In these days leading up to Thanksgiving, I just want to take a few moments to express gratitude for my amazing readers, clients, friends and family who engage with me in life, sessions and through this blog. I lead a truly blessed life that at the end of a back-to-back session day, I feel so privileged to know so many incredibly sensitive, powerful, magical, loving and astute people out there.
Thank you from the depths of my overflowing heart for being here now.
Thank you for showing up, and thank you for putting your own love and energy back into the world, even when — especially when — that world seems topsy turvy, scary, wild and unpredictable. And thank you for having the courage to withdraw back into your Self, to fill your own well, allowing your own healing through the waters to and from their Source.
And now, a prayer:
May we each flow with the Mighty Element of Water.
May the Undines, Mer People, Dolphins and the Swimming Ones
Join with us as we join and flow with them.
May the Mighty Element of Water protect and honor
The Water Protectors at Standing Rock.
May the Mighty Element of Water reclaim Her Sovereignty:
Never again allowing Herself to be forced into abuse.
May water cannons reverse upon those intending harm,
Blast away the corporate fascism
And generational brainwashing.
May the Mighty Element of Water cleanse all hatred, fear and greed.
May this cleansing purify and irrigate the hearts
Of any souls so parched that they only know The Wasteland.
May the Grail pour Awen upon the crowns of all involved.
May inspiration and understanding fill their eyes
Like Salmon of Wisdom leaping against the current
Into Destiny.
May the Tides of Change relieve any droughts
And nourish hill and dale, and field and tree.
May the Crystalline Grid support the rivers and streams
That lead to Great Lakes and the Pulsing Ocean.
May the Mighty Element of Water
Re-member Her Way as we ride Her Waves.

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