Friday, 12 January 2018

Manifestation, Law of Attraction and Creativity

This April 2010 post wants to go up again. Creativity keeps coming up in so many recent sessions, so I figure it’s probably up in the larger collective, too. Whether you consider yourself an artist, a poet, or a lump on a log with zero creative impulse, you ARE a creator. Why not tap into that power to create something magnificent?!

Laura Bruno's Blog

For years I have recommended clients and students get in touch with their creative side, wherever that may lead. Some people journal, others decide to paint, prepare food, or make movies or jewelry. Whatever the medium, creativity provides a great outlet for emotions, as well as a way to track progress.

The real reason I suggest creative projects so often, though, has more to do with manifestation and the Law of Attraction. So many people these days view themselves as “uncreative.” You would not believe how many people argue with me that they “don’t have a creative bone” in their body. Not only is this perception untrue, but it can cause paralysis. No, not usually on the physical plane! But people who feel stuck in life tend to be the ones who most deny their own creativity.

Why does this present a problem? Well, from a Life Coaching or…

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