Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Uranus in Taurus: What I’m Noticing So Far

On May 16, 2018, zany, chaotic, high in the sky, liberating Uranus moves into slow, solid, steady, earthy Taurus. Whenever a slow moving planet changes signs, we can expect some major shifts. Some astrologers are predicting the end of the Taurean Bull financial system with a switch to Uranian Bitcoin. Others are predicting earthquakes, both physical and metaphysical. I’m not a doom and gloomer, but in recent sessions, I’m already noticing the lead up to this shift.

The effects depend upon the person, how “stuck” they are or how open to big, liberating changes. Like the Tower card of Tarot, Uranus can answer desperate prayers for change, but how we experience that change depends on our ability to recognize and embrace the answered prayers.


One example would be the person who hates his job, who has long wanted out but can’t find the “how,” suddenly getting fired or having an accident that prevents him from doing that job. (I had some heavy duty Uranus transits at the time of my 1998 car accident that caused a life changing TBI.) A more harmonious version of this same dynamic features the person who senses a needed career change and instead of waiting for the “how” to reveal itself, that person follows a “hop, skip and jump” approach — dead reckoning her way forward via synchronicities and awareness.

The first person feels the lightening strike as a trauma-drama. The second person anticipates the strike and commits to liberation pre-strike. For the open and prepared person, lightening arrives as a signal and confirmation of universal support for change. Both versions will dismantle the old stuck paradigms and require something new, bolder and more authentic, but the resistant option externalized as “Fate” tends to take longer for the blessing to reveal itself. The embracing option looks drastic or even reckless from the outside, but on the inside, the person feels supported and clear of the next, then the next, then the next steps to take. The less conscious (resistant) version operates on the subconscious victim of circumstances level and thus offers much less choice. The more conscious (embracing) version consciously co-creates the new life and therefore unfolds more as “ease-n-please” than “trauma-drama.”

[Note the Freudian typo of lightening instead of lightning strike. Highly symbolic, so I left it!]

Because Uranus moves slowly relative to Earth, the lead-up to a sign change already begins inner rumblings, especially for sensitive or intuitive folks. With Uranus moving into Earthy Taurus, even people firmly ensconced in Ye Olde 3D World feel an impending shake-up. In the past few weeks, increasing with each week, I’ve dealt with an unusually high number of people facing neurological issues. Multiple strokes, concussions, extreme brain fog, migraines, neurological glitches, and more: every day seems to bring a new level of weirdness. When possible, I track astrological transits during these neurological events, and I find very high and signficant Uranus activity in all those charts. This move into Taurus heightens the effects, because Uranus the bringer of radical changes is itself going through a radical change.

Yesterday, I found myself repeating similar advice to several clients: “The old rules no longer apply. Change has been calling for awhile. Now it’s knocking on your door. Change will bang down that door if you don’t make some committed move in the new direction. What seemed safe is now the riskier option.” In one of my all time favorite quotes, Anais Nin wrote of this truth:

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

What changes keep calling, nagging and knocking in your life? How might you blossom from your known, tight bud? Chaos and change bring opportunity to those who commit to growth and liberation, take action and expect miracles. If you need support to discern those opportunities, please feel free to reach out. I offered the May Specials anticipating some Uranian upheaval and up-leveling.

Peace and empowerment to you and yours.



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