This is such an excellent recap of the Beltane energies. Personally, I celebrate “Beltane Week,” all the way from April 30th through “Solar Beltane,” which falls on Cinco de Mayo this year. Lots of celebrations! Jamie offers some excellent ideas of how to tap into this energy to move and improve your life. Love and blessings, Laura
Image Credit: PD-US From the U.S. National Arboretum.
May Day falls on the first day of May, and Beltane ‘proper’ is when the Sun is at 15 degrees of Taurus — usually around the 4th or 5th of May. In 2017, it’s Solar Beltane on May 5th.
Beltane — a Gael name for this time of year — celebrates the beginning of Summer on ancient calendars, and marks the halfway point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. Spring has sprung, and Summer is on its way.
It’s a seasonal celebration of Love and the Life blooming and ripening from Spring, which promised, it was hoped, an abundant, fertile Summer and a good Autumn harvest. If previous harvests were blighted and the Winter even more harsh, the hope for the coming year helped to keep people’s heart-fires and resilience alive.
Given the Great Shift that’s underway to restore “the…
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