Just a heads up now that I’m getting more settled into our new home, yard, and the new rhythms of life here. For May, June and July, I’ve been experimenting with a $77 20-minute email special, and I mentioned this special might become a regular offering. It still might at some point in the future, however not at this time. I might just occasionally offer the email options as a special when I feel called to do so.
All that said, here’s the monthly special:
This special can be used for medical intuition, past life work, quick check-in’s, follow-up between sessions, or as a way of addressing your needs sooner than my phone availability would allow. Also, please see below an option invented by one of my clients and now a popular variation, spanning many properties in May, June and July – a very cool combo, indeed!
20-Minute Email Check-In for $77
Twenty minutes usually covers one or two questions or issues, and it includes my time reading and replying to your email, plus the time spent tuning in and interpreting any intuitive messages I receive, along with providing links (if applicable) for further details and information. If you have more complex questions, you can add time. Available if prepaid on or before July 31, 2017.
Please contact me to sign up.
Some clients in May and June opted to combine this email special with the land clearing services I recently announced, and that worked so well that I’m listing this as an option here, too. Essentially, people sent me an address to request a 20-minute email reading about a property they own or considered purchasing, in which I shared my findings and suggestions, and then they requested a property clearing ($77) based on those results. In other words, this worked as an unofficial package for $154. Also available for houses or apartments.
This is a previously unadvertised service, which so many people have found so beneficial that I’ve decided to make it public. (The property clearings are now on my regular menu of services, but if you’d like an emailed reading about your property in addition to clearing/healing/booster, then July 2017 would be the month to do it). This service can be used for:
- Clearing properties or spaces of negative energies and hostile influences
- Preparing homes for sale and removing unwanted attachments to old properties
- Blessing new homes, properties or work spaces
- Smoothing details of relocation and supporting synchronicity in the search for a new home or office
- Raising the vibration and increasing the positive influence radius of your home or work space
- Blessing gardens or public spaces
- Creating spheres of protection around your environment
- Dedicating spaces to support certain goals or intentions
- Creating a healing sanctuary or supporting sacred space
(If it’s not listed but seems related, please contact me for options. This process involves a combination of a Reiki Healing Attunement, Runes, specially determined timing, and any supportive symbols, crystals, etc. depending on the individual situation. It’s more complex and specific than a Reiki Healing Attunement, but that technique forms the foundation of this process.)
$77 per location or specific intention
$200 for 3 locations or intentions (i.e. if you need to sell one property in order to purchase another and also want help finding a new office; if there are multiple properties involved; or if you anticipate needing this service again sometime)

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/07/18/last-month-for-email-sessions-for-awhile/
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