This post wants to go up again. Practicing good energy hygiene is like brushing your teeth. You don’t wait until you have an abscessed tooth to consider brushing your teeth; you brush every day in order to avoid a dental crisis. The same goes for brushing off energy. Don’t wait until you feel completely overwhelmed and crushed. Clear your energy field often so that you know what’s yours and release what’s not yours. You’ll have far more influence with healthy boundaries and a higher vibrational set point.
I can’t tell you how many sessions I’ve had with people this past week for whom the election and its aftermath — regardless of their politics or disinterest in politics — has triggered massive grief, anger, shock, disbelief, confusion, feelings of fear, cognitive dissonance, betrayal, and/or the desire to give up. Most of these clients are people “who know better” than to go down such spirals, but for whatever reason, they can’t seem to pull themselves out of the whirlpool.
In most cases, their usual coping tools aren’t working, because the things bothering them aren’t really “theirs” to fix.
I’ve had an unusually high volume of calls from Water Signs this past week, especially Pisces, well known for their fluid boundaries and subconscious empathing of surrounding emotions and energies. Even if you’re not a Pisces, if you feel less than optimal right now, please consider the possibility that you might…
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