Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Why Yoga Matters

This morning I received the very upsetting news that after teaching yoga at Holy Spirit Catholic Church for over 21 years, our classes are being banned because priests at the church have decided that yoga is against the Catholic religion. In 21 years of teaching, I had not received a single complaint to this effect […]
Source: https://catherinecarrigan.com/why-yoga-matters/

source https://cscarrigan.wordpress.com/2017/10/31/why-yoga-matters/

Happy Halloween!

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/10/31/happy-halloween-3/

Monday, 30 October 2017

November 2017 Specials

(You can find October 2017 Specials here.)


By popular request, this month brings back $44 tarot readings. The second November Special stems from the first. Although the cards can sometimes provide very general information about health, they’re no substitute for a Medical Intuitive Reading, which uses an entirely different process on my end. I love tarot, but it does not lend itself to every type of question. Since so many people request medical intuitive support, I decided to run a second November Special just for that. Please read each description, so you can determine which special makes sense for you at this time.

$44 Tarot Readings

Half hour tarot readings at 20% off the usual rate. Tarot readings offer an energetic check-in, the chance to ask questions about pending decisions or intentions, and represent a fun, yet powerful way to gain perspective on relationships and challenges.

Tarot readings are particularly good for people who don’t know what kinds of questions to ask me; they just want some kind of guidance because they feel unsure of what’s coming or what to focus upon. Tarot also seems to benefit those people who have exceptionally good things coming their way, yet wonder if I might be “padding the reading” or “just saying what they want to hear.” The cards don’t lie. (Neither do I – but the cards seem an even more objective medium for delivering good news.)

Please contact me if you’d like to sign up for this special. Offer valid if prepaid on or before November 30, 2017.

$133 Medical Intuitive Readings

Medical Intuition is the ability to access information about physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health through “reading” the energy field around the body. A Medical Intuitive Session decodes the message(s) from soul to body into language your conscious mind can understand and begin to address. Although I explore many different levels of the healing process, I do not (and legally cannot) diagnose or prescribe. Medical Intuitive Readings are meant to augment, not replace traditional medical treatment.

Medical Intuitive Readings purchased on or before November 30, 2017, will be discounted to $133 per 40-minute session. (Save $44 off the regular price.) Please contact me to sign up.


source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/10/30/november-2017-specials/

Friday, 27 October 2017

Garden Update: First Frost and the Indoor Garden

Thursday morning brought our first frost, about one month later than average. Seeing the forecast, I harvested the last of the tender things from outside — nasturtium flowers, peppers — and brought plant friends like geraniums, pineapple sage and several more indoors for the winter.


As temperatures drop, lettuce, chard, kale, beets, arugula, and collards continue to provide more than we need. The first garlic shoots poked through the soil this week, and I received and planted seven perennial veggies on Wednesday, too. We now have Egyptian Walking Onions, a third rhubarb, two sea kale root cuttings and ramps. I also discovered what I think are ramps spontaneously growing behind the very active shed. If nothing else, the allium family will do well amidst the critters!

Finding new locations for all the indoor plants presented a few challenges, but I love our lush tree and jungle home, inside and out. The main bathroom feels downright tropical now:


Our plant loving friend, Tim (“Bombadil,” not Glenn), gifted me this fabulous cactus, which ousted the above spider plant for prime real estate in my magical writing office:


I come by my love of indoor plants honestly. Momma Jane has had a succulent and cacti collection as long as I can remember, and relocating her plants proved as important as the furniture during her 2016 move. I learned spritzing and talking to my plants from her. Although I’m a much better talker than spritzer, my plant babies do well, so long as I occasionally give them spring instead of tap water. When we had rain barrels, they loved that water the best, but we’ve not yet replaced the ones we left at Faery Hof in Goshen.

Oh, indoor plant babies, how I love thee! Thy number is only just exceeded by the garden beds and pots outside. Thank you for cleaning the air and filling our home with life.

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/10/27/garden-update-first-frost-and-the-indoor-garden/

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

October 2017 Specials

One week left! Also, just to confirm for anyone curious, November will feature very different specials than the ones in October.

Laura Bruno's Blog

Ah, the month of pumpkins, mums and All Hallow’s Eve! October is my favorite month of the entire year, with so many hinge points and the Celtic New Year on Samhain. This month’s specials reflect current energies and recent requests for support.

IMG_1459The Faeries’ Dream

The Fae seem to go through phases of having strong messages and support for humanity, and I (and others) sense a recent increase in activity. This 20-minute reading can focus on Faery advice, requests, and/or messages for you, and/or instructions on how you can connect more easily and effectively with this Realm.

The Faery Realm holds the original imprint of our completely pure, loving and healed planet, so working with the Fae always puts us in close proximity of that possibility as material fact — what has always remained and thus already is pure, healed and beautiful. This reading springs from such knowing and offers…

View original post 121 more words

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/10/24/october-2017-specials-2/

Monday, 23 October 2017

Our Relocation: The Inside Scoop on Dra’Faven

At long last, I can make official what I’ve only hinted at for months: this past Summer David and I bought a house and relocated from Goshen, IN to Kalamazoo, MI.


After considering many other locations and then taking a whirlwind tour of Southwest Michigan in Summer 2016, we found that Kalamazoo offered all the things that attracted us to far more distant locales. It feels like the “sweet spot” of abundant Nature, four seasons, unpretentious and happy people, a foodie’s paradise, urban yet uncrowded, permaculture-friendly, bursting with creativity in music and the arts, ethnic and religious diversity, a “writer’s town,” America’s “Third Coast” with more coastline than any of the Lower 48 … and all within a little over an hour from and same cost of living as Goshen. I call it “an hour north and a world away!”

We put in our offer on April 2, 2017, but by seller’s request, did not settle until May 26th. We got access to the house during home inspection, met contractors and spent the time between offer and closing deciding on new floors, paint colors, radon remediation, and more. David took photos of each room, so I could go full Feng Shui mania while determining which belongings got donated, moved and/or where to place them. The afternoon of May 26th, we gave our new keys to contractors and the work began. Despite the tight deadline of our June 24th move-in, everyone exceeded our dearest hopes and vision. We love, love, love, love(!) our new house and yard.

What seemed like a long search to me — but according to David and our realtor was amazingly synchronous and short — made us grateful for a private yard within close, walkable proximity to everything we need. No other house we looked at offered our much desired privacy, and few offered walkability to things we wanted. I don’t drive, and we knew David needed to spend several more months working in Goshen during the week. This little spot of heaven checked off everything we longed for in a home, yard and neighborhood, including that I could remain self-sufficient while David moved through tasks at his parents’ old house and worked his existing job in Goshen.

I’ve hinted at our new location, but until David tendered his two-week resignation, we didn’t feel right making a formal announcement. This morning marks the end of an era and a new beginning. I’ve spent all week of Summer into Fall decorating the house, adding to the existing landscape, and plowing through writing how-to books, while David arrived on Friday evenings and left very early Monday mornings. Today, we enter the last two weeks of that rhythm.

We feel grateful for our individual transformations during that time apart. After nearly 8 years of living together, the past few months felt like dating! As newlyweds, we didn’t need a relationship recharge, but we got one anyway, appreciating each other more and more, as we changed and grew. Our move feels like not only a relocation, but a rebirth. We see glimmers of the New, but we look forward to our continued journey. Together. 

Today also marks the first time introducing our home’s name. In Goshen, we lived in Faery Hof and I rented Haus Am See as an office. We figured our new home would reveal its name in good time, and David’s weekend respites here drew it forth: Dra’Faven (short for Dragon Faery Haven). In Chinese astrology, David’s a Dragon. He has long referred to me as his “Faery House Witch” since our life together so often resembles a cross between a faery tale, Better Homes and Gardens and an episode of Bewitched.

Welcome to Dra’Faven! Thanks for your patience and excitement along the way.


source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/10/23/our-relocation-the-inside-scoop-on-drafaven/

What Is Theta Healing?

Catherine Carrigan, medical intuitive healer and Amazon Number 1 bestselling author, interviews Lynne Cockrum-Murphy about what is Theta Healing for this edition of the Natural Healing Show for UK Health Radio. Lynne Cockrum-Murphy is a Theta Healing instructor and the author of two Amazon Number 1 bestselling books,  Living Hope – Steps to Leaving Suffering […]
Source: https://catherinecarrigan.com/what-is-theta-healing/

source https://cscarrigan.wordpress.com/2017/10/23/what-is-theta-healing/

Sunday, 22 October 2017

More Tips for Connecting with the Faeries

“When the faeries love you, they will gladly shower you with gifts and good will, pulling strings to help you along, offering well timed advice (either directly or through their human allies), and generously showering their faery hugs and pixie dust upon you. Life becomes magical and feels like the Universe winks and smiles at you as you go about your day. Your faery friends will get to know you well. You can show them honor and respect by getting to know them well, too.”

This post wants to go up again — extra insights for working with the Fae, knowing what they like, what offends them and how to live in harmony with them.

Laura Bruno's Blog

This is a follow-up post to my earlier Quick Tips for Interacting with Faeries. Today’s post goes more in-depth and answers some questions and concerns readers, clients and local people have raised in the past nine months. If you’ve not read the previous post, you might want to glance through it, since it covers the three Faery Rules: “No Rudeness,” “Respect, Not Control,” and “A Person’s Word is Bond.” Today’s post assumes at least a basic understanding of these rules.

How do I know what a faery considers “rude,” and what happens if I accidentally offend a faery?

At its most basic, “rudeness” means failing to show good manners. Ask before you take. If you wish to form (and maintain) a friendship with a faery, approach them kindly and with respect for differences in culture and expectations. If you need a favor, then don’t expect or demand it for…

View original post 1,242 more words

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/10/22/more-tips-for-connecting-with-the-faeries-2/

Thursday, 19 October 2017

7 Tips for Henna, Amla, and Morrocco Method Shampoos

For the past several weeks, I keep getting nudges to write about hair. Some clients have mentioned hair issues, and I’m sitting here with a mud pie of henna on my head, so here goes. Back in June 2009, I wrote a comprehensive post about all things henna, along with lots of information about natural hair care, hair nutrients and general tips for full, shiny hair. I wanted to reblog it, but over eight years later, I have too many updates for the little reblog box. You can read my original post here. In today’s post, I’ll just add additional things I’ve learned about henna and Morrocco Method over the years.

Please note that anything I say about henna refers only to body art quality, pure henna (Lawsonia) from a reputable source. Do be careful when experimenting with henna. Some companies add toxic ingredients to get all sorts of unnatural colors and effects, still calling their products “henna.”

To provide some background, though, yes, I henna my hair. I started back in 2006, because a mehendi artist told me that henna would tame the crazy, wild knots I used to get on the back of my head. Using henna did tame those knots, but it didn’t change my hair color until we moved to Monterey, CA in February 2007. Overnight, my hair turned very red (with no additional henna treatment), and my skin went several shades paler. I can maybe explain the sudden redness due to more salt in the air, but that still doesn’t explain how I got so pale. Surrounded by fresh breezes, gorgeous views, and a only short walk to the farmer’s market, fun shops, Indian buffet, and an Aveda salon, plus weekly massages from my all-time favorite massage therapist and lovely friend, Pamela, I became a full fledged redhead.

I’ve always had quite a bit of red in my hair, but bizarre as it sounds, I have mood hair. The happier I feel about my location, the redder it gets. When I lived in Monterey and Sonoma County, I had very red hair. When I lived in Goshen, Indiana — much less so. Only in the sun. Henna’d hair often looks more brown indoors and redder in direct sunlight. Whenever I vacation or live somewhere that makes my soul sing, my hair goes red inside and out. Living in Kalamazoo, it’s back to red:


OK, onto the things I’ve learned since the 2009 Henna for Hair post:

  1. Henna doesn’t just feel good; it is good. I’ve continued to use henna since 2006, because it tames my knots, eliminates the need for conditioner, and also feels like a magical elixer on my head. I recently learned that pure henna has wound healing, anti-headache, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. It cuts hair loss, and many people swear by henna as their only cure for psoriasis. For more on henna’s health benefits, please click here.
  2. Grey and white hair can signal other issues. Points 5) and 6) in my previous post discuss nutrition and hair, especially B-vitamins, but I should also mention the importance of minerals in darkening gray or white hair. Genetics, stress, hormones, age, and other factors play key roles, too, but demineralization often shows up as aging hair. Dull, gray/white and brittle hair can sometimes signal a need for more nourishing foods, and/or indicate poor absorption. Dr. Ann Wigmore’s grey hair famously returned to its original color once she started using wheatgrass juice. Taking digestive enzymes, eating more live (raw, fermented) foods and reducing enzyme inhibitors can also help. I recommend Sally Fallon’s book, “Nourishing Traditions” for people concerned about graying hair, tooth decay, chronic fatigue, and/or brittle bones. Likewise, Ramiel Nagel’s book, “Cure Tooth Decay,” includes loads of information about which foods help or hinder mineralization. I don’t personally follow many of the recipes in those books, but the principles can help you receive the most benefits from whatever foods you do eat. A note for vegans: neither book advocates vegan or vegetarian diets, but you can adapt many of the recipes to enrich foods you already eat. Both provide excellent tips staying mineralized.
  3. Keep your application tools simple and sustainable. I’ve used the exact same “for henna only” shower cap for the past eleven years. I used the same gloves for ten of those years until they finally wore out. Those fancy hair dye applicators from beauty supply stores get clogged with the mud pie consistency of henna, but maybe a ketchup bottle would work. I don’t know. I find my hands work best. A wide toothed comb before henna application means fewer knots while rinsing it out. I tried a ponytail method of separating hair for easier rinsing, and it did work well; however, you’re left with lots of ponytail holders to wash and dry. I ended up going back to hand application.
  4. Quality henna makes a big difference. I always buy my henna from reputable health food stores or Morrocco Method. I have to say, the Morrocco Method henna lasts much longer, provides deeper conditioning, and it rinses out far easier than any other brand or bulk henna I’ve tried. I have no financial ties or affiliate connection to Morrocco Method, but in my experience, their henna works way better for my hair.
  5. Amla conditions and tones down red, but it changes hair texture. Henna straightens hair, and adding amla supposedly reduces that effect. For its great conditioning effects and to experiment with browner hair, I tried adding amla to henna earlier this summer. My hair felt soft, but I didn’t recognize myself. My naturally straight hair got really curly in certain spots. Not everywhere. Just some areas. I stopped using amla so I wouldn’t look like a freak. People with naturally wavy or consistently curly hair often swear by amla as a luxurious conditioner. Some people use it with henna so that their curls remain even if they want red highlights. If you have straight hair, amla may or may not work well for you.
  6. If you use switch to Morrocco Method shampoos, definitely get their Volcanic Powder Dry Shampoo. A little goes a long way, and using the dry shampoo makes the “hair detox” period so much easier. I used Morrocco Method shampoos for a couple years and always got compliments on my hair, but I switched back to store bought natural shampoos for about five years. I don’t use toxic products on my hair, yet even so, my recent switch back to Morrocco Method brought the dreaded “hair detox.” I was grateful this occurred during this summer’s hermit phase; however, my hair started curling up and forming dreadlocks on one side. It also felt waxy right after shampooing. Once I started using the dry shampoo, all the detox symptoms cleared up. No more almost-dreadlocks, and as a bonus: extra full, manageable hair. The volcanic shampoo contains a little amla for conditioning, but mixed with everything else, it just makes my moody hair behave. It feels clean, full and healthy. Even with bangs, I can go four days between regular shampoos, as long as I use the dry shampoo. (The photo in this post was three-day old hair with bangs swept to the side.)
  7. Following directions can save you time and money. When I first used the Morrocco Method shampoo system (rotating five elements), I eventually quit due to time and money. It seemed to take so much shampoo to get my hair clean. Although it felt healthy and vibrant, I couldn’t justify going through so many bottles of shampoo. This time around, I read the directions. Doh! These shampoos work much better if you take a small, travel size bottle and squirt a nickle-sized dollop in there, then dilute with water and shake. Apply that mixture to your roots, massage it in and rinse. Repeat if desired. The diluted shampoo method not only works better, but it reduced my shampoo usage to about 1/5 my original use. The dry shampoo further stretches wet shampoo quantities. Not needing to wash as often saves lots of time, water, shampoo, clogged drains, and ends up making hair healthier and fuller, too.
  8. Go with what works for you. Everything in this post comes from my own experience and research. I have weird hair, so what works for me, might not work the best for you. I’ve known Morrocco Method to help clients regain hair after major hair loss or trauma, and their Zen Hair Detox helps remove toxins embedded in the scalp — very useful for people with brain fog. General information often changes with individual application. In a world of toxic hair products, I just felt led to share some options I enjoy. For more information on henna or hair nutrition, please click here.

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/10/19/7-tips-for-henna-amla-and-morrocco-method-shampoos/

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

What Abuse Does To Your Energy Field

There are many important aspects to recover from physical and sexual abuse: overcoming the emotional trauma, releasing the imprint out of your nervous system, forgiving your abusers and repairing your energy field. As a medical intuitive healer, one of my many jobs is to A identify and B repair tears in your energy field from […]
Source: https://catherinecarrigan.com/what-abuse-does-to-your-energy-field/

source https://cscarrigan.wordpress.com/2017/10/17/what-abuse-does-to-your-energy-field/

Garden Update ~ And Then There Were Seven

I guess you could say I asked for it. Last Thursday, while planting garlic in the 100-gallon bed on the West side of the shed, I lamented how much the voles have destroyed our grass. Deep gouges swish and swirl around the yard, especially since I threw some extra fritillaria melagris bulbs into the largest holes. I noticed the voles had thrown one out in disgust and appeared to have dug new trenches. Thank goodness I opted for the various styles of grow bags, which so far live up to their reputation as vole resistant.

In the midst of hauling compost from garage to far backyard, I might have wondered where “my” cat went. Did she really only visit our yard to torment Kalamazoo Kal? He hasn’t come by for awhile. Did she follow him to less restricted kale pastures? Did something happen to her? Why do these voles feel so comfortable in our yard? If only they smelled more cat, maybe they’d go the way of Kal. If you wish it, they will come. And come.

Meet the new Vole Patrol:




These three musketeers come from a litter of seven — plus a bigger mama. Creamsicle 1 loves sniffing lavender and chomping catmint. Creamsicle 2 does not. The other kitties leave herbs alone, but Creamsicle 1 loves his nibbles. The grey one, whom I call Lynx, because s/he looks just like a lynx, complete with black tufted ears, isn’t quite as pretty as sister, Luna, whom David named because she features three phases of the Moon on her left side. There’s an unnamed orange adventurer and one more that reminds me of a cookie, though I couldn’t say what kind. The little black runt, Nut (for the Egyptian sky goddess), remains my favorite.

Yesterday, I felt a little trepidation that seven rowdy youngsters could easily grow to seventy howling cats, but my goodness they bring hours of entertainment! They love to play hide and go seek through Kal’s old hidey hole, peer at me with kitten eyes through the sliding glass door, perk up their ears when I assert the songbird moratorium and warn the birds away, and they curl around each other in the afternoon sun. Mostly, though, they’ve got the voles muttering: “Ugggh! There goes this neighborhood!” Rodent flight to the suburbs of this yard.

I think someone might be feeding these little cuties, because they all tend to disappear at the same time; however, this morning, I noticed a hawk, which also scatters kitties. So far, our yard seems to feature an ever evolving cast of characters who could but do not do each other harm. At least from my own observations. Everyone seems to follow invisible stage directions. Enter hawk, exit cats. Exit hawk, cue songbirds and woodpeckers. Occasionally, a red squirrel Extra jumps from tree to roof to tree to fence to neighbor’s yard. Enter kitties.

I’ve got some fine arugula, lettuce and chard growing after Thursday’s compost and Saturday’s six inches of rain. Our brown summer lawn turned green again, and the newly planted four types of irises already show new growth. Balloon flowers and mums want another round of blooms, and no one’s pilfered any more kale. Our unseasonably late first frost pushed back the rest of my Spring bulb and perennial veggies shipments, so gardening right now means harvesting greens and watching Wild Kingdom Live, all day, every day.

I still can’t believe how close we live to everything, and how many animals enjoy our yard. That shed is Love Shack, Hidey Hole, Thruway and more. Some day we might turn it into a high tech greenhouse with concrete floor, but for now? All those critters make gardening so much fun.

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/10/17/garden-update-and-then-there-were-seven/

Monday, 16 October 2017

How to Stop the Cycle of Endless Diets and Be Slim for Good

If you have made yourself sick and tired from endless dieting, you need to hear what Maurice Horwitz, author of the Amazon No. 1 bestseller My Life As A Diet: Understanding and Healing for Never-Ending Dieters, has to say in this interview for the Natural Healing Show on UK Health Radio. Maurice’s book is so […]
Source: https://catherinecarrigan.com/how-to-stop-the-cycle-of-endless-diets-and-be-slim-for-good/

source https://cscarrigan.wordpress.com/2017/10/16/how-to-stop-the-cycle-of-endless-diets-and-be-slim-for-good/

Retiring “Schizandra and the Gates of Mu”

After long consideration and the recent appearance of the external sign I requested for timing, I have decided to remove my first novel, “Schizandra and the Gates of Mu” from distribution. For the past couple years, I’ve wanted to de-list this book, since I wrote it for a pre-2012 audience, and so much has changed since its 2009 publication. Every time I thought to take it out of print, though, I received the word, “Wait.”

I finally sensed the time had come and requested validation, which came in the form of a new review which expresses my own feelings — that this book “is a product of its time.” So many of the fresh and imagined things I included have now become mainstream or even cliche. Although the novel still works on a mythological level, when I left California and my entire life behind, I also left behind the intended series. I honestly don’t know if or when I will return to those characters.

I have spent the past few months delving into how-to-write-fiction books, something I never did before writing “Schizandra and the Gates of Mu.” I do feel proud of it as a first novel; however, I also see clearly how I will shift my future storytelling. Synchronously, the retirement date, November 1, occurs on what would be Schizandra’s 30th birthday, as well as the date I will return to writing fiction after an 8-year hiatus that began while writing Book 2 of the Schizandra series. You can read the strange story behind that hiatus by clicking here.

All of which is to say, if you’ve ever wanted to purchase “Schizandra and the Gates of Mu” and still want to, then you have two more weeks to do so. In honor of her 30th birthday on November 1, 2017, Schizandra will enter retirement for the foreseeable future, just as her creator comes out of retirement.


source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/10/16/retiring-schizandra-and-the-gates-of-mu/

What Is TEK, Therapeutic Energy Kinesiology?

Therapeutic Energy Kinesiology is a system of natural healing created by Dr. Adrian Brito-Babapulle that allows a practitioner to identify and correct imbalances on the energetic, physical and emotional level. In this interview for the Natural Healing Show on UK Health Radio, Dr. Brito-Babapulle discusses his healing system with medical intuitive healer Catherine Carrigan. Some […]
Source: https://catherinecarrigan.com/what-is-tek-therapeutic-energy-kinesiology/

source https://cscarrigan.wordpress.com/2017/10/16/what-is-tek-therapeutic-energy-kinesiology/

Sunday, 15 October 2017

How to Heal Depression Without Drugs: A Medical Intuitive Perspective

Medical intuitive healer Catherine Carrigan, author of the Amazon Number 1 bestseller Banish the Blues Now, discusses how to heal depression without drugs with holistic depression coach Judy Meyer. In this interview for the Natural Healing Show on UK Health Radio, Catherine Carrigan and Judy Meyer discuss a summary of holistic approaches for treating depression. […]
Source: https://catherinecarrigan.com/how-to-heal-depression-without-drugs-a-medical-intuitive-perspective/

source https://cscarrigan.wordpress.com/2017/10/15/how-to-heal-depression-without-drugs-a-medical-intuitive-perspective/

Saturday, 14 October 2017

FREE Online Workshop Tuesday, Oct. 17: Breathwork for Inner Peace

Join medical intuitive healer Catherine Carrigan and yoga teacher Suzanne Dulin for a FREE online workshop on breathwork for inner peace this Tuesday, Oct. 17, at 9:30 p.m. EST. Where: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/625260732 Or iPhone one-tap : US: +16465588656,,625260732# or +16699006833,,625260732# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number […]
Source: https://catherinecarrigan.com/free-online-workshop-tuesday-oct-17-breathwork-for-inner-peace/

source https://cscarrigan.wordpress.com/2017/10/14/free-online-workshop-tuesday-oct-17-breathwork-for-inner-peace/

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Win a FREE Copy of My 6th Amazon No. 1 Bestseller: The Difference Between Pain and Suffering

You can win a FREE copy of my 6th Amazon No. 1 bestseller, The Difference Between Pain and Suffering.  There are two ways for you to enter the giveaway: Follow me on Goodreads at this link and enter the FREE Goodreads giveaway at this link. Enter on the front page of my website, http://www.catherinecarrigan.com. It’s FREE! You […]
Source: https://catherinecarrigan.com/win-a-free-copy-of-my-6th-amazon-no-1-bestseller-the-difference-between-pain-and-suffering/

source https://cscarrigan.wordpress.com/2017/10/11/win-a-free-copy-of-my-6th-amazon-no-1-bestseller-the-difference-between-pain-and-suffering/

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Two Links Worth Reading

These two articles provide important context for anyone struggling with relationship issues and/or feeling a surge of Shadow gunk throwing you off balance. Understanding dominant energies helps you surf or redirect them, instead of getting overwhelmed in a downward spiral.

Perspective offers a lifeline. If you think you’re drowning, grab it.

Laura Walker: Oracle Report Tuesday, October 10, 2017, Black Moon Conjunct Galactic Center

Ann Kreilkamp: Jupiter enters Scorpio today, 10/10/17, 9:30 a.m. EDT


source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/10/10/two-links-worth-reading/

How to Improve Your Health with Feng Shui

Tanya Jahnke, Feng shui expert and intuitive designer, explains how you can improve your health with Feng shui. In this interview for the Natural Healing Show on UK Health Radio, Tanya Jahnke explains: 1.  What is Feng Shui and how does it relate to your health? 2. How EMFs in your environment can affect you. 3. […]
Source: https://catherinecarrigan.com/how-to-improve-your-health-with-feng-shui/

source https://cscarrigan.wordpress.com/2017/10/10/how-to-improve-your-health-with-feng-shui/

Goodbye Sonoma County Redux: Synchronous Owls, NaNoWriMo, and Safe Passage

My February 2010 entry, “Goodbye Sonoma County, Goodbye California,” has haunted me for nearly eight years. David and I decided to get married in December 2016 in preparation for purchasing a house in Michigan and relocating from Goshen, Indiana. Ever since then, memories of my sudden departure from California have tumbled across consciousness at least several times per week. From needing to retrieve Sonoma County divorce records — to a two-week stint on Instagram that felt like an assault of photos from places I worked so traumatically hard to leave — to discerning and executing our own exit plan from Goshen, the late 2009-early 2010 time period in Sonoma County kept bursting through.

Although David and I met as friends in Chicago, unbeknownst to me at the time, our story actually began in Sonoma County and Napa. Synchronicities too intricate to tell here led to our star aligned meeting, fatefully becoming housemates, and then falling in love. Recurring dreams and bizarre musical playlists played big roles, too, for both of us.

I’ve previously described six months of recurring dreams while living in Sonoma County. Those dreams featured me living in a cottage-like house filled with painted doors in Northern Indiana, long before I began painting doors. The dreams seemed so real that whenever I awoke in my bed in Santa Rosa, California, it took me about 20 minutes to reorient myself. Towards the end of my then marriage, I often felt and voiced, “I’m in the wrong reality. I’m not supposed to be here.”

Mike Clelland’s upcoming book on owls and synchronicity (sequel to his popular book, “The Messengers,” ) features a whole chapter on me, including, how owls and synchronicity rescued me. Very long story short, after years of trying, the opportunity finally opened to get divorced and leave California. What I have never shared publicly — and only very rarely in private — was just how matter of life and death I felt the need to leave California when I did. Towards the end, I kept hearing a roar and seeing bright light barreling towards me if I stayed. I felt suffocated, a full body, fight or flight need to Get. Out. Now.

Keep in mind, I loved living in Sonoma County, and my only trips through Indiana had convinced me I would never in a million years want to live there. (This March 2015 post describes how and why I wound up in Indiana.) My urgency to leave Sonoma County and get back to Chicago with an eventual destination of Indiana seemed irrational to anyone I told. My landlords said they needed to handle me “with kid gloves,” and my now-ex diagnosed me as having “fugue moments.” Meanwhile, that roar and light barreled towards me if I chose to remain.

Knowing how panicked I sounded, I just prayed that someway, somehow I could leave before the chance to jump that timeline closed. If I elected to stay in Sonoma County after my divorce, I knew I would remain there for the rest of my life — however short that life might be.

I don’t want to rehash the chapter in Mike’s book before he releases it, so I’ll just say that synchronous owls played a major role in opening my California exit door. In summoning that opening, I posted an old and new story called “Synchronous Owls,” which led Mike Clelland first to contact me via the comments. He and I failed to connect until Summer 2015, not realizing until then just how many times we had each tried but failed to contact the other.

The story I tell in Mike’s chapter involves an owl painting I completed in late January 2010. This painting now hangs in David’s and my new living room. This past weekend, that very same painting came alive in synchronicities. After teaching the Reiki Level 3 Master Teacher course, I headed out to dinner with David and then to my hairdresser’s husband’s 40th birthday party. We knew no one besides my hairdresser, but we met loads of musicians at the party. We loved all the music and the creative people.

Sunday morning, David and I lay in bed, pondering one particular musician and a song she sang about her mother. I suddenly got an unshakeable urge to go to the Portage Farmer’s Market. David didn’t want to go, and I couldn’t articulate why I did, so we figured we’d better check it out. Following David’s urge to explore the State Theater a month ago led to that party invitation in the first place; we decided to go with the flow even if we couldn’t explain our why. The Portage Farmer’s Market had very few vendors this week, but one booth caught our eye. The Quirky Bohemian. Fun clothes, jewelry and more engaged us until I looked up and said, “Hey, aren’t you? Didn’t we just? Were you????”

Sure enough! This stall belonged to the very same musician we’d listened to and chatted with the night before. It turns out she has a running joke that her new band will be called “The Black Squirrels of Goshen,” and this little tidbit led to many synchronous rabbit holes. I contemplated getting an elephant print dress from her booth when suddenly, Quirky Bohemian’s mom appeared (yes, “Mom” from the song we discussed that morning right before I got the wild urge to go to the Portage Farmers Market). She wore as a tunic the same elephant dress I held in my hand.

“My mom’s so cute. She always wears my clothes whenever she comes to market.”

Eventually, talk turned from black squirrels to Goshen music venues (Ignition Garage), to gardening, to Kalamazoo Kal, because it all comes back to Kal, doesn’t it? Well, no. Apparently, it all comes back to owls, because according to “Mom,” “Groundhogs hate owls.” This statement prompted more tales of calling owls, including David pulling out a photo of my painting of the great horned owl I’d called. More owl stories followed, including growing up in a house full of a mother’s owl collections — something Mike Clelland finds frequently in his research.


Later that day, I received multiple emails about owls, including one about an owl brewery t-shirt, and would I “please tell David.” I did, and funnily enough, he had just unpacked a vintage Bell’s Best Brown Ale great horned owl t-shirt he procured on EBay.  I snapped a photo of him wearing it next to my painting, and sharing this image led to more owl stories from more people. The next morning brought texts about screech owls and Mike Clelland. All this owl talk brought my mind right back to late 2009-early 2010 Sonoma County.

I’ve also had Sonoma County on the brain because after an 8 year hiatus, I recently decided to inaugurate my return to writing fiction with NaNoWriMo 2017. The last time I wrote any fiction was NaNoWriMo 2009 — in Santa Rosa, California, the downtown of which just burned to the ground. That NaNoWriMo’s frenzied writing forced me to realize in no uncertain terms that my marriage was over and I needed to leave California even sooner than ASAP. Which brings me full circle to the beginning of this post, referencing Goodbye Sonoma County, Goodbye California. Although I did not detail the intensity of my need to leave California, I did reference “the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire,” Biblical allusions that captured my mood at that time.

For years, I’ve wondered why I felt such panic and urgency to flee Santa Rosa, California. That roar and bright light still would haunt me, almost like PTSD of something I never experienced. I used to think maybe I would have been run over by a train or hit by a truck if I stayed in Santa Rosa. After awhile, I tried to dismiss that visceral message as metaphorical. Then I saw yesterday’s headline from ZeroHedge:

“10 Dead, 1000’s Displaced After Wildfires Engulf Napa, Sonoma, and 6 Other California Counties.”

I read yesterday in the comment section:

In all seriousness, here’s an email from my brother a couple of hours ago:

“The fires are burning to the north, east and west of us. Many parts of Santa Rosa, including downtown have been leveled and the fire is burning into Rohnert Park. Kenwood and Glen Ellen are burning. More than 1500 structures gone so far. 20K+ evacuated. My manager’s home was lost in Santa Rosa. The news reports keep mentioning the lack of fire support due to the massive size of the burn (currently 50K+ acres). No containment of any sort yet. From the last report I saw, the fire is approximately 3 miles away from us.

Winds have died off, which should help going forward. No evacuation orders as yet. We are packed as best we can. Cross your fingers.”


Reading that comment and seeing footage of the fire, I realized without a doubt that this is what I foresaw and fore-felt. I reread my February 2010 post and now see how strong a premonition it was. “The pillar of cloud and pillar of fire.” That roaring sound and utter panic as fire unexpectedly engulfs a downtown. I am so grateful I trusted my intuition to leave when and how I did, even though it seemed rash to those around me. The positive synchronicities that led me to get together with David and for us to find our way from Chicago to Madison to Goshen and now home in Kalamazoo amaze and delight me. But the warnings and supernatural care humble me beyond anything I can express.

I Am Grateful.

And prayerful. Peace, safety and rain to Northern California … and care and love to anyone displaced by the many challenges on Earth right now. May clarity and Grace prevail … may we always recognize our openings and the help that surely comes.


source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/10/10/goodbye-sonoma-county-redux-synchronous-owls-nanowrimo-and-safe-passage/