Monday, 19 March 2018

Comment Bump Up and Response

Today’s post comes from a comment left on Friday’s re-blog of “Crossing our own boundaries: consent in the wake of ‘me too.'” I decided to turn the comment and reply into its own post, because this past weekend brought a wave of urgent requests from people for help freeing themselves from relationships with suspected and/or professionally diagnosed cluster-B personality disordered people, energy vampires, and/or black magic. These topics run close to the side issues in “Crossing our own boundaries,” as similar encounters early in life tend to prime someone for these kinds of relationships later in life.

This happens especially often to Empaths, and learning to discern patterns and reclaim sovereignty forms some of the most important healing we will ever do — as individuals and for our broken society. In the biggest picture, yes, All is Love, but at the level of PTSD in body, emotions, mind, soul and spirit, things can take longer to untangle and heal. Here’s the comment, followed by my response:


What is the fear of a penis pressed against a bottom? What is the fear of a vagina aching to turn to that pressure? What is the fear of allowing another to touch and lift a leg so that it is extended beyond what one might have thought was possible? I fail to get the victim of what is and what is not love in what is described in this post. I get boundaries and setting them, but when one doesn’t set those boundaries, but trusts and believes that one is safe, regardless, where is the…. victim?

My reply:

Thanks for your comment, Barbara. You are, of course, right in the biggest picture and in theory. There’s a major gap between the theory and biggest picture and someone who has been, say, raped as a child, which happens way more often than most people realize. Add to that sexual predation by a trusted counselor or healer when someone is most vulnerable, awakening from severe mind control or gaslighting, and/or trying to make sense of a rape at any age, whether “random” on the street, or a so-called date rape. PTSD from these sorts of experiences remains until processed out — and that processing does not occur solely on the mental or spiritual level. Full healing requires integration, including the emotions and the body.

Beyond these kinds of physical or mental violations, things like emotional incest happen, such that even though not physical, when someone else starts to push on inappropriate areas, it can trigger a full blown PTSD event equivalent in the body and emotions to actual incest. If we add in suppressed past life memories to the mix, it’s maybe not so difficult to comprehend why these things could trigger someone.

Through my clients, relationships and friendships spread across over four decades of this lifetime, I have encountered an astonishing number of men who were raped or abused as children, women victims of incest, and people who slipped into relationships with therapist, gurus or healers that had a very disadvantaged power structure. If you’ve not encountered any of these situations, then consider yourself blessed. They are profoundly traumatic wounds for much of our society, and healing comes in fits and starts, not a once and done spiritual bypass. Star of Bethlehem Bach Flower Remedy is the fastest multi-level healer I’ve found.

Blessings and love … Laura



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