably one of Kalamazoo Kal’s relatives. I suddenly thought, “It’s funny how often I’ve mentioned groundhogs — Tucker Rat Boy, Kalamazoo Kal — but never posted a photo of any of them on my blog. Of course, when I looked up, this friendly gal was out munching dinner in the autumn colors:
And then …
I thought, “Well, she’s very cute, but it’s just not Kal. I can never get a clear photo from the dining room windows due to the screens.” When I got home, I started reading on the BioMat in the back room, as I so often do. By now you’ve probably guessed who showed up for an impromptu photo shoot through the screenless part of the sliding glass door:
More of a grimace than a smile: “Here, take your stupid photo, will ya?” And then he ran the 20-yard dash to his hidey hole under the shed. I really need to stop writing about Kal now. Every time I mention him on my blog, he shows up. He’s a cute, not-little guy, and he does keep the dandelions nicely munched out back. He and the cat provide endless hours of entertainment between stalking and whistling … but I’d still prefer he remain on a strictly dandelion and clover diet, preferably across the street. As far as groundhogs go, he’s a good one — much better behaved than Tucker Rat Boy, who now lives about twelve lots to the West of us.
In any case, for anyone who’s ever wondered, that’s Kalamazoo Kal.

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