Ah, the month of pumpkins, mums and All Hallow’s Eve! October is my favorite month of the entire year, with so many hinge points and the Celtic New Year on Samhain. This month’s specials reflect current energies and recent requests for support.
The Faeries’ Dream
The Fae seem to go through phases of having strong messages and support for humanity, and I (and others) sense a recent increase in activity. This 20-minute reading can focus on Faery advice, requests, and/or messages for you, and/or instructions on how you can connect more easily and effectively with this Realm.
The Faery Realm holds the original imprint of our completely pure, loving and healed planet, so working with the Fae always puts us in close proximity of that possibility as material fact — what has always remained and thus already is pure, healed and beautiful. This reading springs from such knowing and offers a chance to learn what your faerie companions would most love for you to focus upon instead of all those things that crop up as worries or concerns. Invoking delight brings us that much closer to experiencing it. $77 if prepaid on or by October 31, 2017. Please contact me to sign up.
The Ancestors Approach
This is a brand new offering in honor of the upcoming All Souls’ and All Saints’ Days. It can cover generational healing, soul readings about your relationship with/to those who have passed, support for recognizing signs, or in appropriate cases, cutting cords that reach across the veil. $133 for 40 minutes if prepaid on or before October 31, 2017. Please contact me to sign up.

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/10/02/october-2017-specials/
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