Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Hang on to Your Story, Hang on to Your Pain

Last week, after making the ill-advised choice to teach a group of beginners how to practice headstands, I got kicked in the skull not just once but twice. It all started like this. I looked around the room at my Thursday morning over-50 yoga class. I decided that they had been doing a good job getting […]


Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Quick Updates and Flowers

Things are traveling at a whirlwind pace, but all moving along quite well! I find this very true in our own lives, and I hear equivalent reports from clients, friends and family. Once people experiencing any challenges notice that each challenge presents a chance to clarify, confirm and commit to the new, an energy shift emerges, turning the entire process into a blessing.

This happened to us last week, as initially, the sellers of our new home indicated they would not vacate by the Friday settlement date. A flurry of prayers, sacred chants, emails, texts, visualization, and a Reiki Healing Attunement apparently activated a much more positive timeline. Literally everything except the house itself changed overnight, including the individuals and situations involved — reworking not only to a fully vacated house, but also to major sync winks and uncanny blessings the whole day of our closing. Several “full circles” made everyone marvel at Divine guidance, and we just happened to meet the previous owner to the ones selling us the house.

She’s the now elderly woman who planted all the trees and flowers. On Friday, she just happened to drive by to check out the yellow irises she always loves to see bloom, whereupon she noticed the “Sold” sign and an open garage door.


She waited for us to come outside, introduced herself, gave us her phone number and offered to set us up with her former arborist and any information we’d like to know about the park like setting she created. She expressed sheer delight that another gardener is moving in, since the people she sold to 1.5 years ago have only barely maintained the yard. A woman after my own heart, she could tell how much I love plants and trees. She’s thrilled we will appreciate the love and care she put into plant selection and that we recognize the inner beauty and unique qualities of the house she loved for decades. We’ve agreed to have her over once we finish renovations and settle in.

Meanwhile, I was excited to see an entire East wall of peonies! Ours finally bloomed this year, too, but she has about eight times as many, very mature peonies of various colors — plenty for picking!



I will announce our new location a little while after we complete our move-in. We’ve got several moving parts, including David’s job, the large and time consuming project of emptying his parents’ house in Goshen, various contractors at our new place, and our own relocation to coordinate. All in due time, but it’s all chugging along behind the scenes, even if I can’t yet announce all the details. When you see me listing new classes in a new location later this summer, you can safely assume that’s a soft announcement we’ve moved to that location. 😉

Meanwhile, back on the Goshen home front, I’m pleased to report that both houses have gone to gardeners! Everyone keeps saying the faeries will miss me here, but I’m not so sure. Two little girls running around the yard in pink dresses and hats are rather pleasing to flower faeries. Also, thanks to the generosity of several generous blog readers, lots of Reiki, prayers, intentions, and some private arrangements, Linette and her husband Jason are now able to take over our house, effective July 1. Thank you so much to everyone who reached out to Linette, and especially to my sweet sister, Erica, who initiated a donation spree in order to ensure continuation of the beautiful permaculture gardens here, while also allowing Linette to realize her dream of moving to this house. (In case you missed it, you can read her story here.)

We continue right sizing for our move, making donations, setting up new services and already transitioning to our new life. It all feels so very good! Due to privacy, confidentiality and timing, I cannot share all the miraculous details, but suffice to say, our shift to the new has opened up new pathways for so many others — a true testament that when we choose from our hearts in the Highest Good of All, life responds. I’ll leave you with the bouquet of irises from our yard, which I created for David’s mom this past Sunday. I couldn’t get the colors as vibrant in the photo as they are in person, and of course, you can’t smell their heavenly fragrance. Engage your imagination, though. It’s good for you! And good for our world.


Blessed Be … and be the blessing …


Sunday, 28 May 2017

Medical Intuitive Reading of James Comey

This is a medical intuitive reading of James Brien Comey Jr., former director of the FBI, conducted on May 28, 2017 with my good friend Maxine Taylor.   At present date he is 56 years old. He is a lawyer and was director of the FBI from September 2013 to May 2017. This is not […]


Friday, 26 May 2017

New Moon in Gemini Spread

Yep! Just experienced this changeover in a very palpable way. In case anyone else wonders what is up with the energies, here you go! Happy New Moon in Gemini. Enjoy those new set points.

Everyday Tarot

The Taurus New Moon cycle ends and the Gemini New Moon cycle begins. The New Moon in Gemini cycle presents opportunities to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Twins. Gemini is the sign of communications and siblings. It represents the third house of Astrology.  Even though we have more ways to communicate with each other than ever before, distance and division run deep in our world even today. This Moon can help us connect to themes of friendship, partnership, communication, learning, and ideas. The Moon is responsible for our deeper emotions and feelings and can bring whatever is hiding in our subconscious mind to the surface.

Let’s see what this new moon has to reveal:

new moon gemini

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Thursday, 25 May 2017

Welcome to!

Every once in awhile, a person comes along who changes the course of your entire life. For me one of the most significant people in my life has been Sue Maes of London, Ontario, my mentor in healing. Sue has just established a new website,, where you can read about her important work. You […]


Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Raise Your Vibration Past the Suffering

“Find a place inside where there’s joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.” Joseph Campbell One of the simplest ways to move yourself past suffering is to ask yourself just one question, “How can I raise my vibration?” This is the precise question I ask on behalf of my client whenever I am […]


Monday, 22 May 2017

Timothy Glenn ~ 2017: Welcome to the Twilight Zone

It’s not New Year’s Day, but it’s my birthday, so a new year of sorts. At long last, I present to you my dear friend, astrologer and numerologist, Timothy Glenn’s 2017 report. I find this one so interesting, as I’ve been paying particular attention to the King of Cups portal door I painted in 2010, which, though relegated to the laundry room/back entryway in our current house, wants to take much more center stage in the new living room alongside the Freya and Frigga door.
I’ve had this King of Cups door and its 37 “address” on the brain for weeks now, as I mentally paint, re-floor and feng shui the new space we settle on on Friday.  It hadn’t occurred to me that 2017 is the 37, King of Cups year, but that sure makes sense, given all the symbolism in our own lives and that playing out in the larger streams of energy. He even contextualizes some of the Dark Night of the Soul references I’ve posted the past little while. In any case, here’s Tim, sharing his wisdom nearly five months late and right on time!
2017: Welcome to the Twilight Zone

by Timothy Glenn

On New Year’s day, I sat down to write the traditional article for the year, typed out the foregoing title, and then sat there looking ahead with the usual tools: intuition, research, remote viewing, numerology and astrology. Oh, dear. How could anyone distill an ocean of possibilities into a single article? It seemed the title said enough, but why publish a title without an article?

In short, I let it slide. When people have asked where the New Year’s article was, I have agreed to go ahead and write it…but then would let it slide again. But finally, here goes.

Everyplace Is a Myth Somewhere Else

For several years, more and more people have been saying the equivalent of: “Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”

Now people are wondering if Kansas ever existed. Maybe it was another lie, another illusion, another fable, another false memory implanted in us by The Matrix. After all, we have been swimming in a ubiquitous ocean of deception throughout our lifetimes.

By the end of 2017, Kansas may be relegated to the realm of ancient mythological fantasy lands. This is the year upon which the planetary transformation pivots.

We have reached a major crossroads on our travels through the wilderness of the Cosmic Matrix. The wooden signposts point in various directions; Death 13 miles, Doom 57 miles, Destruction 16 miles, Eternal Life 8 feet, Stagnation 0 inches, Kansas 81 parsecs.

2017 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1

Yes, it’s a 1 year. Anything outmoded that we failed to let go of during the 9 cycle of 2016 will most likely slap us in the face and kick us in the shins until we awaken enough to transcend it. Attachments to political ideologies – more like idiotologies – are plaguing a considerable portion of the planet’s population. Evidently they missed the 2016 memo.

Any 1 cycle ushers in opportunities for newness. It favors the bold, the adventurous, the curious, and anyone who wants to explore and experiment. 2017 will offer initiation into a markedly different reality for anyone with the courage to embrace it.

2017 = 20 + 17 = 37

37 (the King of Cups in the tarot deck) deserves a treatise of its own. It holds the keys to the entire realm of feeling. The key to our ascension (or transcendence or quantum leap or whatever you want to call it) can be found in our hearts.

The key to success with the 37 is to approach life from a calm and loving heart. Lots of people do well with the loving part of that equation, but what about the calm? There isn’t much room here for freaking out, bitching or whining. Trump Derangement Syndrome? The Outrage Culture? Good luck with that.

Giving our power away to external forces won’t help. Even volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis are external forces. Really, how ready are we to transcend eons of Matrix conditioning and programming? We have wallowed through ages of seeing ourselves as what Proterrian calls “pathetic little snotlings from 3D Planet Earth”, and nothing more. Had enough yet?

The Dark Night of the Soul

My interpretations of numerology and tarot stem from the inner circles of Pythagorean teachings, not from later musings, and certainly not from the distorted interpretations of the illumi-naughty cabal.

According to Pythagoras, two numbers can indicate what Saint John of the Cross came to call the Dark Night of the Soul. By sheerest coincidence, those two numbers are 20 and 17.

Carl Gustav Jung recommended that we integrate the shadow. All around us, we see unresolved issues oozing or erupting out of people, and the planetary transmutation process will amplify this phenomenon as everything intensifies throughout the year. Those who have done shadow work will be glad they did.

How the Cards Fall

Card 20 in the tarot deck is usually misnamed Judgment. The more traditional decks show Archangel Gabriel sounding the trumpet from heaven, while humans rise from graves below. It symbolizes the call from the darkness into the light; not being called on a celestial carpet.

The Robin Wood Tarot pictures it as the phoenix rising from the ashes. Either way, ascendance is occurring. The Shapeshifter Tarot calls card 20 Transcendence, and wings are a prominent feature in all these depictions.

If you are going to be called from the darkness into the light, where are you going to be first? The darkness.

Card 17 is the Star, which is a point of light in the darkness. In order to become the Star, we first have to take a journey through the darkness. To Pythagoras, 17 represented empowerment through enlightenment. We only seek enlightenment if we find ourselves in the dark.

No matter how the cards fall, we can rise above it all.

See You in September

We have a lot going on in the skies, including what some would call “signs in the heavens”. This is a time of convergence and divergence of worlds, solar systems, dimensions, timelines, universes and whatever else. You might be feeling that “something’s gotta give”, and you’re right.

We can anticipate reaching a massive crescendo in September of this year. Exactly how things will fall out before, during and after September will be up to us to determine. “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players”…really? Perhaps this is improvisational theatre, and we are all playwrights and directors as well.

We’re All Cracked

By way of analogy, we have lived our alleged reality inside an egg. We have built up enough pressure to crack the eggshell, and we definitely feel the pressure. Emergence looms as imminent.
By the end of 2017, the perceptive among us will see the Matrix illusion around us crack as though the sky were breaking apart. We will physically glimpse beyond the veil that has kept us shrouded. We will realize that through those cracks we are looking at the natural universe. The sensitive among us will hear, feel and otherwise sense it calling us home.

Someday, we will look back and say that 2017 was the year that the adventure truly began.

Timothy Glenn


Saturday, 20 May 2017

Today’s Beauty






Healing my Memories of Home

Continuing yesterday’s theme of regeneration, today’s post comes from my sweet, heart-full friend, Linette. She and her husband, Jason, both learned Reiki from me a couple years ago, and I’ve watched and admired how they’ve grown and transformed in such a short time. They would dearly love to become the next caregivers for Faery Hof, alongside the new family who recently moved into my former office/guesthouse/classroom, aka Haus Am See. Linette has helped me in the garden for years. She’s hauled wood mulch, planted garlic, wassailed the fruit trees with me on Twelfth Night, and she even brings crystals as offerings for the yard. Today, she and Jason helped weed an annual bed they hope they’ll soon be gardening full time.

As she explains in this vulnerable and loving post, our house and yard represent a stretch for them, a chance to rise up from poor soil and blossom into the beautiful beings they are. The yard and I chose her long ago as the next Guardian. It’s just a matter of our landlord overcoming his resistance to pets via a very large pet deposit, as well as some timing challenges. We’ve all been Reiki-ing the situation for weeks. Well, truth be told, I’ve been sending Reiki to find the next caregivers for this yard for years, as I knew we would not be here forever. I could not be more pleased with how things unfolded next door. That is not my story to tell, but it’s an amazing tale of regeneration, too.

If you feel so led, please join us in sending prayers, Reiki and intentions that Linette and Jason and Faery Hof all find their next perfect partnership for the Highest Good of All. Readers know how much love I’ve poured into this house and yard. Linette and Jason offer that same devotion. I would be honored to transition our home and yard to them in July.

old brown trailer Old trailer like many of those I lived in as a child

I bet many of you lived in a place like this, and you will be able to relate to what I am about to say. My family lived in several places like this; some in trailer parks, some not. But they all shared a smell, especially in the South: cockroach spray. All the places we lived in reeked of the stuff. I can still smell it in my mind. By the time we lived in them in the mid-80s, these places had seen way better days. They often had soft floors around places where water might accumulate, like the toilet, the shower, and the kitchen and bathroom sinks.  In one trailer, we had to be careful not to stand too close to the front of the shower because the floor under it was so weak, a 90 pound…

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How to Use Social Media to Skyrocket Your Book Success

Join Amazon No. 1 bestselling author Catherine Carrigan on Susan Friedman’s podcast Book Marketing Mentors to learn how to use social media to skyrocket your book success. Listen to the podcast at this link. You can download a transcript of the podcast at this link. Susan Friedmann, CSP (certified speaking professional) is a well-respected niche marketer […]


Friday, 19 May 2017

What Beauty Will Come from Your Pain?

“Behind every beautiful thing there’s some kind of pain.” Bob Dylan She was young-ish, early 30s, and studying to become a psychologist. She told me her choice was between working with me to relieve the constant discomfort of her scoliosis or spending over $3,000 to purchase a back brace that she would wear every day. […]


Celebrating 19 Years Post-TBI

Today, May 19, 2017, marks the 19th anniversary of my life altering brain injury, and I am filled with gratitude.

Without that car “accident,” I would not be where I am today, would not be offering intuitive readings, Life Coaching, or teaching Reiki. I would not have explored Tarot or past lives, painted portal doors, learned Runes, explored telepathy, or embraced the enormous volume of energy flowing over, through and around my life. I would not have encountered so many amazing beings as I dead reckoned my way home.

Contrary to what my doctors pronounced, I not only regained the ability to read or write without immediate, debilitating migraine headaches, but I also managed to write three books, edit and help others write their own books, contribute chapters to several other books, get published in magazines, and create and maintain my own prolific blog. Contrary to my “permanent disability,” I have spent sixteen years helping hopeless, hopeful, exalted and downtrodden alike. I love my life, and I feel it refining and expanding into ever more clarity and joy.

For nearly two decades, minor symptoms lingered. I’ve lived such a magical life since that fateful day — a life of prayer, meditation, creativity, intention, service, and following my intuition and inner guidance above all else. Any remaining TBI “restrictions” highlighted my path for me, so I didn’t mind them.

Something shifted, though, during the equal or greater challenge of living in Goshen, Indiana, while healing and beautifying land even more traumatized and broken than my brain injury left me. As our time here draws to a close, I can honestly say that I consider myself forever transformed and completely recovered. My brain now functions better than it did pre-injury. I can’t explain how that happened, but it did.

Synchronously, today I had two back-to-back phone sessions with brain injured clients, which further underscored my awareness of how brilliantly injuries align with our soul’s growth. There are no accidents, only gateways and opportunities for authentic change. Over the years, I’ve worked with thousands of others dealing with neurological issues, medical mysteries, disability, migraines, terminal illness, sudden transitions, and bizarre spiritual experiences. Like the challenges so many of my clients face, my brain injury provided a perfect initiation to my line of work and way of life. It was one of the greatest challenges I’ve ever faced, and I wouldn’t exchange it for the world.

O, Great Mystery, thank you for welcoming me into Dark Nights of the Soul, so that I can see the stars. You have been good to me, and blessed me beyond what I dared imagine before I saw those stars. Awed and humbled, I remain. Yours.



Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Garden Firsts: Columbine, Iris, Sea Kale, Rhododendron, Roses, and the Portable 2017 Garden


Stunning columbines this year! It is crazy windy today, so some of these photos aren’t as clear as I’d like. Too pretty to keep to myself, though. 🙂


Flowering sea kale, an edible perennial that looks good all season. Even better, you can eat every single part from roots to shoots to leaves to buds to flowers:


The first of many varieties of irises bloomed today:

This scabrosa rose makes huge hips, but the bees and I love the flowers, too:


Ever since I was a child, rhododendrons have bloomed on my birthday. This one came a few days early, right behind a pink geranium I’ve overwintered since our time in Madison:



I’m loving this rag tag, makeshift backdoor planter. I just stuck these pots outside to get them out of the way while moving plants as I made way for those from the blue house. This pineapple sage, red geranium, mystery plant, and ivy seem so happy and spontaneously coordinated, though, that I left them on concrete blocks I needed to move out of the garage anyway:


Speaking of rag tag, this year’s annuals are very portable. Here’s my non-perennial and perennial cuttings garden, potted up and ready for a late June transplant to our new location:


So far so good. I needed to empty our Garden Tower for easier moving, and I didn’t want to waste the soil. Ideally, containers begin with fresh soil, but I mixed in Epsom salts and worm castings to add nutrients. Once we arrive at the new spot, I’ll transplant these into 20 gallon fabric bags I bought for tender fruit and berry bushes. It will be a gradual shift to the permanent raised beds, but I got these huge, handled garden bags on a super discount. They and a strawberry filled Garden Tower will allow me to have a productive garden even as I observe the yard for more permanent hardscaping and planting.

At first, I thought I might skip gardening altogether this year, but I just can’t bring myself to do that! I’ve got big plans for edible perennials in our new front yard, and the backyard will have raised beds and container fruit trees and berry bushes. Rather than rush something permanent, I decided to compromise — give myself a fully productive garden in a very small space while I allow the land, shadows and microclimates to inform what happenes longer term.

Updates to come …




Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Archetypes & Imagination: 2017 Speaking Engagements

Reposting this for anyone in Washington, Oregon, the Bay Area and/or Prague. I’ve seen Becca’s fascinating talks on YouTube. This promises to be an interesting and soul enriching opportunity for anyone interested in astrology, Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine, Tolkien and Jung. Best of luck with your travels and talks, Becca!

Becca Segall Tarnas

This year is turning out to be full of exciting opportunities for travel and speaking engagements. In two weeks’ time I will be going to the Northwest Astrology Conference in Washington state, and giving my first presentation at a regional astrology conference. The title and description of my talk is below:

Calling the Generations: Participating in Outer Planetary Alignments
During major outer-planetary cycles, entire generations are born carrying the archetypal signature of that time. When these same outer planets realign in new configurations there is an archetypal resonance between the generations born with those alignments and the needs of that time. Each planetary combination offers unique gifts, and in our current era of social, ecological, and spiritual crisis each may have its significant role to play in creating a life-enhancing future.

For those in the Bay Area who may be interested in this topic, I will be presenting a longer…

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