A few people have asked me about the August 2017 Eclipse, so I wanted to share this Sandra Walter video (below). This complex video might make more sense to people who’ve had Timeline Tune-in and Tune-ups with me. If this (or any post, for that matter) is not for you, then please don’t worry about it. I have a wide variety of blog readers, and I know this will be important information to some of you, even if it sounds boring or crazy to others.
Sandra shares a lot of the collective timeline information that I sense, as well. I particularly appreciate her discussion of “bifurcation” as “choice” rather than “good” or “bad.” I reallllllly appreciate her discussion of Earth gridding and that she also recognizes how something deeper, more powerful and far less manipulated than ley lines is being increasingly activated on our planet.
I have sensed this for a long time but usually meet with great resistance whenever I mention it. Rather than trying so hard to “reclaim ley lines,” if people just tune into the crystals, waters, mountains, and deep Earth structures — become intimate with the Ancestors and Land beneath our own feet — we may find that most of the current focus on ley lines is a distraction from the real, natural power and healing available.
New structures have already evolved and are continuing to strengthen and grow. We don’t need to fight for an unnatural control grid that has already been lost when something so much more powerful and organic offers to nourish, interact with, and respond to us in positive, healing ways on so many more levels. It’s the difference between linear and multi-dimensional healing and awareness. I’ll leave you to ponder how this all relates to “time constructs,” but it very much does. Sandra gives specific details about how this eclipse can assist in opening powerful new gateways into the higher reality.
Connection to this organic, healed timeline is not flashy, mental or New Age: it’s primal, heartfelt and requires tuning in on a very deep level to wherever you are. Even though Sandra Walter and Sarah Anne Lawless have probably never been named in the same sentence together before, some of Sandra’s video discussion reminds me of this post by Sarah: “The Song of the Land: Bioregional Animism.” In addition, I recommend this post by Dana at Druid’s Garden: “A Druid’s Primer on Land Healing, Part iii: Understanding ‘Energy’ and the Three Currents.”
Here’s Sandra’s own note on her youtube channel:
Blessings Beloveds ~ This is a complex topic of conversation, be responsible and read the supportive articles. The intention is to reach Lightworkers who connect via youtube. More & more Wayshowers are confirming the intel received in December 2016 about a timeline split, and it is wonderful. Let us unify to reveal the New Earth experience for all concerned. Weekly articles about these unfoldments and upcoming Gateways at http://www.sandrawalter.com Intel Links below.
Join us every SUNday for the Unity meditations:
Light Intel articles: http://www.sandrawalter.com/light-intel/
Eclipse maps by Nasa https://eclipse2017.nasa.gov/
and Fred Espenak http://eclipsewise.com/solar/SEnews/T…
Ascension Path online class: http://www.sandrawalter.com/ascension…
In Love, Light and Service, Sandra
Light-encoded vocals by Sandra.

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/07/14/timeline-splits-and-the-august-eclipse-gateway-sandra-walter/
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