As promised, here’s the photo version of ‘Twas the Weekend ‘Fore Autumn:
The Weekend ‘Fore Autumn
‘Twas the weekend ‘fore Autumn and all through the yard,
All the plants were a’thriving, including the chard.
The bees dined on asters; the cushaw had grown.
The mums nearly bursting, the yard freshly mown.

Thai basil hummed purple; eggplants danced in the breeze–
The garden so fragrant, it drew many a sneeze!

Sweet potato vines covered the sides of the trough,
And on sedum and zinnias, butterflies sipped on and off.

For the first time in years, the holly had berries.
Boltonia blossoms delighted the faeries.

As Fall Equinox split the light and the dark,
Those flowers all giggled at anything stark.

The Robinhood roses had been blooming since June–
So hard to believe ‘twould be Halloween soon!

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