I forgot I had written this post until someone recently asked about significant moments in my recovery from a 1998 traumatic brain injury. I’ll share it here as an illustration that healing can come in unexpected, multi-layered ways. When we open ourselves to previous “no-go zones” life and healing unfold in marvelous ways.
When I first began working professionally as a Medical Intuitive ten years ago, I sometimes received past life “hits” while scanning someone’s energy. Every once in awhile past lives surfaced as a factor in symptoms, but I preferred not to access that sort of information. It seemed “weird,” “unprovable,” “way too out there” and downright “New Age-y.” I felt odd enough reading energy and sensing mind-body connections in strangers. All this seeing the unseen stuff seemed like it could take over my life, so I drew an arbitrary, but firm, line around past life issues. The only way I mentioned them was if I could absolutely find no other reason for a particular condition. Even then, I shared the information apologetically, as though turning to other lifetimes for an explanation somehow entailed my own failure to provide a good reading.
Some of you have already heard the story of how…
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source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/11/19/past-lives-and-law-of-attraction-2/
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