Just a little over two weeks until I fly to Lake Tahoe for a potent visit with Faery Twin Tania Marie! She and I don’t look alike anymore, but we still synchronize without even realizing it. A “random” text often informs us we’re getting haircuts on the same day, sharing similar dreams or making the same dinner. Whenever we get together in person, it proves exponentially transformative for both of us. This time we’ll teach our first and last (i.e. only) class together on Fall Equinox 2018 (Saturday, 9/22): “Living a More Magickal Life with Laura Bruno & Tania Marie.” We have a lovely group with just one spot left. You can click here for details and signup.
Both Kalamazoo and Reno airports often get served by puddle jumpers, which means I have two layovers each way and thus, very long travels days. In terms of scheduling, I will not have session availability from the afternoon of Wednesday, 9/19 until Monday, 10/1. My schedule’s already filling up, so if you would like a session in September or early October, you might want to book that soon. I will not have any emergency session availability during my trip or the weekend after I return. I may or may not blog during that time. Tania and I never know what kind of adventures will unfold when we get together, but they always include unusual time warps, very thin veils, perspective shifts, and synchronous meetings. As such, they demand our full presence and attention.
Speaking of perspective shifts, Tania and I both found ourselves doing a massive purge of clothes that no longer “fit,” symbolically and literally making room for expanded awareness. A series of synchronicities also led me to get reading glasses, which have unexpectedly revolutionized my entire life. It began with a crossword puzzle, something I never do, but felt led to attempt a couple weekends ago. The clues were so tiny that trying to decode those words gave me a headache — nothing like the 16-month mega-migraine of my 1998 TBI, but enough to tip me over the edge to reading glasses.
Sitting at the table with a newspaper in front of me, I suddenly felt like my dad and my Gramma Irene, both of whom did crosswords each week. Both my grandmothers were rare birds. Gramma Irene sang like one, and Grandma Van could whistle, raise her hand and have wild birds land on her finger. My dad, too, had a special relationship with canaries and parakeets. I associate birds with crossword puzzles, “the language of the birds” (another name for “divine and perfect language” or inspiration), and reading glasses. The next day, I walked to Walgreens and got my first ever 1.25’s:
Whoa! At first they seemed too strong, but I soon realized they added about three hours of potential reading and writing time to my day.
I also noticed how much eyestrain I’ve been living with as my astrology mentorship via Dr. Ann Kreilkamp and Celtic Studies Course with Dr. Sharon Blackie have become more like graduate level classes with the mandatory and optional reading, added to my research and writing of “The Metaphysics of Lyme Disease.” My book keeps undergoing chapter mitosis. In efforts to “show my math” to a general rather than individual audience, more and more things require explanation. Editing often involves expanding one aside or tangential section into its own chapter or even two. Then I need to read and reread what came before to make sure this non-linear journey at least follows a reasonable order of progression.
The addition of dedicated astrology sessions to my list of services means that I now sometimes spend session time looking at a computer screen in order to analyze a natal chart, transits and progressions. Prior to this addition, I did most sessions with my eyes closed or staring into the distance. On occasion, I would look up astrological information for clients, but until a few months ago, I did not offer full astrology based readings. On the contrary, the energy scanning process I use for medical intuitive, past life and other scan-based intuitive readings often messes with nearby electronics, so until recently, I sat nowhere near a computer, let alone comparing and contrasting multiple charts.
On top of my writing, editing, astrology, and studies, our neighborhood sidewalk controversy exploded all over the Township and has morphed into a need to attend many, many Board and Planning meetings under glaring fluorescent lights, as well as analyzing past, current and future agendas and minutes, writing petitions and emails, and discovering a treasure trove of –ahem — things we had no idea we needed to keep an eye on. I’ve probably written a novel’s worth just related to items and issues that several of us unearthed while looking for something else.
In any case, my visual tasts exponentially went up this year, with no lessening in sight. Using reading glasses as a tool makes as much sense as planting last Fall’s 200+ daffodils into our clay soil using a bulb augur instead of brute wrist and arm strength. I expected greater efficiency, but not the increased energy, jubilant mood and love of readers as a fun accessory. I also didn’t expect my distance and mid-range vision to improve so much when I supported the closer tasks. I now own several pairs of readers of different strengths from .5 to 1.25 and half or full size, depending on print size, distance from my face, time of day, and color scheme.
My favorite readers are eco eyeware by ICU, which uses recycled plastic and offers all sorts of cute patterns. (I got them for $5 off at Earth Fare in Portage this past Sunday.) These particular ones have black and white swirls on the ear pieces and case, with plain black facing front. Total Faery Nerd Fest, but I love them!

I used to teach a class called “Vision and ‘Visions,'” which explored connections between how we see with our eyes and our perspective of the world. I learned about that dynamic during years of visual therapy to correct the disabling — but also psychic activating — binocular dysfunction from my 1998 brain injury. In addition to receiving visual therapy as a patient, I interviewed my doctors about spirituality and vision, and I apprenticed with my holistic optometrist in Seattle. (He was the first person to encourage me to work as a professional medical intuitive. He shared his 50+ years of experience with healing herbs in exchange for my doing medical intuitive readings on his patients. We would compare notes, and that process and his patients’ improved results started me officially on my path.)
In 2002, my brain injury related visual problems morphed into astigmatism that a Santa Fe optometrist managed to correct with prescription lenses. Unlike my readers, I hated those glasses and couldn’t wait to get rid of them. Back in 2006, my agreement to add past life readings to my menu of services spontaneously healed my astigmatism. Until a couple weeks ago, I’ve not worn or needed any glasses. It almost feels full circle — more like a spiral — to shift to readers twelve years later, in large part due to formalizing astrology studies I began in 2006.
In recent weeks, I feel increased range of both close up and far away vision. This translates into a greater awareness of overall patterns and the urgency to ground that awareness into tangible language and action here and now. I think of astrology as the left brain confirmation and explanation of my right brain intuitive insights. In many ways, this re-balance of left and right echoes a more general directive to “show my math.” I need to take the aha of inspiration and bring it down to Earth, whether through sessions, non-fiction, or fiction. Show, don’t tell … but do show. Details matter, and the more clearly I can see and explore the details, the more complete that bigger picture grows. As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without … but the reverse statements are also true.
Meanwhile, watch out, world. There’s a Nerdy Faery at large, and she looks rather mischievous:
source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2018/09/05/travel-availability-vision-and-visions/
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