I can’t reblog this post another time, but it wants to go up again: “El Mundo Bueno. Remember that no matter how dire things seem, the “Good Reality” remains available and infinitely, intimately close for those willing to reach for it. I mentioned on April 24th that yes, the energies have been very, very intense for many people. As I said to David tonight after another round of emails requesting sessions or reporting current challenges, “The Universe is turning up the heat, driving in the nail, tightening the screws.”
Talking the talk without walking the walk is getting really difficult. Engaging in co-dependent behavior patterns that prevent others from learning their lessons or taking responsibility for their own lives now occurs without the energetic support of the Universe. If you continue to insist on maintaining that which no longer serves, you’ll find it much harder to do so, because you’ll be swimming upstream, going against the grain, p!ssing in the wind, and cutting yourself off from Divine Inspiration. You’ll still experience Divine Intervention, but that string pulling will not support inertia. That pot stirring will not cement stagnation.
By contrast, these chaotic times offer so much support for positive change, realizing dreams, and moving beyond old limitations and denial. Change takes courage, but we now live in the time of which Anais Nin so beautifully wrote:
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
Live the life your soul longs to live. Take that step you know you need to take. Listen to your body when it screams, “Enough is enough.”
It’s about bloomin’ time!

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/04/26/competing-realities-and-crisis-mode/
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