Today, May 19, 2017, marks the 19th anniversary of my life altering brain injury, and I am filled with gratitude.
Without that car “accident,” I would not be where I am today, would not be offering intuitive readings, Life Coaching, or teaching Reiki. I would not have explored Tarot or past lives, painted portal doors, learned Runes, explored telepathy, or embraced the enormous volume of energy flowing over, through and around my life. I would not have encountered so many amazing beings as I dead reckoned my way home.
Contrary to what my doctors pronounced, I not only regained the ability to read or write without immediate, debilitating migraine headaches, but I also managed to write three books, edit and help others write their own books, contribute chapters to several other books, get published in magazines, and create and maintain my own prolific blog. Contrary to my “permanent disability,” I have spent sixteen years helping hopeless, hopeful, exalted and downtrodden alike. I love my life, and I feel it refining and expanding into ever more clarity and joy.
For nearly two decades, minor symptoms lingered. I’ve lived such a magical life since that fateful day — a life of prayer, meditation, creativity, intention, service, and following my intuition and inner guidance above all else. Any remaining TBI “restrictions” highlighted my path for me, so I didn’t mind them.
Something shifted, though, during the equal or greater challenge of living in Goshen, Indiana, while healing and beautifying land even more traumatized and broken than my brain injury left me. As our time here draws to a close, I can honestly say that I consider myself forever transformed and completely recovered. My brain now functions better than it did pre-injury. I can’t explain how that happened, but it did.
Synchronously, today I had two back-to-back phone sessions with brain injured clients, which further underscored my awareness of how brilliantly injuries align with our soul’s growth. There are no accidents, only gateways and opportunities for authentic change. Over the years, I’ve worked with thousands of others dealing with neurological issues, medical mysteries, disability, migraines, terminal illness, sudden transitions, and bizarre spiritual experiences. Like the challenges so many of my clients face, my brain injury provided a perfect initiation to my line of work and way of life. It was one of the greatest challenges I’ve ever faced, and I wouldn’t exchange it for the world.
O, Great Mystery, thank you for welcoming me into Dark Nights of the Soul, so that I can see the stars. You have been good to me, and blessed me beyond what I dared imagine before I saw those stars. Awed and humbled, I remain. Yours.

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