Friday, 31 August 2018

Gordon White on the Richard Dolan Show

This was a rich and fascinating discussion between Gordon White, author of Star.Ships, and Richard Dolan, publisher of, among other things, Mike Clelland’s The Messengers books. They cover Gobekli Tepe, the Dogon people, magic, astrology, tricksters, the limitations of academia, ancient prehistory, and the future of humanity. If you’ve got an hour and 42 minutes, it’s well worth a listen. It certainly made riding the exercise bike, doing laundry and cooking jackfruit tacos a lot more interesting!


Thursday, 30 August 2018

September 2018 Specials

Today’s the last day to sign up for August 2018 Specials, which you can find by clicking here. As usual, for this month’s specials, I’m responding to frequent requests and my sense of upcoming needs for support. (If you wish to combine both specials, you can use your Reiki as a full hour, or as a 20-minute energetic boost for each hour of coaching.)


$77 Reiki Special

Save $8 off the usual rate for an hour of long distance Reiki, an ancient healing method rediscovered in the 19th century by the Japanese monk Dr. Mikao Usui. The “Rei” in Reiki stands for “universal” or” spiritual,” and the “ki” corresponds to the “life force energy” known as “Chi” or “prana” in other Eastern systems of healing and energy work such as feng shui, Tai Chi, Qigong, or yoga.

Thus, Reiki refers to “universal life force energy,” “divinely directed healing energy,” or “life energy of a spiritual nature,” with an emphasis on subtle energy fields rather than the physical body. By working on all the different levels, Reiki helps the body to relax into a state that allows optimal self-healing. Reiki can also empower and support intentions and events.

This session can be scheduled for a specific time delivery while you meditate or relax, or I can set the session for delivery while you’re in deep, receptive sleep. Depending on your needs, the hour can also get delivered during an important meeting, travel or other event.

Please contact me to sign up, and share (briefly) what you’d like to support, empower or heal. If you have specific timing in mind, please share that as well. $77 (instead of the usual $85) if prepaid on or before 9/30/18. Please contact me to sign up.

Three For Two

So many people have asked me to repeat this special, so here it is. Three hours for the price of two: save $222. This package can be used in whatever increments you choose — hour, 40-minute, half-hour, or 20-miute sessions — and for whatever services you’d like — Medical Intuition, Life Coaching, Soul Readings, or any other related service. $444 if prepaid on or before 9/30/18. Please contact me to sign up.


Monday, 27 August 2018

Timothy Glenn ~ A Game of Attachments

Another good one from Timothy Glenn: some friendly reminders that you are so much more than your sect, your tax return, or your party line. In a world of all possibilities, what would you love to create? How would you love to feel? What would you love to experience? What small step can you take towards those things right here, right now?

A Game of Attachments

by Timothy Glenn

In a few channeling sessions spread over the last quarter century, the Proterrians have asked audiences a probing question about their attachments; specifically religious, economic and political attachments.

Religious Attachments

This pertains to our philosophies. How do we perceive and interpret life, the universe and everything? Who are we, where did we come from, and where are we going? In general: what’s the point?

Economic Attachments

We all have our ideas regarding how to attain, cultivate and distribute resources. And in such processes, do we need to control and keep track of what comes and goes? If so, who controls and keeps track, and how do they go about it?

Political Attachments

How do we structure our societies? If certain people are to assume various positions of responsibility and authority, how do they attain those positions? This involves our traditions, laws and other forms of keeping order.

The Question

Reflecting on those three categories, which type of attachments do you feel would run the deepest?

Back in the 90’s, almost every audience member answered “religious” with little or no hesitation. After the turn of the millennium, more people started giving it a moment of thought and then selected “political”. It wasn’t until just a few years ago that the clear majority of an audience determined that the deepest would definitely be “political” attachments.

The Answer

Throughout the years, the Proterrian perspective has always been that our political attachments run the deepest.

Religious attachments revolve around abstract gods and goddesses you never see in your entire lifetime. You are told a lot of tall tales about someone who allegedly lives in another realm of existence. They claim to have created you, and thus claim dominion over you. In Churchianity, you are told that the Sky God will supposedly reward or punish you when your life here is finished. This remains extremely vague, so that it utterly fails to qualify as evidence. Of the three categories, religious attachments tend to be the shallowest.

Economic attachments run significantly deeper, because these involve the food on your table. This involves matters much more down to Earth because food, clothing and shelter register as a lot more basic and real to the average human. Games of the “haves and have nots” find their roots here. Physical hunger and other forms of deprivation make a more profound impression on your subconscious than phantasmagorical characters in myths and legends.

Your political attachments actually run the deepest, because here we have the guys who come along with weapons, and wield force against you for any real or imagined infraction of someone else’s rules. You may have had lifetimes of facing lethal force, having your possessions confiscated, or being locked up in cages. That’s about as real as it gets for just about anyone, and most people still harbor fears of experiencing such violations in this lifetime. As a result, locked away deep down in their unconscious knee-jerk reactionary inclinations, they will find their underlying political attachments.

An Age of Universal Deceit

We have been swimming in a ubiquitous ocean of lies for ages, and never more so than in modern times. With the advent of mass media, the average human has been propagandized, mesmerized and programmed to believe the false narratives of professional pathological liars.

Here is a useful rule of thumb: the more “mainstream” or “official” the source, the more suspect it is. But until someone sees through the illusion, they will probably continue believing in the illusion.

For those of us who have awakened to the nature of the game, it can be breathtakingly boggling to hear people back up their political narratives and attitudes by saying, “it was on the news” or “it was on television” or “it was in the newspaper”. And they state it with such conviction, it’s as though they are saying “God came down out of the sky, and lightning shot forth from his index finger and indelibly etched it into a five mile square slab of polished marble – now and forever more. Amen.”

Yep. It was on television, alright.

When Lightning Strikes

For the article Uranus in Taurus: The Preview, Laura Bruno included this caution in her helpful introduction:

“I know so many good-hearted, intelligent people about to have their world shaken like an electric popcorn maker struck by lightning. If you find yourself knee-jerk reacting to anything, it’s wise to step back and humbly reassess. Maybe your original assessment will hold, but it’s wise to examine any and all ‘of course’ ideas. Look for those areas you consider ‘so obvious’ that you’re certain anyone who disagrees with you is a neanderthal or idiot.”

The more emotionally charged your negative reaction is – the more loaded it is with denunciation, anger and fear – the greater the likelihood that your perspectives are skewed because you have been disinformed and are believing in something erroneous – even though it seems “so obvious” and “it was on the news”.

As the lightning bolt of Uranus dances in the earthy sign of Taurus for the next several years, the world will come to appear vastly different than it had. Illusions will be shattered, especially regarding “the system”.

Systemized Apparitions

The Matrix has conditioned people to fear the system. This fear helps the system herd the masses around. For almost everyone on Earth, our deepest mental and emotional body attachments have been rooted in this very fear.

The so-called “dark side” has only one power, and that is the power of deception. Its inner manifestation allows us to deceive ourselves into believing we are whatever we have been programmed to believe we are. For most of us, that illusion says that we are what Proterrian calls “nothing more than pathetic little snotlings from 3D Planet Earth”. For others, it allows them to perceive themselves as vampires or other kinds of predators.

Its outer manifestation deceives us into accepting the bogus belief that the “dark side” has power over us. But in the act of believing it, we give the “dark side” that power. This wool has been systematically pulled over humanity’s eyes for millennia.

But now we have a massive window of opportunity to see through the customary misapprehensions. We can look at the system and give it clever descriptors like “The Matrix” or “a movie” or “a dog and pony show” or “a video game” or “the deeper dream” or “a hologram” or “an acid trip” or “a computer simulation”.

We can step firmly and fully into our Creatorship. And this transformation can be filled with love and fun – whatever we choose.

As our old friend the Buddha said, “Change does not cause pain. Resistance to change causes pain.”

Timothy Glenn


Sunday, 26 August 2018

August 2018 Specials

Five days left! Just a heads up that September will feature different specials, so August is your month to sign up for either or both of these.

Laura Bruno's Blog

Happy Lammas and Lughnasadh! August 1st marks the traditional date for the first harvest festival of the year, although the actual cross quarter day where the Sun reaches 15 degrees Leo falls on August 7, 2018. Any way you look at it, in the Northern Hemisphere, August marks a time of increased harvests and shortening days. This month’s specials embrace that paradox by calling attention to the body with a Medical Intuitive Special, as well as supporting creativity and Lightworkers with the “Lugh’s Clues Package.”(Lugh is often associated with the Sun.)


40-Minute Medical Intuitive Special

Save 25% ($44) off the usual rate for a 40-Minute Medical Intuitive Reading.

Medical Intuition is the ability to access information about physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health through “reading” the energy field around the body. A Medical Intuitive session decodes the message(s) from soul to body into language your conscious mind…

View original post 472 more words


Thursday, 23 August 2018

Timothy Glenn ~ Relationship Key Words

One of my very favorite articles by Timothy Glenn! I even make a Faerie cameo. 😉

Relationship Keywords

by Timothy Glenn

As we transition from the artificial matrix of the old world into the Natural Reality of the New Earth, we are individually and collectively expanding into a profoundly different dimension of conscious evolution. If we as Beings shift to such a significant degree, it automatically follows that the nature of relationship will change as well.

A couple decades or so ago, I assembled a group of keywords to contrast relationships of the old world with relationships of the New Earth. In recently sharing these perspectives with clients, the realization dawned: the original text had never made it onto the internet.

Here are three pairs of contrasting keywords.

Old World: Personal

All our relationships in the old world operated purely on a personal level. Everything was done personally, and taken personally. Ego games abounded, complete with power plays and loads of manipulation. Been there, done that? Join the club. Bought the t-shirt as well? By now, perhaps that old t-shirt has faded and fallen apart from so many washings.

Upon entering into any old world relationship, it was as though the other person took a snapshot of you and thereby defined your beingness now and forevermore. We can probably not even count how many times we have heard lines like: “Well, you’re not the girl I married.” A reasonable response could be: “Yeah, well…thank God. Growth and transformation are sort of natural.”

New Earth: Transpersonal

A transpersonal relationship has the capacity to contain all the finest attributes of a strictly personal relationship, but affords the freedom to expand far beyond.

Even from a limited perspective of a single timeline in third dimensional Earth life, you are every Being you have ever been. You are also everything you are on other dimensions. Why would a relationship not welcome any or all of that experience to be uploaded into your current life?

About a decade ago, I was sharing this with Laura Bruno, whom I have long described as “a very poorly disguised Faerie.” Laura said, “Yeah, it’s to the point now, that if someone can’t accept the Faerie part of me, there’s not going to be much of a relationship there.”

A transpersonal relationship allows for personal unfoldment and expansion, and thereby becomes a shared journey of discovery. “You’re not the girl I married” would be replaced by “Who are you now?” And both people can rejoice in the process.

Old World: Co-Dependent

Have you read enough books on this one? Do you feel the need for any more seminars or lectures?

In the old co-dependent relationships, virtually everything became a bargaining chit – even what humans mistakenly call “love”. We could all most likely come up with a zillion examples here, but why induce nightmares?

New Earth: Co-Creative

When discussing this contrast with clients, we usually allow our energy fields to do the analysis. Upon hearing or saying the word “co-dependent”, we feel our energies collapse. Most people frown and even physically slump. But upon hearing or saying the word “co-creative”, our fields expand. Most people will draw a deep breath, assume healthier posture and smile.

Infinite magical creatorship awaits us in the New Earth. And as it has often been emphasized in the Proterrian channelings, “No one is playing solitaire here.” Co-creation in the Field of Infinite Possibilities will help us realize that the Ocean of Divine Love has no shores.

Musty rulebooks of old world relationships will transmute into endless freedom of imagination, dreams and resonant experiences in Eternal Life.

Old World: Karma

Most if not all of our significant old world relationships were build on a foundation of karma.

Throughout the ages of Earth lives, the Soul Itself came to believe in the matrix program of karma. We came into each new life, fully intent on resolving karmic issues with various individuals and groups – only to dig ourselves in deeper. We believed we had lessons to learn.

However, there is only the one Infinite Energy Field. Call it God or anything else. But everything and everybody is the Field, because there is nothing else to be. So as God, what are these lessons you need to learn? Proterrian says, “You do not incarnate in this world to learn anything. You incarnate in this world to forget everything – and then to play the game of remembering.”

A fun Proterrian perspective involves imagining the universe as a Being, so there is a universal body. Clusters and superclusters of galaxies form tissues in that body. The individual galaxies are the living cells. Within each galaxy, clusters of stars compose molecules, rendering each solar system an atom. Each sun forms the nucleus of the atom, and the planets function as electrons. Now please explain: why would God (of all Beings) have to learn karmic lessons as an ultra nanoscopic mortal fumbling around on an electron?

New Earth: Grace

In our quantum leap in evolution, we are transcending karma and moving into Grace. The state of Divine Grace allows us to exist purely in the magic of each eternal moment, with boundless creative power and infinite choice.

Grace flows freely in the natural universe, endlessly morphing into whatever forms or expressions resonate with the Essence of the Field, which forever exists as the infinite unconditional energy of Divine Love.

Adding It All Up

Meanwhile, back on Earth…

Regarding relationships, we are stepping more firmly into the realm of choice. During this phase of our evolutionary game, here are the two basic choices:

A personal co-dependent relationship in karma.
A transpersonal co-creative relationship in Grace.

If this registers with you as an instant no-brainer, you will probably find a tab on your task bar that says “level up.” It’s waiting for you to click on it.

Timothy Glenn


Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Being fully present: first she placed her hand on the gunman’s heart

Wow, thanks to my friend, fellow permaculturist, and astrology mentor Ann Kreilkamp and her friend Julia for this amazing story. Definitely worth the click through to the full LA Times article:

What can — and did, on this occasion — happen when humans drop their masks to fully encounter the humanity of the Other. From the LA Times. Thanks to my dear friend Julia for this find.  

The tender, terrifying truth about what happened inside Trader Joe’s hostage siege


Monday, 20 August 2018

Possible Reiki 1 Class in Kalamazoo this Fall

I had all but decided not to offer anymore Reiki Level 1 or 2 classes until 2019; however, four people in the past week have inquired about Reiki Level 1. Not everyone’s local to Kalamazoo, but I do pay attention to synchronicities. If you have interest in learning Reiki Level 1 from me sometime this Fall, please contact me with some good dates for you in mid-October to mid-November.

I’ve got my September trip to Lake Tahoe to co-teach “Living a More Magickal Life” with faery sis Tania Marie. (We still have a few spots left for the Fall Equinox class.) Other than that, I’m focusing most of my energy on phone sessions and completing my metaphysics of Lyme disease book. If enough people want a Reiki Level 1 class this Fall, I’ll do my best to make it happen, but the more time I have to figure out timing, the better. The Reiki 1 class would be at our home in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Participants would become certified Reiki Level 1 Practitioners, able to perform Reiki on themselves and others.


Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Garden, Groundhog, and Writing Updates

You may have noticed me blogging less this month, and that has a bit to do with increased groundhog patrol and much to do with working to finish my Lyme disease book. The garden took a turn towards Autumn with new mum’s and the tall sedum starting to put on its show:





That back area near the shed and sedum is a major groundhog zone, and we’re “enjoying” groundhogs four and five of the season. I put enjoying in quotes, because I’m really not enjoying these greedy munchers, but David has all manner of fun watching and listening to me try to patrol them. Lucy the Starchild groundhog created a mighty mess in our shed and then got hit by a car. We miss her dreamy yet sloppy ways. Some as yet unknown neighbor poisoned the next resident groundhog, and then a third groundhog cannibalized that one and died, too. Totally gross and quite sad. Our next door neighbor put the third one out of its misery once we deduced what happened. We didn’t want #3 to suffer like #2. Still no word on who or what poisoned them, but it made me appreciate people sharing about the much kinder Havahart relocation traps.

We had two blissful weeks of no groundhogs, and then Big Fat Mama brought Rascal Jr. to our shed. “Here’s a nice spot for you, Junior. Look, cosmos!” Big Fat Mama lives on and under the “natural buffer zone” across the street. She visits Junior for dinner once per week when the cosmos start to recover, just in time for a tasty treat. The thing about Rascal Jr. is he’s a “special” groundhog. A savant. Other neighbors loaned me their Havahart trap and offered to relocate him to a more groundhog receptive area in the country. Rascal Jr., aka “R.J.,” loves entering that trap for the groundhog buffet, but not once has he ever triggered the mechanism. I even tried a different — guaranteed to work in minutes — relocation trap, but he’s got those things down.

Unlike all the other groundhogs, R.J. appears to have an impaired sense of smell. For months I used Expel spray on the front garden, and with the exception of me, no mammals came near it. I find the scent of Expel tolerable, but its minty rosemary overpowers the more sensitive noses of hungry critters. Well, not R.J.! He gobbled up the Expel sprayed chard, lettuce, parsley and pansies, leaving Skeletor stems and barely bothering to run away when I chased him out of the garden. He’s got that teenager rebel vibe in addition to his savant qualities.

The Rule is: groundhogs can live and let live in the backyard (within reason), but never, ever, EVER go into the front yard garden! Destroying the front yard garden turns the Biggest Faery into a Fire Faery in no time flat.

Well, I couldn’t spend all my time chasing Rascal Jr. and intending he never breeds to pass on his funky gene pool, so I picked up some Repels All spray from the local garden store. It repels me almost as much as R.J., but it does seem to work. If I miss an area of a preferred plant, he eats it, so I’ve begun to double up the deterrent by sprinkling hot pepper flakes all over the front yard munchies. For the most part, that works, and the pepper flakes look like confetti.

I moved a potted tomato plant from way up front to the backyard when some squirrels or possibly two-legged’s swiped two Roma tomatoes just as they began to ripen. I replaced it with a hardy red rose bush, which makes me happy, but the tomato relocation made Big Fat Mama very happy. I swear those groundhogs are psychic, because she just knew it was back there and visited Junior even before the cosmos had greens again. Unlike most critters, she started inhaling the nightshade leaves, which launched me to Repels All the backyard, too, while David stood inside laughing at me.

I was so determined to show Big Fat Mama who’s boss that I pumped the spray before opening the nozzle so that when I did open the nozzle, my hand got drenched. I then doused the tomato plant, and Big Fat Mama took the hint. Just sixteen hand washings later, I was almost able to sleep with that hand near my face. I spent the evening researching metal cloches and figuring out how to build a concrete block floor, hardware cloth fenced Garden Tower cage next year, while also pondering if I just want to turn the front garden into a garden of entirely rodent and deer repellent plants that draw hummingbirds, butterflies, birds and pollinators. I still have mint and many herbs up front, which, other than the parsley, seem distasteful to most critters, including R.J. Fortunately, he doesn’t like cosmos, and Big Fat Mama hates repellant, so I have one pretty cosmo plant up front:


In Spring, I surrounded my lettuce with garlic and onions in the front raised beds, and that worked well. Of course, that was pre-Rascal Jr., who’s really a full fledged rascal with a wicked fast metabolism. Between the groundhog buffet and all his other treats, he must not have inherited Big Fat Mama’s obesity gene. Only her pushiness. I don’t want the front yard garden to become one of those multi-generational groundhog pathways, but I do still have a lot of abundance of edibles there, including various kales, chard, beets, herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, hot peppers, and flowers. I love me some fresh picked produce, even if it now takes me five minutes to clean it with Veggie Wash!

Anyway … it’s a project. These groundhogs can totally hear me. They look right at me whenever I communicate with them; they just don’t care. The faeries laugh at me as much as David and the groundhogs do. I could call in last year’s very effective cat patrol, but I do love all the birds this year, which I always needed to warn away when I called in the cats. If I opt for the Garden Tower out back next year, I’ll need to have it on lock down. I’m actually getting back the first generation Garden Tower I gave our friend Tim in 2016. His daughter offered a full circle return, and we accepted. We’ll see how it all plays out. I do love all the pretties, and fresh produce feels so alive when just picked. It would be nice not to need any vigilance and to still have abundant harvests, so the Garden Tower 2 in our shed may return to use next year now that I know what goes where in the yard.

And now … the Writing Update:

The Metaphysics of Lyme Disease now has over 94,000 words and counting. Although it sounds like I spend all my time chasing groundhogs, I really spend most of the day in phone sessions and writing this book. I still hope and plan to release it this year. I love all the contributors’ sections, and my own writing feels like a Russian doll. Every chapter I write begets another, somewhat similar, but necessary one. Adding astrology into the mix has expanded the project but also gives me a kind of shorthand to describe energetic patterns I’ve noticed in 14+ years of supporting people with Chronic Lyme. I don’t want to jinx my writing process by sharing too much here. Let’s just say, it’s coming along even better than expected, and the detour this Spring was well worth the time exchanged for more focused content.

Other Quick Updates:

Tania and I still have a couple spots left in the Fall Equinox in Tahoe workshop, “Living a More Magickal Life with Laura Bruno and Tania Marie.” You can find details and sign up here. This is the first and only workshop we’re co-teaching together, because Tania won’t be teaching at all after this September. I’ve also backed off teaching in order to focus more on writing. There’s a chance I may still teach some Reiki classes in 2019, but this workshop with Tania will be my first and last class taught in quite awhile.

You can find August Specials here. The Lugh’s Clues Special is quite popular, and I LOVE doing those sessions! What great ideas you have! It’s such an honor to support people wanting to pay it forward.

In sidewalk news … our hard work appears to be paying off. The Assistant Director of Public Works let us know that he rewrote our Township’s definition of “Complete Streets” in such a way that exempts our neighborhood from the 15-feet-into-our-yards, destroy our trees sidewalk requirement. Progress. He presents his new proposal to the Township Board tonight but feels they will accept his amendments. Fingers, toes and wings crossed for that. Between R.J., AT&T, and the Township Board, our front yard has sure been a hot commodity in 2018. Hopefully liberator Uranus in Taurus will continue to put the kibosh on usurpers and tyrants! 😉

That’s all for now … wishing you and yours a lovely week!


Thursday, 9 August 2018

Enlightenment through Shadow Work

I’m linking to Ann Kreilkamp’s post called “Two Excellent, Dovetailing Perspectives on Q,” and calling it “Three Excellent, Dovetailing Perspectives On Q” due to the comment section on Ann’s post. I’ve stayed relatively quiet on the Q phenomenon, because I prefer to let people decide for themselves what’s real or relevant in their own realm. The Q stuff delves deep into the Shadow, and while I regularly help clients do that, I never want to force that onto people before they’re ready. The mainstream media has done that, though, so this post comes as support not pressure. Careful blog readers over the past decade will recognize that I’ve written and spoken of these topics many times and many years before. I just haven’t called them Q.

I did make an unintentionally public statement on QAnon via Ann’s blog when she shared my email commentary to a link I sent her in the wee hours of the morning on August 1:





The link I shared was to this post on Deus Nexus: “QAnon Decoded: Every Trip Code and UserID Used by QAnon Points to a Book.” The nerdy English Major in me has never quite died, despite the 1998 TBI detour that led me away from academia into reading energy fields and writing fiction and non-fiction. In any case, that book list contains some phenomenal books, and as a writer, I have learned as much about writing by observing the Q phenomenon over the past nine months as I’ve learned from dozens of how-to books on writing. Show don’t tell works as well for how-to as it does in stories!

I’m not in any way trying to convince people of anything, and please don’t use the comment section here to debate politics. I will say this, though: part of the reason I continued to read the Q material is because I have known much of this for many years from firsthand sources. My life and work put me in touch with unusual people, and I’ve heard many credible stories and heartbreak from people who’ve experienced Hollywood’s and high government’s pedophilia and other abuses firsthand. These people had no reason to lie to me; they told their tales in confidence, and the names and details will remain confidential. These clients were trying to recover from early childhood trauma in order to heal illnesses and/or move forward in work and life.

I’ve also had people very close to me over the years share some of the most horrific veil-ripping encounters where they’ve witnessed or experienced activities that shook them to the core. Again, I have no reason to doubt these people, as they weren’t seeking attention or sensationalizing their tales. The details arose in the context of private conversations and deep soul sharing. I don’t claim to have the inside scoop on governmental and corporate coups, Satanic Ritual Abuse or honey trap blackmail, but I do know these things exist.

I also know that there ARE good people in our military and government, whether you call them White Hats, strategically placed, or good people stuck in a bad system. Some of the most awake, intelligent, and intuitive people I’ve ever encountered have been veterans. I do not condone violence, and neither do they. Ironic, yes, but true. Many of the veterans I know awoke through combat and by witnessing what was really going on overseas. They saw the corruption and recognized drug running, media lies, and slavery. Yes, slavery exists in the 20th and 21st centuries, much of it condoned and profited from by our government. One reason for so many military suicides and PTSD comes from the idealism destroyed by witnessing and in some cases being forced to participate in situations the opposite of why they joined the military. Knowing this makes credible (to me) the claim of White Hats fighting corruption from within the system. Some of it may be for show, but I am certain that real people are risking their lives to do good things.

Many of these veterans I know have highly honed intuition, a strong sense of honor, and huge hearts. They don’t always get it right, but most of the ones I know hold as a highest value defending the innocent. One reason I happen to have had close relationships with so many veterans despite seemingly unrelated interests is because we all use strategy. We think alike. Whether planning a battle, fighting Lyme disease, or helping someone overcome subconscious inner demons, it’s all strategy. I can appreciate 3-, 4-, and 5-D chess, because I play it every day to help people help themselves. Critics laugh at the idea of “moron” Trump having a strategy, but to me, it’s clear he does. I don’t know where that strategy leads or how it will play out. Even if entirely selfless (and I don’t know or claim that it is), as Robert Burns said: “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft a-gley.”)

What I do know is the devastation this epidemic of pedophilia has wrought throughout the world. Lives have been shattered. I know some amazingly courageous souls who’ve done their own Shadow Work to move beyond the trauma and help others — but I know what it cost them to do so. I have huge respect for anyone working to stop even one pedophile, let alone bust and prosecute thousands of them. I see the media trying to normalize pedophilia by making it part of LBGT now LBGTP (P is for pedophiles), calling child molesters “minor attracted persons,” refusing to call out the religiously sanctioned pedophilia of Muslim child brides and female genital mutilation, and by painting pedophiles as victims. They are often victims themselves, but that does not justify perpetuating or normalizing the abuse!

All of which is to say, that the Q material points to a lot of truth, and I find it a brilliant means of helping people to discover truth at their own, self-directed pace. Unlike a cult, no one forces anyone to believe anything, nor to conclude anything. Some things just become obvious once you open your eyes to them. My eyes happened to open to these things long ago. Even as a child, I had pedo-radar in which I would scream bloody murder if anyone tried to force me into a child molesting doctor’s office or bring a pedophile into our home. My shouts and refusals embarrassed my parents, but decades later stories surfaced that validated my intuitive concerns. I got yelled at a lot for refusing to cooperate, but the only thing a would-be pedophile ever managed to molest on me was my “adorable little nose.” And that was bad enough!

The #MeToo campaign is important, but many recognize it as only the tiniest tip of the iceberg. Raping women on the casting couch is horrible, but not as horrible as trafficking children or Satanic Ritual Abuse. I decided to address some of these issues here in one post, because Q has gone mainstream. Soon people will not be able to avoid these stories and their implications. In addition to Ann’s post, I suggest two other links:

Citizen Investigator’s “Open Letter to the American People”


Ponder why — if they have “right on their side” — someone would feel the need to sneak through legislation in California that literally gives an inarguable, free pass to even the worst criminals. Eyes open. As my Discernment Reminders post explains, “Most people are mostly kind and mostly honest, and sociopaths rely on this perception in order to orchestrate enormously complex and outrageous schemes. Just because you wouldn’t engage in that sort of behavior (or couldn’t even imagine coming up with such a scheme) doesn’t mean it’s not happening. We’re only just beginning to see proof of such ‘paranoia’ and ‘hysteria’ being Conspiracy Facts.”

All of this can feel overwhelming and reality shattering, which is why I’ve posted such things only in dribs and drabs over the past decade. Everyone’s at a different point in awakening, but as Carl Jung said, “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” Shadow Work feels bad. No one wants to go through a Dark Night of the Soul, but because of revelations coming to light and going mainstream through Q and anonymous researchers, we’re poised for a societal Dark Night of the Soul. Each dark night has potential to catalyze new levels of clarity, lightness and joy.

A reminder for those of you who’ve been through one (or more) Dark Night(s) of the Soul before: now’s YOUR time to shine. YOUR time to help previously unconscious loved ones and coworkers who suddenly find themselves ready and hungry to have real conversations about real issues.

Now comes the healer portion of your Wounded Healer life. We can find meaning and purpose through anything. Our vulnerability brings strength. Q’s motto WWG1WGA (“where we go one, we go all”) is a good reminder, regardless of political or religious inclinations. We’re embodied souls having a human experience. When life throws surprising revelations your way, it’s a good time to step back and reconnect with your heart. What do you really know and value? What “matters”? What small, local step can you take to bring positive momentum TOWARDS a preferred outcome? What can you see and observe with your own eyes, in real time, not through a screen, and not through soundbites or news spin cycle? Ground. Earth. Breathe. Love.

Love yourself, because you matter. You really do.





Monday, 6 August 2018

The August Garden

Some photos of Dra’Faven’s front yard cottage garden:







The pollinators love this place! I have so many different butterflies, bees, hummingbirds and goldfinches to watch out our big front window — a living tapestry.


Thursday, 2 August 2018

Past Life Regression to Three Healers

Note from Catherine Carrigan: On Saturday, July 28, I asked Kathryn Ravenwood to hypnotize me using the Wellpoint Hypnosis Method, an integration of sound healing and hypnosis.  Kathryn and I are among the first healers to learn the Wellpoint Hypnosis Method from creator Christina Winslow and her husband, sound healer Ted Winslow. Kathryn Ravenwood is […]


Wednesday, 1 August 2018

August 2018 Specials

Happy Lammas and Lughnasadh! August 1st marks the traditional date for the first harvest festival of the year, although the actual cross quarter day where the Sun reaches 15 degrees Leo falls on August 7, 2018. Any way you look at it, in the Northern Hemisphere, August marks a time of increased harvests and shortening days. This month’s specials embrace that paradox by calling attention to the body with a Medical Intuitive Special, as well as supporting creativity and Lightworkers with the “Lugh’s Clues Package.”(Lugh is often associated with the Sun.)


40-Minute Medical Intuitive Special

Save 25% ($44) off the usual rate for a 40-Minute Medical Intuitive Reading.

Medical Intuition is the ability to access information about physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health through “reading” the energy field around the body. A Medical Intuitive session decodes the message(s) from soul to body into language your conscious mind can understand and begin to address. It is not meant to replace traditional medical or psychological treatment, and it is not any form of medical or psychological treatment.

Instead, Medical Intuitive readings look for the root cause of continuing symptoms or conditions. Without addressing the root cause, even the “right” treatments or treatment providers fail to find a cure … or … a person continues to experience one new issue after another. By locating the root cause, a Medical Intuitive reading allows the individual to understand what the soul wants, so that healing can move through all the levels, including physical.

$133 (instead of the usual $177) for 40 minutes, if purchased on or before 8/31/18. Please contact me to sign up.

Lugh’s Clues Package

In Celtic mythology, the Sun god Lugh represents skill, quick thinking and the combination of diverse expertise that makes him unique and valuable. As the story goes, Lugh tries to gain entrance to the king’s fort, but the doorkeeper tells him that no one can join without a special skill.

Lugh says he’s a builder, but the doorkeeper says, “We already have a builder.” Then Lugh describes his skills as a smith. “We already have a smith.” Lugh continues to run through a long list of other skills — champion, harper, warrior, poet, magician, physician, cup-bearer, brazier — always with the same response: “We already have one of those.” Lugh finally gains entrance by asking, “But do you have someone who can be and do all these things at once?”

Create a New Universe

In the past 17 years, I’ve mentored life coaches, Reiki practitioners, Reiki Master Teachers, intuitives, yoga teachers, and energy healers. Common questions arise about how to set themselves apart in a world with so many others offering the same services, and how to help others recognize their value. How can they earn a living by following their sense of calling? This 3-pack of 30 minute sessions explores your unique combination of gifts and how to use them to open doors. This is NOT your typical marketing strategy! It’s not about Facebook, branding, or head shots. Rather, it’s about recognizing what makes you you — and using your unique energy signature and skills to provide value to others.

We’ll explore your gifts, lifestyle and soul goals, skills and what combo of these will open metaphorical and literal doors for you. $333 if prepaid on or before 8/31/18. The Lugh’s Clues Package offers 3 half-hour sessions done in a relatively short time period — maximum 3 months — plus a Reiki Healing Attunement to activate and help you embrace what you discover. This is a first for this type of package, which represents a savings of $111+ of separate services, plus the energetic support and intense focus on personal mentoring. Please contact me to sign up.

