November always feels like a good time to offer support for the soul, so this month’s offerings reflect this energy of tending our inside in the midst of holidays, election results, worldly demands, and whatever those mean for each person.
Sacred Soul Session
This half hour session helps you to reclaim and nurture a sense of the sacred in ways that foster your soul’s deepest longings. For some people, this might be a look into your soul’s reason for showing up at this time and place — the perennial “Why am I here?” topic. For others, it might offer a uniquely designed ceremony to release a past grief or regret. It might offer a list of resources specifically tailored to you at this point on your path. For some people, it might mean helping you to utilize skills you already have in new ways that deepen your experience. For still others, a Sacred Soul Session might include general instructions about how to design meaningful rituals and select proper timing, so that you can incorporate ritual as a regular means of empowerment and healing.
Without performing the reading, I don’t know exactly what you’ll receive, but the reading will focus on bringing your outer life much more into alignment with your inner being.
So called “primitive” societies value the importance and power of ritual. As we shift through so many changes, both outward and inward, collective and individual, effective ritual moves energy in ways the rational mind, affirmations, and emotions can only approximate. The Sacred Soul Session arises from my recognition of the deeply compassionate and aligned Wisdom of the Soul, and how small, symbolic acts can effect enormous change.
$77 for this half hour session. Special must be purchased on or before November 30, 2016, although sessions can be scheduled after that time. Please contact me to schedule.
45-Minute Medical Intuitive Readings for $133
I usually only offer hour or half-hour sessions, because they make for much simpler scheduling on my end; however, sometimes people have more than a half-hour’s worth of topics to discuss yet not quite an hour. This special is for anyone who would like more support and insights than we can cover in a half-hour but who doesn’t want to commit to an entire hour. (Save $42.) Offer valid if prepaid on or before November 30, 2016. Please contact me to sign up.

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