A beautiful Equinox musing from my sweet Faery twin Tania! David and I spent a super-charged and synchronous day yesterday aligning things more in the 3D world to what we’ve been dreaming and nurturing into being from beyond. One reason we love honoring the Wheel of the Year is because doing so enables these sorts of reflections and awareness of the spiral journey. The Wheel Turns, but we are never the same each cycle. Taking moments to tune into larger cycles and patterns helps bring forth more a authentic present by encouraging shifts that harmonize with our own soul’s song. Love and blessings to Tania and to everyone.
Peace and harmony to you on this beautiful Spring Equinox portal. Where ever you are I hope you can take some time to tune in and anchor in your own “change of seasons” with some reflection on where you are on your journey, envisioning what you would like to be creating as your path continues to unfold, and honing in on what actions you can take to put it all into renewing motion. I was just thinking about the last few years and where I was on Spring Equinox…last year in the Grand Canyon on our Magick Bus adventure, the year before on the island of Amantani in Lake Titicaca for our sacred journey to Peru I organized, and the year before hosting the Reiki Renewal Retreat in Laguna Beach, CA. And now, sitting above Lake Tahoe in our treehouse in Nevada engaging in what I feel to be my…
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source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/03/21/springing-into-fuller-embodiment-spring-equinox-portal-of-possibilities/
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