Lots of good nuggets here. I’m particularly interested in the Slow Money movement as a sane antidote to financial market instability: farmers market stability! Prior to my 1998 brain injury, I was a go-go-go kind of person. I actually needed to unlearn time management, since the spread of unbroken time in disability loomed very large. Retiring at 25 and then completely retooling my life to include very different work and balanced leisure time was one of the most challenging and rewarding things I’ve done. Making a conscious choice to move in this direction saves people many a health crisis. … Thank you, Dana!
When I lived in Michigan, each Christmas, a local church just down the road from me put on a drive-by nativity scene. Cars full of people would line up for over half a mile and drive around this circular loop surrounding the church, where church members dressed up and enacted various kinds of nativity scenes. I’m sure from the perspective of the church (who, clearly, invested a lot of time and resources, taking weeks to build the sets in the bitter cold in the time leading up to the event), it was a way to reach people who might otherwise not come through the church doors. This same church also offered “speedy sermons” and other “quick” ways of getting busy people in the door. The idea behind these different initiatives was reaching out to people who were otherwise too busy to come to church–a reasonable and rather creative thing to…
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source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/03/12/slowing-down-the-druid-way-part-iv-slow-movements-and-slow-spirituality/
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