Happy Lammas and Lughnasadh! August 1st marks the traditional date for the first harvest festival of the year, although the actual cross quarter day where the Sun reaches 15 degrees Leo falls on August 7, 2018. Any way you look at it, in the Northern Hemisphere, August marks a time of increased harvests and shortening days. This month’s specials embrace that paradox by calling attention to the body with a Medical Intuitive Special, as well as supporting creativity and Lightworkers with the “Lugh’s Clues Package.”(Lugh is often associated with the Sun.)
40-Minute Medical Intuitive Special
Save 25% ($44) off the usual rate for a 40-Minute Medical Intuitive Reading.
Medical Intuition is the ability to access information about physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health through “reading” the energy field around the body. A Medical Intuitive session decodes the message(s) from soul to body into language your conscious mind can understand and begin to address. It is not meant to replace traditional medical or psychological treatment, and it is not any form of medical or psychological treatment.
Instead, Medical Intuitive readings look for the root cause of continuing symptoms or conditions. Without addressing the root cause, even the “right” treatments or treatment providers fail to find a cure … or … a person continues to experience one new issue after another. By locating the root cause, a Medical Intuitive reading allows the individual to understand what the soul wants, so that healing can move through all the levels, including physical.
$133 (instead of the usual $177) for 40 minutes, if purchased on or before 8/31/18. Please contact me to sign up.
Lugh’s Clues Package
In Celtic mythology, the Sun god Lugh represents skill, quick thinking and the combination of diverse expertise that makes him unique and valuable. As the story goes, Lugh tries to gain entrance to the king’s fort, but the doorkeeper tells him that no one can join without a special skill.
Lugh says he’s a builder, but the doorkeeper says, “We already have a builder.” Then Lugh describes his skills as a smith. “We already have a smith.” Lugh continues to run through a long list of other skills — champion, harper, warrior, poet, magician, physician, cup-bearer, brazier — always with the same response: “We already have one of those.” Lugh finally gains entrance by asking, “But do you have someone who can be and do all these things at once?”
In the past 17 years, I’ve mentored life coaches, Reiki practitioners, Reiki Master Teachers, intuitives, yoga teachers, and energy healers. Common questions arise about how to set themselves apart in a world with so many others offering the same services, and how to help others recognize their value. How can they earn a living by following their sense of calling? This 3-pack of 30 minute sessions explores your unique combination of gifts and how to use them to open doors. This is NOT your typical marketing strategy! It’s not about Facebook, branding, or head shots. Rather, it’s about recognizing what makes you you — and using your unique energy signature and skills to provide value to others.
We’ll explore your gifts, lifestyle and soul goals, skills and what combo of these will open metaphorical and literal doors for you. $333 if prepaid on or before 8/31/18. The Lugh’s Clues Package offers 3 half-hour sessions done in a relatively short time period — maximum 3 months — plus a Reiki Healing Attunement to activate and help you embrace what you discover. This is a first for this type of package, which represents a savings of $111+ of separate services, plus the energetic support and intense focus on personal mentoring. Please contact me to sign up.
source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2018/08/01/august-2018-specials/
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