source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2017/04/30/todays-beauties/
So many people have asked about my new May 2017 rates, offerings and specials, in part because they want to know whether or not to purchase the April Specials. I wasn’t going to announce these until May 1, but in case even more people have questions, I’ll post these with a few days left in April.
I’ve not raised rates or radically shifted my offerings in ten years. After much prayer, synchronicity and consideration, these changes reflect frequent requests for services I don’t normally offer, as well as 16 years of professional session experience, teaching, speaking, and written support. At this time, I’m not changing my Reiki or Tarot offerings. The new rates and offerings affect any intuitive or coaching services that are not Reiki or Tarot based. You can find those (lower) rates and descriptions by clicking through the links above.
For the months of May and June, I’m also going to experiment with an email option as a Monthly Special, since so many people want to send me “quick” questions. Those “quick” questions are usually not that quick, since they still require an intuitive tune-in, energy reading/interpretation, and then the time it takes both to read their email and to respond. Previously, I have referred people to my blog or my books for general information, or a private phone session for specific information, but some people prefer email. I do not want to spend even more time in front of a computer, especially with my intended shift to writing books again once we get settled in our new place; however, of all the requests, email sessions are highest on the list. I’ll see how this option goes for May while it might actually be easier to fit in around packing, and then see what, if anything, needs tweaking after our move in late June.
Please scroll down for the May 2017 Specials, which are listed after the new rates and services.
These services include anything related to:
(If you would like a service not listed here, please inquire. There’s so much overlap with skills and techniques that the above list represents the most common, but not the only types of sessions offered.)
20-Minute Check-in: $90
40-Minute Intuitive or Coaching Session: $177
60-Minute Intuitive or Coaching Session: $222
This is a previously unadvertised service, which so many people have found so beneficial that I’ve decided to make it public. This service can be used for:
(If it’s not listed but seems related, please contact me for options. This process involves a combination of a Reiki Healing Attunement, Runes, specially determined timing, and any supportive symbols, crystals, etc. depending on the individual situation. It’s more complex and specific than a Reiki Healing Attunement, but that technique forms the foundation of this process.)
$77 per location or specific intention
$200 for 3 locations or intentions (i.e. if you need to sell one property in order to purchase another and also want help finding a new office; if there are multiple properties involved; or if you anticipate needing this service again sometime)
In addition to seven years of intensive gardening experience and research, I completed my Permaculture Design Certificate in January 2017. “Permaculture is a system of agricultural and social design principles centered on simulating or directly utilizing the patterns and features observed in natural ecosystems.” This certification allows me to:
Half-hour phone consultation (if applicable): $90
Other services and rates will vary depending on the situation and if it requires in-person visits. Please contact me with details about your specific needs, location and requests.
20-Minute Email Check-In for $77
As mentioned above, this special is an experiment since so many people request email support. Twenty minutes usually covers one or two questions or issues, and it includes my time reading and replying to your email, plus the time spent tuning in and interpreting any messages I receive, along with providing links (if applicable) for further details and information. If you have more complex questions, you can add time. Available if prepaid on or before May 31, 2017. Depending on how this goes, this special might become a regular offering, but we’ll see, as I prefer life away from the computer. Please contact me to sign up.
Mentoring Package for Counselors, Therapists, Energy Healers, Coaches, Social Workers, and Alternative Medical Professionals
With sixteen years of professional experience under my belt, I’ve spent over a decade mentoring clients and students in similar or complementary fields. This has previously occurred as individual coaching sessions or classes, but for May 2017, I’m offering a package deal to support people wanting to take their business to the next level.
This package includes:
May Special Rate:
$626 (Save $471.55 over individual services)
“The wound is the place where light enters you.” Rumi What’s The Emotion? When you get a pain the neck, is it really a problem with your cervical vertebrae, your anterior neck flexors, your posterior neck extensors or have you simply gotten stuck in your emotions? As a medical intuitive healer, one of the first […]
Source: https://catherinecarrigan.com/your-emotional-anatomy-how-emotions-affect-your-muscles/
I can’t reblog this post another time, but it wants to go up again: “El Mundo Bueno. Remember that no matter how dire things seem, the “Good Reality” remains available and infinitely, intimately close for those willing to reach for it. I mentioned on April 24th that yes, the energies have been very, very intense for many people. As I said to David tonight after another round of emails requesting sessions or reporting current challenges, “The Universe is turning up the heat, driving in the nail, tightening the screws.”
Talking the talk without walking the walk is getting really difficult. Engaging in co-dependent behavior patterns that prevent others from learning their lessons or taking responsibility for their own lives now occurs without the energetic support of the Universe. If you continue to insist on maintaining that which no longer serves, you’ll find it much harder to do so, because you’ll be swimming upstream, going against the grain, p!ssing in the wind, and cutting yourself off from Divine Inspiration. You’ll still experience Divine Intervention, but that string pulling will not support inertia. That pot stirring will not cement stagnation.
By contrast, these chaotic times offer so much support for positive change, realizing dreams, and moving beyond old limitations and denial. Change takes courage, but we now live in the time of which Anais Nin so beautifully wrote:
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
Live the life your soul longs to live. Take that step you know you need to take. Listen to your body when it screams, “Enough is enough.”
It’s about bloomin’ time!
This Lunaria comes all the way from Bealtaine Cottage in Ireland! Well, the seeds did. I got them from Colette a few years ago, and the Lunaria has finally found its favorite spot at Faery Hof:
The perennial tulips I fell in love with two years ago at Tulip Fest in Holland, Michigan have begun their show:
With any luck, they’ll eventually look like these. Hey, my hubby is half Dutch, so I’m practically required to love tulips!
Flower Faery
Another Holland, Michigan splurge, these fancy “parrot” tulips, open to orange, green and yellow in the same flower:
Today also marks the first bloom of these anonymous tulips in residence courtesy of the Squirrel Relocation Program. These pink beauties have recovered from their harrowing squirrel journey and continued to multiply by one bloom per year:
Wishing you a beautiful day!
I keep getting emails, questions in sessions, and private texts from clients, friends and family asking me what the heck is up with the recent energies. Yes, they have been VERY intense! Some people have been using these energies as rocket fuel for positive changes. Others have felt overwhelmed by sudden health crises, major relationship flare-ups, mandatory evacuations, and “out of the blue” switcheroo’s.
I personally am doing very well, with lots of super synchronous opportunities appearing and requiring openness and readiness for change. I know many people have had their worlds rocked in the past two weeks, though, because I’ve heard about it in sessions. I coach a number of therapists, and they also noted a major uptick in crises, emotional outbursts and addictive relapses, especially since Easter. It feels like a big cleanse, in which the old gunk temporarily recirculates before its full release. It also feels like a time to go inward, and many people feel they simply cannot maintain the external obligations of a previous status quo.
Although my own life is going well, I had not one, but two, family emergencies last week, plus an onslaught of panicked correspondence from various people. To summarize, we’ve got four planets in Retrograde right now, including Mercury. You can find ways of dealing with Merc Rx by clicking here. Since April 9, Saturn, the cosmic task master, is moving Retrograde at the Galactic Center until August 25th, and we’ve got all manner of collective machinations ranging from civil unrest to World War 3. If you’re at all empathic or even the slightest bit conscious, such things exert influence on your life. The trick is to observe, consider (or reconsider) your options, and then commit (or recommit) to whatever makes your soul sing.
It really can be that simple. What step, right now, feels right in your gut? What brings surprising relief whenever you consider it? What choice, right now, supports those deep inner longings and desires that never seem to go away? What action, right now, aligns you with your path? With all these planets Rx, keep in mind that the next step might be a step backwards — a time to clean up, clear out, or review. If you cannot pass Go without taking this step, then stop resisting it. Use these strong Rx energies to focus on what demands attention before moving forward.
When choppy waves appear, we can drown or learn to ride them. We can throw ourselves to the sharks, or find our balance and glide with exhilaration. This is not a time for indecision; it’s a time for extreme presence, moment by moment. If you can’t make out the bigger picture, that’s fine. Just get clear on how you’d like to feel and then make micro-adjustments throughout the day to edge you closer to that feeling.
If you’d like extra support, please don’t hesitate to request a session. Big waves=big potential for lasting change.
Surf’s up, Lovey’s! Hang ten.
As a medical intuitive healer, people are always asking me for help understanding their pain and suffering. Many of my new clients have spent years trying various modalities in an earnest search for relief. “Where did my pain begin?” they want to know. It’s important to understand how your body works – not just your […]
Source: https://catherinecarrigan.com/where-does-pain-begin/
This 2008 post wants to go up again. So often animal friends announce and confirm answered prayers. I always tell people, “When you pray, expect an answer. Don’t forget to ask for the ability to recognize those signs and guidance.” Animals can also guide and nudge us in the right direction. They’re wonderful triggers for Shadow Work, courage, and unconditional compassion. If your furry, scaly or feathered friend has been acting strange lately, see if anything here sparks a realization.
If you have recently asked for help, guidance and protection from angels and/or spirit guides, you might notice your pets acting rather odd. Perhaps they seem agitated, nervous, or extra loving to you. Maybe they look confused or seem extra needy. You might even find them staring at you with questioning eyes, almost as if to say, “Hello? What do you want me to do here?” If they continue to receive no guidance from you, they may soon exhibit signs of frustration, even though you find nothing wrong.
(The Annunciation, by animal lover Leonardo da Vinci)
Under the circumstances, such behavior actually makes sense. When you “invite” or “invoke” help and visitations from angels, animal spirits and other spirit guides, you probably don’t “see” such beings surrounding you. Indeed, most people admit that seeing an angel would make them question their sanity! Even those who want to see something before believing in it, often secretly prefer clairaudient messages to clairvoyant…
View original post 696 more words
Years ago, I remember doing a medical intuitive reading for a woman in Kenya who was a big cat researcher. Both she and her husband had spent years in the wild filming and studying and advocating for the lions, tigers and leopards not just in Africa but also in Asia. Unexpectedly, she had fallen ill. […]
Source: https://catherinecarrigan.com/call-on-your-power-animals/
More blooms from the ever evolving yard! Today’s flowers celebrate the letter “T,” and represent just a small smattering of bee and butterfly delight. Yes, some hungry pollinators have already found our yard. In addition to the wild trillium I saved from a destroyed woods a few years ago, we’ve also got trout lilies from the same woods, along with still massive amounts of dandelions, plantain and wild violet, courtesy of Nature herself. I thought I’d share some of today’s more stunning displays:
Behind those peachy beauties, you can see the later blooming magenta yarrow, which has become its own tough competitor in the colorful riot to dominate this permaculture haven. I leave some of the “heal-all” with purple flowers because the bees love it so much, but my goodness, it loves to spread! Fortunately, the heat kills it off in late Spring and early Summer. The garden angel keeps an eye on the last round of tulips, which should bloom in another week or so. Alliums and irises will follow those.
These mysterious white tulips arrived without name via the squirrel relocation program. They’ve settled in well next to the grape hyacinths, more yarrow, and long awaited peonies. Hopefully, we’ll get some blooms from those bushes this year!
Meanwhile, these peony-style ruffled tulips make me smile:
Trillium and trout lilies continue on the north side of our house, getting their slight supply of sun in early morning before the ferns pop up.
I love these rescued plants, which also included Jack in the Pulpit and a very delicate pink flower whose name I’ve never learned. Not to be outdone, many of the fruit trees and bushes are already in full blossom. Below, you can see our North Star cherry and three-way Asian pear, with a bed of garlic growing in the background.
The yellow daffodils surrounding the trees died back just as the dandelions decided to assert their claim. It’s definitely a pollinator’s paradise. All the additional blooms have transformed yards that used to make me cry in embarrassed and sad frustration into an ever changing palette of colors, form and taste.
The abundance continues to overwhelm a little bit, but in a good way. All those chives at the base of the trees made a mighty tasty vegan chive pesto, which we enjoyed over pasta two nights in a row. I loosely adapted Kevin Lee Jacobs’ recipe, using nutritional yeast instead of parmesan. he rhubarb you see to the far left middle of the photo formed the base of a delicious rhubarb salsa, coupled with Egyptian walking onions and last summer’s frozen Poblano peppers:
For the rhubarb salsa, I just mixed and matched about six different recipes to taste — fresh rhubarb, chopped poblano’s (or whatever hot pepper you have on hand), chopped Egyptian walking onions, since they’re marching all over the garden beds, apple cider vinegar, chipotle pepper powder, a smidge of raw honey, and just a dusting of ground cumin.
This salsa means rhubarb makes the cut — quite literally a root cutting — to transplant into the new yard. I’m currently making my way through all the perennial veggies and unusual fruits growing now or frozen last year, so that I can decide which must repeat in the new yard, and which can stay here as their living experiment.
Details on our new place will eventually find their way onto the blog. For now, suffice to say, the yard presents the opposite challenge these yards did. Here, I had a blank slate, and anything I did would be an incredible improvement over the status quo. The new place is already beautifully landscaped for year round color and has some planting limitations built into the yard. Instead of filling everything from scratch just to inject a little beauty into a weedy, dry, compacted landscape, this new process involves careful observation, selection, very deliberate hardscaping, and perhaps some substitution. More Zen than Bollywood. More formal than wild.
All good things in their proper season … I’ve had some leads on people who might be interested in these properties. Meanwhile, we wander through the blooms and harvest the bounty I planted years ago. May your life blossom as abundantly as our yard!
On Monday I had a profound experience of the Christ consciousness while giving a Reiki treatment. This article is my humble attempt to describe what I felt and saw. Monday morning, one of my regular clients texted me. I was driving back from visiting my mother in Savannah, Georgia, for the Easter holiday, so I […]
Source: https://catherinecarrigan.com/what-it-feels-like-to-give-reiki/
Among the many FAQ’s during sessions and emails, some variation of the following comes through a lot: “If you don’t mind me asking, what are your spiritual disciplines, and who do you consider to be your spiritual leaders or mentors?” I live a deeply spiritual life, but I tend to keep my beliefs and practices quite private. More and more people keep inquiring, though, including this morning. I decided to write a somewhat lengthy response and will share that here, in case more people wonder what informs my work and life. I’m not one to post everything online, but this will give a general overview of some behind the scenes attitudes and inclinations.
My spiritual disciplines morph with the seasons and have shifted across the years. I used to meditate and/or chant for hours per day, but for the past six years, my primary spiritual practice has been gardening. In late 2012, my husband and I began renting a gut rehabbed house on a barren, weedy, horribly ugly lot in Northern Indiana, which I have gradually transformed into a permaculture paradise, along with the house and yard next door, which I took over as an office in 2015. Since we were only renting this while helping David’s parents transition to higher levels of care and never intended to stay long term, it has been an exercise in non-attachment, love for love’s sake, beauty, restoration and communion with Nature.
I follow the Wheel of the Year, honoring the changes in season, along with the symbolism attached to each Turn of the Wheel. I also find inspiration in mythology, Faery Lore, studying symbols, and welcoming the creative process in all its forms — garden design, floral bouquet arrangement, painting, writing. For me, creativity is Divine flow.
In the past, I’ve studied a lot of Hindu, Celtic, and Norse mythology, Runes, alchemy, history of Christianity, Tarot, ancient and more modern philosophies, world literature … I still read and research a lot, but it’s less structured than when I had entire days at my disposal to listen to audio books and lectures while disabled from my 1998 brain injury. Now I just flow wherever and whenever I feel led, but Nature grounds me.
During the winter, I tend to write more, as well as create beautiful, healthy meals from all the produce I’ve frozen or dried in the other seasons. As a Reiki Master Teacher, I offer Reiki and gratitude every day. I also find my intuitive work serves as its own spiritual practice, since it involves tuning in, prayer, and forces me to slow down into hyper-presence throughout much of the day while I connect with other individuals in a very multidimensional way. I have conservative Christian, Orthodox Jewish, pagan, New Age, Druid, Hindu, Sufi, atheist, agnostic and philosophical clients, whose breadth of experience makes me ever appreciative of what I call “the great Mystery with a capital M.”
I especially admire (poet, author, speaker, Earth activist) Joanna Macy, (Norse scholar and incredible storyteller) Maria Kvilhaug, and Colette O’Neill (of Bealtaine Cottage), Reiki founder Usui Mikao, as well as Will Allen and Ron Finley (African American men who have transformed their impoverished communities through growing organic food with children — and adults!). Anyone who can tell a good story, create beauty from ugliness or neglect, walk through the fire and turn their burns into blessings has my respect and admiration. I go for depth, grit and transmutation, definitely not the fluffy platitudes.
(That was my answer via email to the latest person who asked about my spirituality. If you’re still curious, I’d suggest sifting through the years of blog posts and realize that everything I post represents an aspect of my spirituality. I don’t separate the spiritual from any other part of life, so to explain my relation to Spirit would literally involve describing and analyzing every moment of my life, including Dreamtime. Or, I could just summarize it by saying, “I’m a mystic who finds the Divine everywhere and in everything. I value the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, and I honor the sacred through devotion, play and work.”)
Join my friend Maxine Taylor Saturday and Sunday June 3 and 4 for a weekend workshop to learn astrology from Georgia’s first licensed astrologer. You can download the flyer here at this link. To register and pay, please visit this link. What: Star Camp To watch a Youtube video about Star Camp, please visit this […]
Source: https://catherinecarrigan.com/join-my-friend-maxine-taylor-for-star-camp-astrology-training/
“Those who have suffered understand suffering and therefore extend a hand.” Patti Smith One of the common pains I as a medical intuitive healer empower my clients to overcome is the gut wrenching and soul sucking suffering that occurs as a result of a breakup with intimate partners. If you study the Holmes and Race […]
Source: https://catherinecarrigan.com/a-medical-intuitive-healers-guide-to-mending-a-broken-heart/
Hard to believe how fast 2017 is flying by. With the Schumann resonance rising and the winds of change swirling about, I wanted to post this as a heads up regarding some upcoming changes in my own life and work. For those interested, April is the last chance for these particular specials at these rates. Wishing everyone a powerful, joyful transformation!
As I mentioned last week, I’m in process of restructuring rates, session lengths, policies and offerings. I have not raised rates in 10 years but will begin doing so in May, in order to bring things more into alignment with my 16 years of professional experience as an intuitive reader and over ten years as a Life Coach. I’ve also been considering various requests over the years for additional services, classes, and mentorship programs, and I’m discerning which, if any, of those I feel led to offer at this time. My decision to restructure services and rates comes after much prayer, contemplation and synchronous nudges. I celebrate the new, even as it continues to reveal itself.
With our upcoming move — date and exact location TBD — I know I will make additional shifts once I get a sense of how many local classes I begin teaching in the new…
View original post 645 more words
Because we are all human, sometimes we get stuck in our pain. About a year ago my dog Belle died. Just the week before I remember thinking, “I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy in my entire life.” Then one Monday afternoon we were out in my garden beside the zinnias and Belle walked […]
Source: https://catherinecarrigan.com/what-happens-when-you-get-stuck-in-the-pain/
I picked these beauties for David’s parents — the tulip for his Dutch dad and a cheery mix of daffodils for his mom. Thought I’d share some loveliness here, too: