Here we are at 1/8/18, and I feel led to open this opportunity for the next eight days. Over the years, many clients, friends, and blog readers have inquired about my own personal holidays — or, rather, Holy Days — intrigued by the way that big events in David’s and my life seem to unfold in a cyclical order of richly layered meaning and inspired action. In private sessions, clients ask about opportune times for various tasks or intentions, as well as ways to deepen and enrich their journey. So many times, Turns of the Wheel of the Year present themselves as powerful openings for conscious alignment.
Many cultures recognize some version of the Wheel of the Year. Just look at crossovers among holidays: Candlemas, Imbolc/Oimelc, Groundhog’s Day, and St. Bridget’s Day, around the beginning of February (in the Northern Hemisphere); Halloween, All Hallow’s Eve, Samhain, Dia de los Muertos, All Saint’s Day in late October/early November; all the festivals of light around Winter Solstice — Christmas, Hanukkah, Mother Night, Yule, Pancha Ganapati, Soyal, and Midwinter Christmas/Christmas in July and Inti Raymi in late June/early July in the Southern Hemisphere.
Honoring and celebrating the Wheel of the Year reclaims secular or religious holidays and seasonal shifts as eight windows of “time out of time,” when the veils grow very thin. Whether we use such times as a reflective pause or to align ourselves with natural cycles, the Wheel of the Year invites us to partner with the Dance of Life.
This $888 8-Day Special will run from 1/8/18 through 1/15/18 and includes eight 40-minute sessions (one scheduled before each Turn of the Wheel, beginning in late January 2018), plus a Reiki Healing Attunement at each Turn. These private sessions will be intuitively tailored to you (and your hemisphere), helping you to recognize synchronicities and supportive energies, as well as to clarify focus, intentions, meditations of your heart, rituals, Earth healing, personal healing, and/or discernment about how to make the most of these openings.
I will not repeat this offer again in 2018. In fact, I don’t know if I will ever repeat this offer, as it involves a year-long commitment on my part, and our lives continue to unfold in beautiful, expansive, yet unpredictable ways. Our own alignment with the Wheel of the Year ensures we continue evolving and embracing new opportunities, so I cannot promise I will offer this again next year.
If you’ve felt called to embrace a deeper connection with the Land and a more soulful experience of time, the 8-Day Wheel of the Year Special offers a discounted bundle of eight sessions and eight Reiki Healing Attunements in order to support and deepen your quest. This $888 bundle saves $968 off an individual investment of $1,856 and also represents my commitment to fit you in for a session prior to each Turn of the Wheel. Please contact me to sign up. Offer expires 1/15/18, because we will need time to schedule before our first Turn in late January/early February.

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