Continuing yesterday’s theme of regeneration, today’s post comes from my sweet, heart-full friend, Linette. She and her husband, Jason, both learned Reiki from me a couple years ago, and I’ve watched and admired how they’ve grown and transformed in such a short time. They would dearly love to become the next caregivers for Faery Hof, alongside the new family who recently moved into my former office/guesthouse/classroom, aka Haus Am See. Linette has helped me in the garden for years. She’s hauled wood mulch, planted garlic, wassailed the fruit trees with me on Twelfth Night, and she even brings crystals as offerings for the yard. Today, she and Jason helped weed an annual bed they hope they’ll soon be gardening full time.
As she explains in this vulnerable and loving post, our house and yard represent a stretch for them, a chance to rise up from poor soil and blossom into the beautiful beings they are. The yard and I chose her long ago as the next Guardian. It’s just a matter of our landlord overcoming his resistance to pets via a very large pet deposit, as well as some timing challenges. We’ve all been Reiki-ing the situation for weeks. Well, truth be told, I’ve been sending Reiki to find the next caregivers for this yard for years, as I knew we would not be here forever. I could not be more pleased with how things unfolded next door. That is not my story to tell, but it’s an amazing tale of regeneration, too.
If you feel so led, please join us in sending prayers, Reiki and intentions that Linette and Jason and Faery Hof all find their next perfect partnership for the Highest Good of All. Readers know how much love I’ve poured into this house and yard. Linette and Jason offer that same devotion. I would be honored to transition our home and yard to them in July.
Old trailer like many of those I lived in as a child
I bet many of you lived in a place like this, and you will be able to relate to what I am about to say. My family lived in several places like this; some in trailer parks, some not. But they all shared a smell, especially in the South: cockroach spray. All the places we lived in reeked of the stuff. I can still smell it in my mind. By the time we lived in them in the mid-80s, these places had seen way better days. They often had soft floors around places where water might accumulate, like the toilet, the shower, and the kitchen and bathroom sinks. In one trailer, we had to be careful not to stand too close to the front of the shower because the floor under it was so weak, a 90 pound…
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