I’ve decided to offer another Timeline Tune-In and Tune-Up Special because so many people keep contacting me with major concerns about the direction of our world and how this will impact them. I’m also introducing a new special this month — “Energy Protection for Empaths.” You can find details below.
Energy Protection for Empaths
This new half-hour offering shares tips and techniques specifically tailored to your own energy field and the challenges you face as a “Sensitive” or “Empath” — someone who deeply feels the emotions and energies of others, including the larger collective energies and emotions. Empaths have intuitive, psychic, and healing gifts that can feel more like a curse when faced with discord, negative or disharmonious frequencies like EMF’s, groupthink, or emotional overwhelm.
As someone whose already very thin veil practically disappeared with a 1998 brain injury, I have learned through trial and error, extensive research and over 15 years as a professional Medical Intuitive, how to protect the energy field so that those “gifts” actually live up to their potential. These tips and techniques don’t mean you stop feeling the energies; however, they allow you to recognize more clearly when something’s “yours” and when it’s not. They also help you much more quickly return to peace, soul sovereignty, joy, and allow you to exercise much greater healing influence in your life and in our world.
$77 for the half hour if prepaid on or before 2/28/2017. This session can also be doubled for an hour at $154. For more information or to sign up, please contact me here.
Timeline Tune-In and Tune-Up
In these current chaotic energies, it’s easy to get jostled onto a negative timeline. Because of the intensity right now, trajectories can shift very, very fast, thus the confusion of how a blessed life suddenly seems cursed. Railing against the chaotic energies right now won’t get you anywhere but stuck. The energies will remain chaotic for quite some time. If you learn how to deal with these energies, then you can use them as opportunities. Learning to acknowledge competing timelines encourages you to stop wallowing in self pity, confusion and grief and instead to recognize openings to preferred realities. This key energy shift brings a present moment consciousness that allows you to surf the chaotic waves instead of getting knocked over by them.
This hour session helps you to recognize your likely trajectory based on current energy patterns, intentions, and habits … and then, I search for the closest parallel reality versions of “you” with very slight differences that lead to more preferred (and more varied/greater opportunities for) positive outcomes. The scan and download are actually easier for me to do than to explain here, but if you’ve ever seen the movie “Sliding Doors” with its alternate reality story lines that intersect at certain points throughout the film, I’ll be scanning you for the “stickiest intersection points.”
I have found that these crossover points – i.e., parallel Universe bleed-throughs – can act like portals into alternate realities, preferred or not. That’s why you want to approach them consciously and respectfully, so that you recognize the power of the moment and choose wisely. The initial shift can look subtle, because if there weren’t enough similarities between the timelines/alternate realities, then the bleed-through moments wouldn’t happen so easily; however, in retrospect, such moments or decisions often seem “Fated.”
This reading gives you a heads up regarding the types of feelings, thoughts and experiences to watch for if you’re looking to sidestep onto a more positive timeline without needing to slog through linear time to get your desired life. In some cases, the preferred outcome even requires a sidestep, because the laws of cause and effect already set in motion on the current timeline are barreling you toward their “inevitable” end result. Fortunately, linear time’s not all it’s cracked up to be! These “timeline hops,” “portal points,” “reality jumps” – whatever you want to call them – are not only possible but powerful, and with awareness and practice, you can learn to surf such opportunities, charting your own course from current to next closest to preferred realities.
$133/hour if prepaid on or before 2/28/2017. Please contact me to sign up.

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/02/02/february-2017-specials/
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