Friday, 31 March 2017

April 2017 Specials ~ Last Call for These Offerings

As I mentioned last week, I’m in process of restructuring rates, session lengths, policies and offerings. I have not raised rates in 10 years but will begin doing so in May, in order to bring things more into alignment with my 16 years of professional experience as an intuitive reader and over ten years as a Life Coach. I’ve also been considering various requests over the years for additional services, classes, and mentorship programs, and I’m discerning which, if any, of those I feel led to offer at this time. My decision to restructure services and rates comes after much prayer, contemplation and synchronous nudges. I celebrate the new, even as it continues to reveal itself.

With our upcoming move — date and exact location TBD — I know I will make additional shifts once I get a sense of how many local classes I begin teaching in the new spot and how much time I feel called to devote to writing, including a return to writing fiction. Endings so often precede beginnings: although I don’t yet know all the details of the coming shifts, I recognize that some things have run their course. This month’s specials have been very popular over the years, but I will likely not repeat them in these forms or rates again. If you’ve ever felt led to these offerings in the past, then April 2017 would be the time to take advantage of the 3 for $333 or the Preparedness $123 specials described below.

$333 Intuitive Coaching Three-Pack

This special offers major savings at $333/three hours. I’ve found that even people who normally process things on their own feel challenged by the increased intensity and “sorting” of the Universe these days. As we continue with Earth changes, internal and galactic shifts, I feel called to offer a short burst of support to those in need. These sessions can be used close together or saved for a future need. You can use them in hour or half-hour segments. You can use these for Life Coaching, Medical Intuitive Readings and support, Soul Readings, Tarot or any of my other services offered at this time. The entire package can be gifted to someone else, but (for simplicity of paperwork) these three-packs cannot be divided and shared among multiple individuals. Offer valid if prepaid on or before April 30, 2017. To schedule your first session or purchase the package, please contact me here.

Intuitive Preparedness Check-In

This is a return of another special. With all the political, social and environmental upheaval, people want to know how to maintain a positive, proactive vibration and how to thrive while also shoring up any weak spots. This special responds to many comments, questions and private emails requesting my take on the question “What can I do right now?” — for specific individuals, rather than general guidelines and suggestions.

This hour session gives you access to my own intuitive scan of what areas of focus will provide you the greatest payback and sense of abundance, peace and security, with the least amount of resistance. Those looking to make larger lifestyle shifts can ask me to scan various lifestyle, location and/or community options to see which ones fit best with your vibration and heart’s desires. You can also use our time together to discuss energetic/magickal protection and manifestation tools and techniques, along with troubleshooting your most pressing concerns in various areas of life, including finances, food security, faith/spirituality/soul nurturing, relationships and/or land, including “garden guidance.”

I feel so strongly about helping people take steps from fear, denial and overwhelm into abundance, joy and freedom, that I’m keeping this pricing a simple $123. As Tolkien said, “Little by little, one travels far.”

Please contact me if you’d like to sign up for this special. Offer valid if prepaid on or before April 30, 2017.

Reiki 1 Certification in Goshen, Indiana

I’ve had a couple people request another Reiki 1 Certification Class before we leave Goshen. Since we don’t yet have a date of departure, I would need to schedule this no later than June 1, 2017. I’m willing to teach this class, but with all we have going on, I would require a minimum of four people in order to host another class here. We’re moving North, so if our current location is closer than Michigan and you’d like Reiki 1 training, please contact me to discuss potential dates. I have two rooms available for out of town students. You can find information on a previous Reiki Level 1 class here. This would also likely be your last chance to see the gardens of Faery Hof and Haus Am See, in case you hoped to see those in person before we move on to new adventures.



Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Garden Update: Bursting Forth and Bittersweet

I’ve been so busy with sessions and house hunting, which makes this season’s Dance of Spring a little bittersweet. The literally thousands of bulbs I’ve planted as recently as last Autumn have begun their smiling jigs and Sufi swirls. I still contend that this circle of miniature daffodils I planted around our North Star Cherry tree, visible from the stairwell’s window, was one of the very best gifts I’ve ever given myself:


You can also see the chives poking through as they prepare to bloom in the season of alliums, while the Elfin Thyme ground cover awaits warmer weather.

As David and I view property after property, I continue to move through a mix of emotions, realizing that I likely will not have this large a yard or this type of garden again. I’ve poured so much time, money and love into these yards, initially to offset the oppressive ugliness around our first house, but then gradually transforming and taking over the adjacent house and yard. This little segment of Goshen blooms from March through November, a honeybee and butterfly haven, squirrel and rabbit paradise, and a massive harvest of food and flowers for humans, too.

The garden has been my best local friend and baby while David poured so much energy into helping his parents. It cheered me when I returned last year after helping my own parents as my father passed and I spent two months moving my mom from their house of thirty years into a beautifully feng shui’d and tailored just for her new home. The garden has fed countless neighbors and students, friends, and family members as they’ve visited. It’s provided garlic, tea, and herbs for faraway friends and family, and David’s mom receives 35-40 bouquets a year. Our produce has fed people we don’t even know at a local food bank and soup kitchen. I’ve provided flowers and lodging for memorial services, plant starts for other gardeners, and I’ve hosted garden tours and taught others how to permaculture their own yards. The garden has served as my connection point and calling card in an area with few receptors for my other gifts.

Most importantly for me, the yard became an enormous canvas, welcoming my designs and colors, feeding my soul, allowing this artist to run wild, and rewarding me with feasts for all the senses. Everyone keeps saying, “How can you leave your garden?” “You’ll miss your garden,” and until this weekend, I didn’t really think I would. I love it, but it’s a ton of work, sometimes quite literally! It’s great exercise, and I will always have some kind of edible ornamental garden and perhaps experiment with more bio-intensive gardening on a much smaller scale with better soil. But for so many reasons, I know that I will not repeat these yards.

As with any good permaculture project, the design suits not only the land itself, but its surroundings and uses. In Goshen, I wanted and needed a time sink. I loved the education, but I also loved how much time the gardens took to design, create, implement and tend. With few distractions of interest to me and very little Nature, Goshen provided the perfect intensive immersion course in restoration permaculture, land healing, and digging deeper inside myself than I ever realized I could go. This Underworld Initiation was all consuming. It informed my work, as well as my own healing, perspective, politics and spirituality. It will certainly inform my writing. But it has served its purpose. For me. For us. We know it’s time to leave and shift and grow in different directions.

When we move, I’ll focus much more on writing, traveling and teaching classes. I want some fruit and nut trees, lots of flowers (of course), and a more elegant looking landscape filled with surprising edibles. I want attractive hardscaping, and I challenge myself to sneak permaculture principles into a much more traditional looking landscape. I look forward to the new design, which will completely depend on the new location, as yet unknown except that we will have a new location. We shall see. I feel excited about the prospects of a totally new design opportunity and goals, and I know this next phase will provide so much joy and so many rewards for me and especially so for David.

But yes, I will miss my Goshen garden. Here’s some late March beauty, likely the last I’ll experience in these yards and houses:




To all the Faeries, Elves, Devas and Spirits of the Land, I honor you. I urge you to become a beacon to your new human caretakers, as we transition from this sacred ground.

To all the Faeries, Elves, Devas and Spirits of the next Land, I honor you. Please welcome us. Make known your desire to work and play with us. Summon us. Provide the vision. Open the way.

With deepest blessings and love …


Monday, 27 March 2017

The Harm of Overheated Talk

In recent walks around town and in sessions, I’ve had similar conversations, as people share how difficult they find it to remain balanced and joyful as the overheated world burns through them. Jamie links to some good refresher tips, and I would add that anytime chaos begins to erupt, you’ll have far more influence than usual if you can identify, summon, pursue and amplify those things you DO want.

You don’t need to know the entire picture. As Gurumukh said, “We must start somewhere because if we don’t start somewhere, we’ll be nowhere. Start wherever you are.” Don’t be afraid to make mistakes while living a more authentic life. In times of chaos, “mistakes” create springboards for those present and centered enough to recognize opportunities swirling around them. Observe and then poise yourself to spring into action when something whispers clearly to your heart and soul.

Sophia's Children

Ceyx and Alcyone, 1768, by Richard Wilson. Amgueddfa Cymru, National Museum of Wales.

“I’ve been on a soapbox for months now about the harm that our overheated talk is doing to us. Yes it mobilizes supporters—but by mobilizing them with hysterical accusations and pseudo-information, overheated talk has made it impossible for representatives to represent and elected leaders to lead.”

~ David Frum, “Waterloo,” 3/21/2010 (referenced in 3/2017 The Atlantic)

Eruption des Stromboli (Isolde Eolie, Italien). Photo by Wolfgang Beyer, GNU Free via Wikimedia

Mr. Frum was writing in 2010, though the insight about “the harm of overheated talk” is always timely.

He also noted the very personal, ego-centric agendas of those stirring up the frenzy by way of purposely inflammatory ‘talk’, and that this created an environment that “trapped” those leaders who otherwise preferred collaboration and compromise yet were pulled along in the toxic current that…

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Thursday, 23 March 2017

March 2017 Specials

One week left! The Energy Protection for Empaths sessions have been powerful, but for anyone else wondering, April will feature totally different specials than March.

I’m also in process of restructuring session types and rates, as David and I have lots of shifts occurring in our lives, too. With everything else up for reevaluation, aspects of my business are, as well. Just giving everyone a heads up that I will soon be shifting some policies, session types, lengths, rates and availability, so if these specials speak to you, now would be a good time to take action. The odds of me repeating these particular specials in this particular form are slim.

Laura Bruno's Blog


So many people keep contacting me about Empath concerns and Empath health related issues that I’ve decided to extend the February Energy Protection for Empaths Special through March. My morning meditation also surprised me with a brand new, never before offered Special to help some people take a major step into the next phase of life and leadership. Details below. As always, I intuit which specials to offer based on my read of the current month’s energies and what I can offer as strongest support for the month’s potential shifts. I wish you each peace, discernment and joy as we continue to move through 2017’s powerful energies.

Energy Protection for Empaths

This new half-hour offering shares tips and techniques specifically tailored to your own energy field and the challenges you face as a “Sensitive” or “Empath” — someone who deeply feels the emotions and energies of others…

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Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Springing Into Fuller Embodiment ~ Spring Equinox Portal of Possibilities

A beautiful Equinox musing from my sweet Faery twin Tania! David and I spent a super-charged and synchronous day yesterday aligning things more in the 3D world to what we’ve been dreaming and nurturing into being from beyond. One reason we love honoring the Wheel of the Year is because doing so enables these sorts of reflections and awareness of the spiral journey. The Wheel Turns, but we are never the same each cycle. Taking moments to tune into larger cycles and patterns helps bring forth more a authentic present by encouraging shifts that harmonize with our own soul’s song. Love and blessings to Tania and to everyone.

Tania Marie's Blog

Peace and harmony to you on this beautiful Spring Equinox portal. Where ever you are I hope you can take some time to tune in and anchor in your own “change of seasons” with some reflection on where you are on your journey, envisioning what you would like to be creating as your path continues to unfold, and honing in on what actions you can take to put it all into renewing motion. I was just thinking about the last few years and where I was on Spring Equinox…last year in the Grand Canyon on our Magick Bus adventure, the year before on the island of Amantani in Lake Titicaca for our sacred journey to Peru I organized, and the year before hosting the Reiki Renewal Retreat in Laguna Beach, CA. And now, sitting above Lake Tahoe in our treehouse in Nevada engaging in what I feel to be my…

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Saturday, 18 March 2017

How to Thrive in a Less Than Ideal Location

So many clients have specifically mentioned this article during recent sessions, and so many others have requested I send it to them, that this post obviously wants to go up again. It seems timely, too, as David and I gain momentum mid-process of a big shift ourselves, TBA once the rest of the pieces fall into place. 😉

Laura Bruno's Blog

Today’s topic arises so many times in coaching sessions that I thought I’d address it here, since it seems more common than not for people to feel misplaced, isolated or otherwise “stuck” in a location other than their heart’s desire. Having lived in 43 homes throughout my life — including many of the most beautiful, stunning spots in the US — and currently living well in a way less than ideal area, I can share both personal and professional tips for creating your best life wherever you are. This is not a “settle for less” post, but rather a list of ways to ensure you receive the most benefit, growth and satisfaction from any given location until you either realize you do love where you live, or you manage to leverage yourself into something much more compatible and preferred.

Create a Sacred Space

The first, easiest and most important step…

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Friday, 17 March 2017

Peter Gundry ~ 1 Hour of Celtic Music

A quarter Irish (and mostly Fae), I wanted to share this magical Celtic music from composer Peter Gundry. My connection to Ireland goes back much further than St. Patrick’s Day — to the ancient myths and lore, Wheel of the Year and more. Next Monday marks Spring Equinox, and David and I will be busy with our own unusual way of celebrating another Turn of the Wheel. However you honor this day and the coming seasonal shift, I wish you a pot of peace and a rainbow of blessings.


Thursday, 16 March 2017

The Story You Tell Yourself Creates Your Chemistry

“Whenever you are fed up with life, start writing. Ink is the great cure for all human ills.” C.S. Lewis This week, I did medical intuitive readings for two women who had experienced severe trauma that had kept them stuck in emotional and physical pain. One woman’s son had been murdered two years previously. Another had […]


Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Edible Flowers

I just got a newsletter update from the Phoenix-based Agriscaping with Justin Rohner. We have snow on the ground here in Indiana, and I know much of the East Coast is undergoing “Snowmageddon.” Who doesn’t like flowers, though? If you live in a warmer climate zone, you can grow these now. If you’re shivering inside, you can start planning for spring or just enjoy the virtual blooms:


Monday, 13 March 2017

Spirit Babies, New Souls, Fertility, Death and the Meaning of Miscarriage

For most of my life, I’ve acted as a spiritual midwife, assisting souls crossing the veil one way or the other. As a Medical Intuitive, I hear from many people diagnosed with “terminal” illnesses. Some recover their physical health by healing on the soul level; others require assistance as they prepare for death. At the other end of the spectrum, I do a lot of work with couples trying to conceive, with women suffering from repeat miscarriages, and/or couples who’ve welcomed in children with special needs.

The topics of fertility issues, miscarriages, special needs children, and metaphysical meaning of pregnancy and beyond keep arising in sessions. These are sacred themes and processes and ones I feel honored to support by providing bigger picture context and insights into soul path and dreams. I actually find the fertility and birth sessions among the most soul healing and transformative, because these conversations so often lead to generational healing, reclamation of lineage, and/or healing of past life traumas.What seems an isolated issue becomes a touchstone to deep, multidimensional healing.

One perk of helping so many women conceive and give birth “against all odds” includes receiving so many amazing birth stories as follow-up, along with photos of the little ones as they grow. I feel grateful to be a sort of faery godmother or “Auntie Laura” to so many beautiful children, and a recipient of some of the most magical stories of synchronicity and soul awakening. I cannot share those deeply personal stories on my blog, except to say that they provide tremendous honoring and confirmation of what I call “the Mystery with a capital M.”

Anyone struggling with fertility, miscarriage and/or special needs children might find help and hope in this old blog post from 2009, which still holds true today: “Fertility, Miscarriage & Special Needs Kids: Some Medical Intuitive Observations.”

I know from so many women the devastation of a pregnancy not happening or not going “as planned,” and I just feel led to affirm that there is a plan — and you can find meaning, peace and fertility in your life. It might look a little different than you expected or currently allow, or it might arrive through your own healing. Rest assured, it does arrive.

Sending much love and many blessings … Laura


Sunday, 12 March 2017

Slowing Down the Druid Way, Part IV: Slow Movements and Slow Spirituality

Lots of good nuggets here. I’m particularly interested in the Slow Money movement as a sane antidote to financial market instability: farmers market stability! Prior to my 1998 brain injury, I was a go-go-go kind of person. I actually needed to unlearn time management, since the spread of unbroken time in disability loomed very large. Retiring at 25 and then completely retooling my life to include very different work and balanced leisure time was one of the most challenging and rewarding things I’ve done. Making a conscious choice to move in this direction saves people many a health crisis. … Thank you, Dana!

The Druid's Garden

When I lived in Michigan, each Christmas, a local church just down the road from me put on a drive-by nativity scene. Cars full of people would line up for over half a mile and drive around this circular loop surrounding the church, where church members dressed up and enacted various kinds of nativity scenes.  I’m sure from the perspective of the church (who, clearly, invested a lot of time and resources, taking weeks to build the sets in the bitter cold in the time leading up to the event), it was a way to reach people who might otherwise not come through the church doors.  This same church also offered “speedy sermons” and other “quick” ways of getting busy people in the door. The idea behind these different initiatives was reaching out to people who were otherwise too busy to come to church–a reasonable and rather creative thing to…

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Friday, 10 March 2017

Lee Harris ~ Energy Update, Invite Peace & Connect

This is an important energy update from Lee Harris, which echoes what I have sensed in my own life, as well as themes during sessions. I have been very busy with sessions and teaching various public and private classes, so I’ve not had time to post about current energies. As usual, Lee is spot on. This video will especially support anyone in process of summoning big life changes, working on creative projects, and/or reevaluating relationships. Here’s Lee:


Thursday, 9 March 2017

Excellence, the Side Benefit of the Yoga of Writing

When people hear about everything I do, they often jump to the conclusion that I must be overworked or stressed out. Nothing could be further from the truth. I consider myself one of the least stressed working people I know. I walk in the park every day with my dog Dixie. I have time for […]


Monday, 6 March 2017

Lyme Disease Prevention and Resources

In response to some reader comments and emails, I wanted to post a couple links today regarding prevention and resources for Lyme Disease.

First comment from PeaceNowFlower: “Hello Laura, I heard the early Spring was causing an epidemic of Ticks in many areas. If you have a post you can republish to give your readers knowledge about how to prevent or treat early Lyme, it might be a year to post it early like the early warmth.”  Here’s a link to a May 2014 post that still holds true today:

Protecting Yourself from Lyme Disease includes my own tips, as well as a tick protocol by homeopathic MD, Dr. Ronald Whitmont.

Also, from blog reader, Linda: “just read this article by a Toronto [psychotherapist] who wrote a book on Lyme disease (Lyme Madness) in the hopes of waking up mental health professionals to the reality of Lyme.  Her adult son has it.  Thought you might find it interesting/of use:  Lyme is All in Your Head.”

When I clicked through to the article, I realized it’s by Lori Dennis, whose interviews by Catherine Grace O’Connell you can find linked on my blog by clicking here.  Lori is both compassionate and extremely savvy about the mental/emotional/neurological side effects of Lyme Disease, as well as the insurance and medical reluctance to look at Chronic Lyme. She’s a mama bear advocate, driven by love for her son, and I love how the article notes the role of mothers in addressing and changing the narrative about this disease.
Big blessings, healing and safe hiking to everyone!


Saturday, 4 March 2017

How to Trace Your Acupuncture Meridians for Pain Relief

One of my great joys as a medical intuitive healer is to teach you how to heal yourself. When you know what to do to heal yourself, you feel empowered rather than trapped or hopeless when you experience the inevitable aches and pains of life. One of the simplest energy healing techniques to relieve pain […]


Thursday, 2 March 2017

March 2017 Specials


So many people keep contacting me about Empath concerns and Empath health related issues that I’ve decided to extend the February Energy Protection for Empaths Special through March. My morning meditation also surprised me with a brand new, never before offered Special to help some people take a major step into the next phase of life and leadership. Details below. As always, I intuit which specials to offer based on my read of the current month’s energies and what I can offer as strongest support for the month’s potential shifts. I wish you each peace, discernment and joy as we continue to move through 2017’s powerful energies.

Energy Protection for Empaths

This new half-hour offering shares tips and techniques specifically tailored to your own energy field and the challenges you face as a “Sensitive” or “Empath” — someone who deeply feels the emotions and energies of others, including the larger collective energies and emotions. Empaths have intuitive, psychic, and healing gifts that can feel more like a curse when faced with discord, negative or disharmonious frequencies like EMF’s, groupthink, or emotional overwhelm.

As someone whose already very thin veil practically disappeared with a 1998 brain injury, I have learned through trial and error, extensive research and over 15 years as a professional Medical Intuitive, how to protect the energy field so that those “gifts” actually live up to their potential. These tips and techniques don’t mean you stop feeling the energies; however, they allow you to recognize more clearly when something’s “yours” and when it’s not. They also help you much more quickly return to peace, soul sovereignty, joy, and allow you to exercise much greater healing influence in your life and in our world.

$77 for the half hour if prepaid on or before 3/31/2017. This session can also be doubled for an hour at $154. For more information or to sign up, please contact me here.

$555 Reiki Level 3 Master Teacher Certification Special

I’ve never offered something like this before, and I don’t know if I ever will again; however, this morning, I received a very strong sense to do so for the month of March 2017. I’m taking $95 off the normal rate for in-person or correspondence/phone/distance training and certification for Reiki Level III Master Teacher. This special obviously does not apply to everyone, as you will need at least Reiki Level 2 Certification from me or another Reiki Master Teacher. I also require a casual but effective application process so that I get a sense of readiness for this next level. 555 indicates divinely guided positive change, so it seems like an appropriate number for certification to teach “divinely directed healing energy,” another definition of Reiki besides “Universal Life Force Energy.”

People considering this special might find this Reiki Master Teacher FAQ post very helpful in answering common questions related to discerning your own readiness and our compatibility as teacher and student. You do not need to know for sure you’d like to teach Reiki in order to take this training. You just need to feel ready to learn Reiki from the perspective of one who could teach and who has committed to living the Reiki Principles as much as possible in your own life.If you decide you’d like to apply for in-person (in Goshen, IN) or long distance Reiki Level 3 Master Teacher Certification, please contact me, and we’ll start the short application process. The message to post this special was so strong this morning, that I’m excited to see who steps forward. Offer valid if prepaid on or by March 31, 2017.



Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Medical Intuitive Reading of Melania Trump

To watch the Youtube vide of my medical intuitive reading of Melania Trump with astrologer Maxine Taylor, please click below.   This is a medical intuitive reading of Melania Trump, wife of Donald Trump, president of the United States. The reading was conducted on Feb. 28, 2017, at the time Melania is 46 years old. […]
