Thursday, 23 March 2017

March 2017 Specials

One week left! The Energy Protection for Empaths sessions have been powerful, but for anyone else wondering, April will feature totally different specials than March.

I’m also in process of restructuring session types and rates, as David and I have lots of shifts occurring in our lives, too. With everything else up for reevaluation, aspects of my business are, as well. Just giving everyone a heads up that I will soon be shifting some policies, session types, lengths, rates and availability, so if these specials speak to you, now would be a good time to take action. The odds of me repeating these particular specials in this particular form are slim.

Laura Bruno's Blog


So many people keep contacting me about Empath concerns and Empath health related issues that I’ve decided to extend the February Energy Protection for Empaths Special through March. My morning meditation also surprised me with a brand new, never before offered Special to help some people take a major step into the next phase of life and leadership. Details below. As always, I intuit which specials to offer based on my read of the current month’s energies and what I can offer as strongest support for the month’s potential shifts. I wish you each peace, discernment and joy as we continue to move through 2017’s powerful energies.

Energy Protection for Empaths

This new half-hour offering shares tips and techniques specifically tailored to your own energy field and the challenges you face as a “Sensitive” or “Empath” — someone who deeply feels the emotions and energies of others…

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