This is such a helpful post for people who want to tune into their bioregion in meaningful ways, but maybe aren’t interested in old lore or live in climates very different than the traditional Wheel of the Year days and symbolism would indicate. Thanks, Dana!
A group of people gather in an orchard, the snows quietly falling, the cold brisk and clear. Our voices ring to the heavens, toast is offered to the branches of the tree. We drum, sing, make noise, and scare away any spirits who would seek to harm the orchard’s harvest. We enjoy hot mulled cider and retreat back inside for feasting and community. This is a wassail for the health of the apple trees, an ancient celebration that is now very much part of my yearly wheel of the year (and one that I’ve described in some depth on this blog earlier this year and a few years ago). This is one of many rich traditions that we can engage in in honoring the land and living an earth-based path. In my last post, we explored how druids in various ecosystems might adapt the UK-based wheel of the…
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