David and I had one of the loveliest Thanksgiving Weekends we’ve enjoyed together, just the two of us because David was on call Thursday. He did not, however, get called and so we made our own mostly gluten-free, entirely vegan feast, took a luxurious nap, watched a movie and puttered around the house.
In addition to the yummies below, I made gf vegan pumpkin pie (cashew based). The stuffing below is topped with a fermented celery “dressing” we began right after this previous post about Pickle Pipes. We had our doubts, but the celery did, indeed, end up delicious. The live, fermented food made digesting this big meal a breeze. (Recipe from “Fermented Vegetables,” by Christopher Shockey and Kirsten K. Shockey. The faux turkey was from Gardein and the only gluten containing part of our dinner.)
On Saturday, we decided to check out the W.K. Kellogg Estate, also known as “Eagle Heights.” Located on Gull Lake, this summer estate of Will Keith Kellogg features a Christmas crafts bazaar each year. We had no idea what to expect, but we like touring old manors. David thought it might transition us from Thanksgiving to the Christmas Season, and it sure did! This manor has so much history. With warm and informative volunteers, gorgeous decorations, 1,600-foot shoreline, crafts, Bird Sanctuary and the manor itself, we felt like we walked into a simpler time and place.
The entire back side of the house overlooks Gull Lake. Every rear window offers expansive views of trees, gardens and water.
One of the volunteers noticed a group of very faery looking girls and their moms hanging out by the fire. When she launched into story time, we joined to hear all sorts of tales about the eccentric Kellogg brothers, their Seventh Day Adventist diets, and W.K. Kellogg’s generous offers to various people and organizations to use his home. Who knew he created Corn Flakes specifically as an at the time unheard of vegetarian breakfast option?
In the library to the left of the entryway, we met these cuties:
We also saw the framed list of “W.K. Kellogg’s Lucky Seven Times Seven”:
Kellogg name has seven letters
WK’s father, John Preston Kellogg was born in 1807
WK’s father was a seventh child in his family
WK was born on April 7, 1860
WK was born on the seventh day of the week
WK was his father’s seventh son
WK had seven grandsons
“If one seven is good, seven sevens ought to be better. Who can fail to make a success in anything wih a combination of seven times seven in the family?” ~ W.K. Kellogg, 1931
The architect was instructed to use elements of seven throughout the home wherever possible –some of the sevens are:
Seven entry doors, seven bedrooms, seven bathrooms, seven gables
There is a “seven” reference in many of the rooms
There are seven other structures on the estate
In a weekend of synchronicities, this room proved one of the richer ones for us. My mom, who collects owls, shares the same April 7 birthday as John Preston Kellogg. Owls show up for me whenever I undergo some major timeline shift or event in my life. I either see them, hear them, or other people feel compelled to tell me they just saw or heard an owl. You can find much more on those owl sync winks here, and in Mike Clelland’s “Stories from the Messengers” book, which features some of my own and my mom’s owl experiences.
In any case, this number and owl synchronicity came as validation of some curious timeline twists and turns that transpired on Friday and Saturday. Late afternoon on Friday, I looked out to see hundreds of crows circling and dive bombing each other across the street. I’ve seen crows before, but the only time I’ve seen that many doing such things was in the weeks following my 1998 traumatic brain injury. I documented the time I spent recovering at my parents’ house in an essay called “The Backyard Owl,” because, yes, while the crows swarmed in the sky, an owl sat outside during the day, watching me as I watched him.
The crows on Friday got so rowdy and so numerous, that I texted Tania Marie: “… It’s cool. Haven’t seen this many at once since right after my car accident.”
Tania: “About a week ago we had tons of Ravens following us at Fallen Leaf Lake and cawing and making odd noises. Maybe they know something up”
Me: “Could be. Someone on my Celtic Studies forum mentioned similar last week. … She thought hers was related to CA fires. Definitely some strange behaviors. After my injury when I sat witht he owl all the time at my parents’, crows fought daily for weeks. That was surreal. Like warfare of two rival armies in the skies and the Owl just sat still on a branch watching me. All quiet now.”
Tania: “Could be the fires … different in different areas and for various reasons but collectively connected.”
Me: “Yes, always more going on!”
Then Saturday morning, Tania and I had another flurry of texts in which I told her about a “download” I received right after the crows stopped. This was related to alternate timelines, my novel “Schizandra and the Gates of Mu”, and a path not taken that now, nine years later makes so much sense why I felt so led to shut down my original trajectory. This clarity felt like when I saw news of the fires in Santa Rosa, CA which burned down the neighborhood right next to where I used to live in 2009.
You can read the details at link above, but long story short, towards the end of 2009, I began experiencing what I would now term pre-TSD. I kept getting visions and audio that I called “a roar and light barrelling towards me,” “a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire.” Dreams, visions, and an urgent sense to “get out now,” that my life depended upon it led to me getting divorced and leaving California. Again, synchronous owls marked that passage (also described in “Stories from the Messengers,” as well as at the link above). All of these tales keep looping back on each other in a kind of fractal synchronous timeline soup.
In any case … I got a mega download about the direction of my writing, exactly why I switched Schizandra’s cover and changed genres at the last moment, then shut down the entire series that could have gone a very different way. After texting Tania on Saturday morning, since she was also involved in the switcheroo, I went to put on shoes for David’s and my excursion to Eagle Heights. As soon as I picked up the little ankle boots — not new, mind you — I shrieked, because all of a sudden the materials were different. So different that it startled me, thinking I had a mouse in my shoe or something. These originally all “leather” boots suddenly had two different materials, including a now very soft “suede” around the backs. I put the materials in quotes because these are NOT the shoes I bought, and yet they are… .
If you live in my world, these kinds of things startle and make you question your memory, but they also happen often enough to fit a certain pattern of weirdness. I’ve blogged many times about timeline changes, alternate realities, timeline tune-ups, non-linear time and pre-cognition. I don’t claim to know exactly how the Universe works … only that it doesn’t always run in a linear fashion. When making a “reality upgrade,” sometimes the details don’t quite match up. In June 2016, I shared in a post called “Big Shifts and Timeline Splits“:
I spent last week in a series of deep, involved dreams — the kind you know were not “just dreams.” In one such dream, I found myself sitting on a couch next to someone who had emotionally abused me for much of my life. Just as that person began the old bait and switch style “generosity,” I suddenly began dry heaving. Not only could I not swallow the bait and switch, but it was triggering an interdimensional vomit session.
This person yelled at me to get off “his” couch (which it wasn’t), so I ran to the bathroom and started vomiting concrete and gravelly sludge into the sink. The “vomit” came not from my stomach, but from my lungs, and it more than filled the sink. I awoke from the dream because I was literally dry heaving so loudly in bed that it pulled me out of sleep. The moment I awoke, though, I felt completely different. Free, light, and on a different timeline.
Sure enough, some “facts” and relationships were very different than they had been when I went to bed the night before. Also, in one of those cosmic winks I see so often in timeline jumps, in which some things no longer match up, the doorknob of the blue house now turns in the opposite direction as before. It used to require an extremely hard left turn to enter that house. As of that morning, the door started giving me all sorts of trouble, until a couple days later, I realized, “Ha! It’s the opposite now. A hard turn right gets you in with no effort. The timeline’s winking at me.” Sure enough, it works no problem to enter with a hard right turn, but in a further upgrade, it so happens our landlord is getting us entirely new doorknobs and keys for both front and back doors. This old front doorknob will move to replace the old garage entrance.
Doors are highly symbolic of timeline shifts. It’s one reason I paint portal doors to preferred realities. Since that shift, my mom’s old house is now under contract. It took a huge amount of work and two Reiki Healing Attunements, but that house sold in under three weeks amidst massive synchronicities.
Like the doorknob in 2016, shoes are also highly symbolic: “If the shoe fits …”. Think of Cinderella’s timeline shift with her shoe. In this case, I confirmed with David that the shoes never had that double material before. He was the one who insisted I buy those shoes in the first place, while I was much more excited about some multi material red, brown, tan and black boots I bought at the same time. We both concluded that we would have noticed these ankle boots being two different materials. They’re much more interesting now than they’ve been all the other times I wore them. Also, the hand feel was so different that I literally yelped and dropped the boot when I picked it up to put on my feet. I cannot prove the boot shifted as a timeline change marker, but that’s the kind of bizarre detail that usually confirms it for me.
That kind of detail and the appearance of one or more owls. Whenever three owls show up, it really seals the deal. The room decorated with three white owls, a reference to my mother’s birthday, and seven sevens (which also refer to my character Schizandra’s Life Path Number Seven) … well … it all adds up. To what?! Who knows, but I was already feeling so much clarity about the old and new writing directions, as well as huge appreciation for how well my intuition and the animal kingdom guide my ways.
OK, back to our Saturday adventure. We walked upstairs to all the crafts and views from the second level:

We bought some Christmas gifts, and then headed downstairs and outside:
One of the volunteers’ daughters got married on this pier … on a warmer day, of course!
You can sort of see the shoes there, but it was a dark and gloomy day, which made the decorations and lights all the more festive:
There are something like 89 steps from the manor to the lake shore, and W.K. walked them twice per day. He lived to age 91.
We walked back around front and said our goodbyes to the most amazing trees. As usual, whenever I find an extremely faery tree like our birch or the one with so many faces on it at Eagle Heights, my laptop and WordPress conspire not to let me post the photo. This gives you a sense of the 1920’s manor and some of the tree friends, though.
Synchronicities continued when we got home, and I began reading Eric Wargo’s book, “Time Loops: Precognition, Retrocausation and the Unconscious.” It kind of reads like a bunch of scientific studies proving the validity of how I live my life. In any case, it makes sense of so many experiences I’ve had — way too much weirdness to explore here. If it sounds like I post some wild stuff on my blog or in books, please realize that I censor myself very heavily. (All that Plutonian privacy stuff!)
In yesterday’s post, I mentioned timeline jumps and a dream about a golden frog. This was a multi-layered dream, with mundane, larger personal and (I believe) collective timeline relevance. Things moved along in fairly “normal” ways until I found myself very aware of needing to tread lightly with someone in the dream. This person was shouting in outrage about people including their name on a gift, giving them credit without asking them to contribute. I got an intuitive flash about this person’s unreasonable reactivity and why people had carefully tiptoed around the person in the first place, giving credit where credit wasn’t due, just to avoid the explosion. Immediately, I felt bad for “thinking negatively about” the person, yet (still dreaming) I couldn’t shake the intuition that this was not a safe person, that interactions required caution.
Against my own will, I found myself saying to the person, “Wouldn’t you have lashed out if the exact opposite happened? If they hadn’t included you?”
Inside, I thought, “Laura, zip it! Why poke the elephant? You know it’s there. Do you really need to put this to the test?”
To my surprise, just as we were crossing a threshold, the person in the dream looked sheepish and admitted, “Yeah, I would have been pissed either way.”
At that very moment, as we crossed the threshold and this person confirmed my intuition, a golden frog hopped across the threshold, too, right before the person closed the sliding glass door. It was a shiny, golden frog, about three inches long, with a white underbelly. It started hopping to steps and then down to the front door, and I followed it.
“Don’t let the dog eat it. That shiny skin might mean it’s poisonous. Don’t touch the golden frog.” With a kind of Faerie Realm logic, I knew the golden frog wasn’t poisonous to me, but would be to others. The frog also reminded me I had meant to pick up gifts at the front door before getting sidetracked by the volatile person’s freak out.
Hop, hop, hop … and out the door the frog and I went.
I looked up frog wisdom: frog appears to those who hear messages from the other side. It is connected with knowing when to speak up and how to navigate your way through situations. It also arrived in the dream just like the “pings” arrive in those synchronous confirmations of really out there intuitions that eventually prove true. “Time Loops” posits that all or at least most ESP is, in fact, “precognition” of information acquired via ordinary means in the future and then pre-remembered by the present self. I’ve mentioned this possibility to many people, including Mike Clelland during his extensive interviews of me for “Stories from the Messengers.”
Finding an entire book exploring this topic from a scientific and personal angle is “golden.” It removes that little doubt/judgment I’ve often felt when I get intuitive warning about someone or something … and then feel bad for thinking negatively about that situation or person. I know to follow my intuition, because it does lead me well. It has, quite literally, saved my life, as in the dream warnings to avoid a murderer on my trip to Reno and then still unexplained faxes that confirmed the accuracy of the warnings once I arrived home safely. It’s often difficult to prove a premonition’s truth if you manage to avoid the premonition, but I’ve had so many “whoa” moments.
Due to the twists, turns and never-ending-story-sync-winks, there’s no clear end point to this blog post, so I’ll leave you with this fascinating talk between Gordon White and Eric Wargo. Well worth a listen, if you’re into such things!
source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2018/11/27/eagle-heights-christmas-decorations-and-time-loops-oh-my/
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