Friday, 30 March 2018

April 2018 Specials

Given how many people are going through profound healing shifts right now, I feel led to continue the March 40-Minute Medical Intuitive Special through April 2018. Today and tomorrow mark the last days to purchase the “Grace in the Workplace Special,” details of which you can find here. April seems primarily focused on healing, with a Reiki Special, too:

40-Minute Medical Intuitive Special

Save 25% ($44) off the usual rate for a 40-Minute Medical Intuitive Reading.

Medical Intuition is the ability to access information about physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health through “reading” the energy field around the body. A Medical Intuitive session decodes the message(s) from soul to body into language your conscious mind can understand and begin to address. It is not meant to replace traditional medical or psychological treatment, and it is not any form of medical or psychological treatment.

Instead, Medical Intuitive readings look for the root cause of continuing symptoms or conditions. Without addressing the root cause, even the “right” treatments or treatment providers fail to find a cure … or … a person continues to experience one new issue after another. By locating the root cause, a Medical Intuitive reading allows the individual to understand what the soul wants, so that healing can move through all the levels, including physical.

$133 (instead of the usual $177) for 40 minutes, if purchased on or before 4/30/18. Please contact me to sign up.


$77 Reiki Special

Save $8 off the usual rate for an hour of long distance Reiki, an ancient healing method rediscovered in the 19th century by the Japanese monk Dr. Mikao Usui. The “Rei” in Reiki stands for “universal” or” spiritual,” and the “ki” corresponds to the “life force energy” known as “Chi” or “prana” in other Eastern systems of healing and energy work such as feng shui, Tai Chi, Qigong, or yoga.

Thus, Reiki refers to “universal life force energy,” “divinely directed healing energy,” or “life energy of a spiritual nature,” with an emphasis on subtle energy fields rather than the physical body. By working on all the different levels, Reiki helps the body to relax into a state that allows optimal self-healing. Reiki can also empower and support intentions and events.

This session can be scheduled for a specific time delivery while you meditate or relax, or I can set the session for delivery while you’re in deep, receptive sleep. Depending on your needs, the hour can also get delivered during an important meeting, travel or other event.

Please contact me to sign up, and share (briefly) what you’d like to support, empower or heal. If you have specific timing in mind, please share that as well. $77 (instead of the usual $85) if prepaid on or before 4/30/18.


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