Thank you, Jamie! This one brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful tribute to your grandmothers and a poignant commentary on today’s world!
Thank you also for the important reminder that whether or not we have children, WE are the grandmothers and great grandmothers (or grandfathers and great grandfathers) of future generations. WE are becoming the Ancestors even as we live and breathe, whether breaths of love or hatred. May we, as Jamie says, “summon the better angels of our natures and look for and affirm the good in the ‘other.'” Blessed be … and please, take a moment find the blessings. They are there, blooming like late November flowers, for anyone with eyes to see them.
As I watched, with a heavy heart, the acute and often venomous polarization leading into, through, and following the recent presidential election here in the U.S., I found myself thinking of my two grandmothers.
Anabel, a.k.a. “Nani”
My maternal grandmother, Anabel,was what we might justifiably call a Rabid Republican. She was born before 1900 — a Scorpio Sun — and died before I started university.
She was a gifted seamstress and needle-worker who could whip up a cable-knit sweater, or any article of clothing, or a quilt or an afghan or fine needlework lace, with ease and true mastery. She could repair a favorite blanket or sweater or, heck, even a sock, with equal skill.
She had a real Trickster wit, and a sense for sudden and unexpected outbreaks into “coloring outside of the lines” — like when she and her sisters, definitely ‘elders’ by that point, got…
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