Thursday, 28 March 2019

Global Metamorphosis 2019 Update

Another new article from Timothy Glenn! In his email to me, Tim notes, “2020 is going to be Global Metamorphosis on steroids, so there might be more than one update of this series during that year.” Meanwhile, 2019 promises to be quite the wild and revelatory ride. Here’s Tim with some cosmic perspective on human evolution and the New Earth:

Global Metamorphosis 2019 Update

by Timothy Glenn

The Global Metamorphosis articles focus on Pluto’s 16 year journey through Capricorn in the tropical zodiac, emphasizing two of the main facets of this phenomenon:

Removing and replacing structures of the old world control grid in all areas, including (but not limited to) Government, Economy, Academia, Religion and Science.

Bringing to light, facing and dealing with the reality of everything that has been deep, dark, hidden and secret for millenia (thus allowing the old control structures to remain operative).

Saturn to the Rescue

From the original 2008 Global Metamorphosis article:

“Again seeing Pluto wearing the hard hat, it will help if we understand that the entire old system has to come tumbling down; the religions, the governments, and even the economy. Perhaps the prospect frightens most folks, but the old world must make room for the New Earth. Period.”

Our contemporary prophets of doom suggest that Pluto will have to destroy all existing structures before any restoration can even begin. They paint a rather grim picture for the transition. To some degree, this might have been the case if Saturn had not entered Capricorn at the end of 2017.

Unlike Pluto, Saturn is willing to do remodeling jobs. Saturn wants everything to work efficiently and maintain optimum functionality. While Saturn can get picky about results and seem overly demanding, quality is what matters.

In our Global Metamorphosis, Saturn is currently transiting through its own sign of Capricorn, and is working diligently to phase in many of the new (or merely transitional) structures before the corresponding features of the old system have completely collapsed. Unbridled mayhem is not the name of Saturn’s game.

Saturn’s modus operandi involves patiently playing the long game; trust the plan. Saturn oversees our quality control department, and flitting about willy-nilly doing haphazard work never assures quality.

A quantum leap in evolution will not be facilitated by half-assed, slipshod applications of obsolete methodologies. Saturn in Capricorn is making the necessary adjustments, heedless of the pissing and moaning from those who think that if it was good enough for the dinosaurs, it’s good enough for us.

As Above, So Below

The expunging and restructuring is also taking place in the personal lives of everyone living within this biosphere. So far as any of us know, there haven’t been any exemptions granted.

For any species to achieve a quantum leap, there must be individuals within that species who devote themselves to the process. The first requisite would be a willingness to let go of all patterning associated with the old ways of perceiving, thinking, feeling and acting.

Albert Einstein and others have emphasized that we cannot solve our problems at the same level of thinking we used when we created them. A more expansive state of consciousness must be reached before the quantum leap can burst into reality.

Step 1: Relax into a state of neutrality.

Step 2: Render all the external rubbish completely irrelevant.

Step 3: Allow yourself to accept this beautiful state of transcendence that has been right here inside you the whole time.

Homo Something-or-Other

We have categorized ourselves as homo sapiens because we think we’re smart. Some have taken on the more pretentious label homo sapiens sapiens because they think we’re really smart. Perhaps their next step is to declare us to be homo sapiens sapiens sapiens, because we’ve become really really smart, and really really know how to trash a planet.

Some in the scientific community (the homo sapiens sapiens crowd) have been referring to our next level as homo superior. Oh, please. Why not just go for homo super sapiens sapiens sapiens sapiens?

In the metaphysical community, we hear terms like homo galacticus or homo spiritus. A personal favorite since the mid 90’s has been homo luminens. When that one started spreading around, it also morphed into homo luminous.

Rather than fussing over what to call the next level, let’s take the leap to that new level. Maybe then we can decide what to call ourselves, if it even matters then.

But first, Pluto has to finish bulldozing the control structures of the “old guard”. Their death grip on our world has already been broken, the tide has turned, their resistance continues to weaken, and before long we will see the mopping-up operation begin.

Systematic Unveiling

If the Whole Truth were simply dumped on our heads all at once, too many people would short circuit. Those who call for Full Disclosure might pause for a moment and consider that incremental revelation will achieve the desired results more effectively than blasting people’s illusions into an unconscious oblivion. Ultimately, the choice to know will be yours.

For the average Earthling, the unveiling of this planet’s Reality still might pose too great a leap. But let’s leave the doors of possibility open. Maybe the sleepers in our midst can pleasantly surprise us; or not.

The most important part of the Global Metamorphosis is the shift from the fear-based old world into the love-based New Earth. And that starts within the hearts of each of us as individuals.

Timothy Glenn


Wednesday, 27 March 2019

March 2019 Specials

Four days left! (April will have different specials.)

Laura Bruno's Blog

This month’s specials reflect increased attention and interaction with the Soul. They can be done individually or combined for extra insight and depth. The natal chart reveals many indicators about previous lifetimes, while a past life reading gives details and story line.  I find both astrological and past life factors contribute to health, financial and relationship challenges and success. Understanding background influences frees you to live much more in the present moment, living the life your soul most longs to live.


40-Minute Astrology Special

$133 instead of the usual $177, this 40-Minute Astrology Special can address “why you’re here,” deep soul longings, how to bring more soul into the workplace or your relationship, and/or how your natal chart and transits may be affecting your health or finances. More importantly, the reading offers clues to maximize your own unique Soul’s process, so that you get the most growth…

View original post 167 more words


Friday, 22 March 2019

Ann Kreilkamp ~ Mercury Conjuncts Neptune in Pisces: SO WHAT IS REAL?

Today’s post comes from friend, permaculture village pioneer and astrology mentor, Ann Kreilkamp. I’m sharing it because these themes have often surfaced during this week’s sessions and personal interactions. Combined with other planetary energies, this extra Neptune/Mercury influence can feel spacey and out of it … or it can lead you to expressing big dreams. Are they really so fanciful? Allow yourself some quiet time to journal, paint, and creatively express those dreams.

You might also find new perspectives on older intentions. Have some of your dreams already come true in ways you didn’t recognize before? Here’s Ann with much more:

Ann Kreilkamp ~ Mercury Conjuncts Neptune in Pisces: SO WHAT IS REAL?

On Monday last, when I was preparing a post on the then upcoming Spring Equinox plus Full Moon, I also looked at other configurations in the Equinox and Full Moon charts, paying attention to aspect patterns which were exact or within one degree of exactness. Thus, one of them, Neptune conjunct Mercury, escaped my view, since it was only within two degrees of exactness.

Nevertheless, as I realize now, that aspect was of tremendous importance for especially the next two weeks, since Mercury then at 18°59 Rx, stops, turns and goes forward during this time, all the while remaining within close orb of a conjunction to Neptune.

That I framed my inquiry to just include aspects within 1° of exactness is a good example of how our conceptual frames dictate just what realities we are going to find. We see what we are looking for! Which is why I always say that no map, no matter how precise or immensely framed can adequately cover (and therefore, predict and control) the territory we call “reality,” which itself is infinitely small and large, so that any single infinitesimal point, when focused upon, expands to become an infinite space. 

This way of talking is “Neptunian,” recognizing the inherent mystery that we call (even 3D!) “reality,” and that the religion of science (scientism) foolishly pretends to be able to comprehend. 

Meanwhile, back to the current Mercury/Neptune conjunction. This aspect will continue within 2° of exactness through April 6th. And, the day that it turns to go direct, March 28, it does so at 16°06 Pisces, exactly conjunct Neptune at 16°56 Pisces. In other words, the conjunction is moving closer and closer day by day until March 28, when it turns to equally gradually move out of exact conjunction.

So if you feel as if you’re immersed in the dreamtime, despite your best efforts to ignite springtime Aries action during these weeks, don’t be surprised. 

In the screenshot slice I took from the Equinox chart above, I included the Saturn/Pluto/South Node conjunct, since Saturn at 19°14 Capricorn closely sextiles Mercury/Neptune within 3 degrees. Saturn, the planet of discipline, form, focus, will help us to flip out of the dreamtime when necessary; however since both Saturn in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces are in their own signs, they are both very powerful; there is bound to be a tug-of-war, no matter how “harmonious,” between the intention to focus and the tendency to space out — and, with Mercury involved, to be able to talk about it, think about it, wonder about it .  .  . but perhaps in a somewhat garbled manner (Neptune)!

Which brings me to a selection from an A.K. Reader post on Neptune that, I’d say, pretty well describes what has happened to us since Neptune went into Pisces, a recognition that no matter what we think we know, we probably don’t know anything about what’s really going on, given the panorama of conflicting, agenda-ridden perspectives ratcheting up with fake news. 

I wrote that post in 2011, in preparation for Neptune’s entrance into Pisces in 2012. Neptune will remain in its own sign until 2026.

AK Reader: Neptune in Pisces: Reality and Illusion


I have a sense that as we move more deeply into Neptune in Pisces, especially starting next year when Neptune slips imperceptibly and subtly into that ocean where it feels most at home for 14 long years, that we will become more and more rabid on this subject of needing to come down one way or another: “reality” or “illusion.”

We need to know! There’s got to be something solid to stand on in an ever-shifting world!

But what if there isn’t? And what if it doesn’t matter? What if energy crystallizes and dissolves into and out of form endlessly, creatively, spontaneously, with no breaks, no clear demarcations, and no end? What if even names become useless?

I predict that, by that end of those 14 years, we will have come to a radically new understanding of both reality and illusion.

After all, what is “reality v. illusion” but yet one more 3-D duality, and as such just another illusion that keeps this (so-called) reality afloat?

The entire debate reminds me of the final question during my infamous oral examination for the doctorate, back in 1973. The dear old professor who agreed to be my second reader after all the others had refused (the dissertation, titled “This Is Not A Book about Wittgenstein,” had become a political hot potato), asked: “Well then, since you think that there is a fine line between fiction and fact, give us an example.”

“Just yesterday,” I responded, “my six-year old son Colin said to me, ‘Mommy, which is more real, my dreams or yesterday?’”

That was it. I was dismissed after only 20 minutes of what was supposed to have been a two-hour exam.

My response embarrassed the professors. But which is more real? And what does real mean?


Wednesday, 20 March 2019

A Taste of Spring: San Antonio and Perfect Timing

Happy Spring Equinox to those in the Northern Hemisphere! (And Happy Fall Equinox to my Southern readers.)

I’ve been meaning to post a recap of our March 7-11, 2019 trip to San Antonio, but between Mercury Retrograde and Uranus moving into Taurus, life keeps redirecting me. Despite “delays,” large and little sync winks confirm the perfect timing of everything. As giant snowflakes fall outside my windows right now, my San Antonio photos will give a much better taste of Spring.

Another sync wink occurred on March 5, just as I finished selecting clothes to pack. For context, on Valentine’s Day, I decided to read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings —back to back– with no other books or coursework in between. I finished The Hobbit in about a week, but I am still reading LOTR! Depending on the edition, that’s around a 1,200 page book, so this next part seemed significant. Just before David pulled into our driveway on March 5, I reached this part of LOTR on my Kindle:


I read this on the fifth of March, right before a seeming mishap occurred. The astounding sync wink in a 1,200 page book made me laugh and provided immediate perspective that all was in Divine and perfect order. As predicted, the mishap turned out be no big deal, especially for the chaotic energies of that day. This synchronicity set the tone for our entire trip to San Antonio, which went smoothly, despite Mercury Rx, Uranus zippy zaps, and perfect timing “delays.”

David needed to go to San Antonio for work training the following week, and we took advantage of a company paid flight for him with me tagging along. His daughter Allie lives in nearby Austin. We planned for Friday in Austin and a weekend in San Antonio with Allie and boyfriend Matt. Such fun! I’m not going to write a full account of our trip, but we enjoyed some amazing vegan food in both cities. Big synchronicities continued to pop through along the way.

On Thursday, March 7, Tania Marie and I began texting back and forth. David was driving us to a mission I learned about long ago in the movie “Still Breathing,” — one of my favorite love stories with themes of creativity, dreams and synchronicities. As soon as Tania’s reply came through, we drove past Nestors:


Nestor, aka “Nestie,” was Tania’s twin soul bunny who expanded way beyond body back eleven years ago. She still comes through at key moments, especially for Tania. When David and I arrived, the tourist part of Mission San Jose had already closed for the day, but I noticed these cuties at the foot of St. Francis:


Tania’s beloved tortoise Gaia and rabbits Joy and Cosmo, all no longer her in physical form. The bunny looks more like Joy, but Cosmo had more white fur. I sent both photos to Tania, knowing they were messages for her. The animal messages from beyond continued on Saturday, when our parking garage looked out on “MAVERICK,” the dearly departed dog of another friend of mine. I sent her the photo, and sure enough, she had just asked for a sign from him:


We happened to visit both Austin and San Antonio on their busiest tourist weekends ever, so our trip involved a lot of waiting. Waiting for tables, waiting for tours, waiting for a light show, needing to loop back to places we just missed: yet everything felt so in tune that we didn’t mind.

Here are some photos from Mission San Jose, which we got back to on Saturday morning before Allie and Matt joined us in San Antonio:





Above and close-up below, you can see the famous “Rose Window,” a great love story enfolded into a the love story of “Still Breathing,” which takes place in Los Angeles and San Antonio:


We sat in the cathedral before heading to San Antonio’s Riverwalk:



This gardener loved all the tropical plants and waterfalls.


Besides just visiting with each other, we each chose the Riverwalk Architectural Boat Tour as the favorite part of our trip.


We remembered the Alamo and paid our respects, but opted not to wait in the massive line for a tour. Instead, we hung out with the Live Oak. This historic tree is so massive, I could not fit much of it into photos. No picture does it justice anyway. If you ever visit the Alamo, be sure to pay your respects to the Live Oak. It feels like a tree from Middle Earth:


We browsed a huge crystal selection downtown, then had dinner and browsed more in the quaint Pearl District. Of course, this gardener marveled at the size of the publicly planted chard. Maybe everything is bigger in Texas!


Same general area after sunset:


San Antonio has gorgeous architecture! Even just walking or sitting outside brings a feel of history and charm. Good thing we didn’t mind sitting outside, because our one activity planned to occur at a specific time … did not occur. At 8:30 p.m., we Uber’d our way to San Fernando Cathedral, which David and I had walked to earlier that morning. The famous Cathedral Light Show runs every night at 9:00, 9:30 and 10:00 p.m. We got there early in anticipation. This was Saturday, March 9 — a fact that becomes important in just a bit.

We waited and waited and then Matt noticed some statues across the street. Since not many people filled the plaza, we figured we had time to check them out. The first grouping showed “The Founders.”


“56 Canary Islanders founded a village, ‘San Fernando de Béjar,’ after arriving March 9, 1731.

“They walked nearly 1,200 miles from Veracruz, with children, livestock and all their worldly possessions, for more than six months after a previous six month journey across the ocean in a small wooden vessel.

“Sent by Spanish King Felipe V, to found the first official civil government in the province of Texas, they were greeted by a Franciscan friar, soldiers from Presidio de Béjar, and indigenous people of the nearby missions.

“Today, the village is the city of San Antonio.”

Matt noticed the date first. “March 9th! What are the odds?!”

I then told Allie and Matt about the March 5th LOTR synchronicity. As I type this up, I notice even more synchronicities: 1,200 pages, 1,200 miles. Both stories tell of a year long journey …

We returned to San Fernando Cathedral just as an evening service let out, and lots more people gathered for the 9:00 show. Minutes ticked by, as we all enjoyed the warm evening air. A half hour went by. No show. Allie and Matt checked their phones and saw that the first show was cancelled but the others would occur on time. 9:30 came and went. We laughed and visited, the weather so pleasant that everyone in the crowd talked and laughed.

Allie started playing a visual/mind game on her phone, which she and Matt had plateau’d on for months. As we sat and chatted, we all watched her play and somehow, she broke through! Months of trying and just sitting there with us marveling at her skill, she leapt to long awaited the next level. We all cheered as 10:00 came and went. No light show, but all the colors, forms and celebration of Allie’s game filled us with delight. The unexpected breakthrough while waiting seemed so symbolic. Very Uranus in Taurus.

The next day brought more schedule shifts, delays, good conversation and perfect timing. In the bigger picture, everything always aligns. Here we all are at the top of the Tower of the America’s looking over San Antonio:


This long post gives a tiny glimpse of pervasive synchronicities and blessings in disguise. So lovely to visit with Allie in Matt where Spring had already sprung, and a Michigan visit will feel mighty nice for them come Summer.

Whatever season you find yourself in now, I wish you well. May those touches of the Divine, what I call sync winks, fill your life with peace and wonder. Happy Spring, Blessed Be … and be the blessing!


Tuesday, 19 March 2019

The Mystery of Being A Writer

I just got back late last night from a three and a half day writing retreat where I completed the rough draft for my ninth book. This book, which I am declining to name at the moment, had been wrangling with me for over a year now. I must have asked guidance 100 times, “Are […]


Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Integrating the North Node: Personal, Work and Writing Updates

This post from November 2018 wants to go up again — a personal look at how the North Node destiny point interacts with the rest of a natal chart. David and I have both been experimenting with various tests that he took for work, and I’ve enjoyed seeing which things tests pick up versus the depth and nuances of our natal charts. All of which reminded me of this post. Even if you don’t know your exact birth time, you can usually discover your own North Node for greater insights about your soul’s goals.

Laura Bruno's Blog

For years, I’ve found that when a client embraces his or her natal North Node of the Moon, it opens portals where concrete walls once blocked the way. Your South Node represents where you came from — in previous lifetimes and early this life. Your North Node points to your soul’s idea of purpose and success. Like magic, leaning into North Node qualities beckons positive synchronicities, flow, and opportunities. Think “best of the past” with a new, soul-approved, focus and direction. This works in health and other areas of life, so I often explore the North Node in seemingly “unrelated” types of sessions.

Having recognized this power for my clients, I’ve spent the past few years working hard to integrate my own Capricorn North Node, but not without some challenges. Read “big challenges” that involve strongly competing desires, goals, and aspects. As with clients, I knew I needed to find…

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Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Timothy Glenn ~ Uranus in Taurus: Illusions Get Shattered

Timothy Glenn commented via email, “Of course volumes could be written about this… .” I agree, but I love his new article — just in time for tomorrow’s shift.

Uranus in Taurus: Illusions Get Shattered

by Timothy Glenn

We had our preview period for Uranus the Liberator transiting the sign of Taurus, from May 15 to November 6, 2018. He then retrograded back into Aries to tie up loose ends. Most earthlings have no clue about the war that has long been raging below the surface of public awareness, but Uranus in Aries forced a few key issues. Certain cabals had their death grip on the world broken.

However, there are many millions of us who not only can sense what is playing out on the world stage, but can recognize the clues and read the codes. The rest of the population will have the opportunity to catch up later.

And now is the time. On March 6, 2019 Uranus enters Taurus to play for keeps. You could batten down the hatches, buckle your seatbelt, or simply let go. The world will not be the same when Uranus begins its triple transit out of Taurus on July 7, 2025.

A Twilight Analogy

In the Twilight film series, Jacob chooses to play Uranus the Awakener for Charlie. Jacob is a Native American shapeshifter/werewolf, and Charlie is a bit of a muggle.

Before shifting into his wolf form, Jacob tells Charlie: “You are not living in the world you think you’re living in.” And then…poof…Charlie’s worldview is blown to smithereens.

This aptly analogizes the anticipated effects of Uranus expressing his unapologetic self in Taurus for the next several years – simply apocalyptic.

It may come as a true Uranian shock to some, but they will be shown what Carl Gustav Jung was talking about when he said: “People don’t have ideas. Ideas have people.”

Suggestion: don’t believe everything you think.

The Capricorn Context

While it is often helpful to refer to previous planetary transits through the various signs, the overall context is never the same. In this case, Uranus in Taurus will best be understood as a supporting role for the star of the current show: the Global Metamorphosis being influenced by Pluto in Capricorn.

Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, is working its way through the middle of Capricorn this year, and will exactly conjunct Pluto in January of 2020. The “old guard” of the human world is being systematically dismantled, and will be replaced by user-friendly structures.

All of the delicate points in Capricorn that have been getting deconstructed by Saturn or bulldozed by Pluto, will be receiving a supportive trine from Uranus over the next six years or so for the rebuilding phase. A gigantic hand in the universe has clicked on “redo” for this world.

Time to Get Real

Uranus is on a mission. Human delusions will find themselves in the crosshairs of the Revelator, who will appear more like an assassin to the idealogues of the old control systems.

It has been amusing to watch economists trying to project coming trends for the global economic reset. For the most part, their analyses remain based on the rules of the old game that is being phased out of existence.

Here is a fundamental concept to help us understand our planetary shift: all governments, religions and economies are fictions. Even in the legal world, this is the actual designation. Governments only exist because people made them up – they’re fictions. Religions only exist because people made them up – they’re fictions. Economies only exist because people made them up – they’re fictions.

Anything in this world that fails to benefit the Earth and her inhabitants is up for review. Oppressive systems, fictional and otherwise, will be weighed and found wanting. Uranus is indeed on a mission, taking names and numbers.

Taurus involves our valuables, because it represents our values. We will see a massive reprioritizing by the human collective. Anything inauthentic will be cast into the cosmic recycle bin. Indeed, it’s time to get real.

A New Paradigm of Power

We have long been fed the illusion that in the top-down pyramid of control, the power lies at the top. But as usual, that perception is bass ackwards.

So many well-meaning folks are still surrendering much of their own divine creative power to the illusionists at the top of the pyramid – looking for the cause of problems to magically morph into the solution.

Uranus in Taurus will make it plain that the true power in this world rests at the base of the pyramid – the everyday grassroots folk-type humans, and especially the Earth herself.

A lot of what had provided the illusion of safety, security and stability in the old world will be swept away in the gale force winds of change. Comfort will be rezoned, and security blankets will fray and blow away – no more thumb sucking. It’s time for humanity to wake up, grow up, and stand up.

You Are the Creator

Your path through this adventure and all the rest of eternity is yours to create, yours to discover, yours to choose. Everything already exists within the infinite energy field of which we are all expressions. The essence of this Field is what we know as divine love.

Uranus in Taurus will encourage us to create from that infinite essence. Living in the Field of Infinite Possibilities, we can ascend into consciously choosing the possibilities we prefer to experience. Planet Earth is offering to serve as our launching pad into the Infinite. Uranus in Taurus will insist that she be treated with genuine divine love.

Timothy Glenn


Monday, 4 March 2019

Uranus in Taurus: An Unexpected Journey

From May 15 – November 6, 2018, we got a glimpse — a preview — of rebel-liberator-techno-cosmic weirdo Uranus moving into slow-steady-Venusian-earthy bull Taurus. Uranus is lightning quick and revolutionary; Taurus is known for stubbornness, beauty and comfort.

In Tolkien terms, “Uranus in Taurus” is the Wizard Gandalf with his lightning fireworks and incomprehensible wisdom “inviting” Bilbo Baggins on an adventure. Although his birthday falls on September 22 (on the cusp of Virgo/Libra), Bilbo reacts like a Taurus facing Uranus. Like most Hobbits, Bilbo loves food, security, and his home in the Shire. Like Uranus, Gandalf disrupts a perfectly ordinary “Good Morning” and offers Bilbo the chance for radical change and growth.

When Bilbo declines that offer, Gandalf brings the party to Bilbo. Literally. As with Uranus, resistance to Gandalf is futile. A band of Dwarves throw Bilbo’s home into chaos, eat all his food stores and drive him so crazy that his inner “Took” heritage starts fighting with the more sensible “Baggins” side. In a shocking twist, Bilbo finds himself a willing and essential participant in the adventure he refused. The rest is Hobbit history and one of the most beloved stories ever told. Of course, good stories involve challenge and change, but they also bring growth. Like Uranus, Gandalf ignites and liberates a dormant part of Bilbo. Life becomes much less predictable, but the changes redefine how Bilbo sees himself and the world.

On Wednesday, March 6, 2019, Uranus moves back into Taurus until July 7, 2025.

In May-July 2018, I posted several articles about Uranus moving into Taurus. You can find those at the following links:

Uranus in Taurus: What I’m Noticing So Far

Ann Kreilkamp~ Uranus from Aries to Taurus, Mars from Capricorn to Aquarius

Timothy Glenn~ Uranus in Taurus: The Preview

As Tim Glenn says, May-November 2018 was the preview. We’re about to live the adventure in real time. Like Bilbo, we cannot fully prepare ourselves for an “unexpected” journey. Astrology gives us clues, but with Uranus we know to expect the unexpected. How and when Uranus in Taurus will affect each of depends on our natal chart, our level of consciousness, and our willingness to embrace necessary changes. Like Gandalf, Uranus works towards the greater good and brotherly love, with a reverence for individuals and the bigger picture. Even if Uranus in Taurus does not directly aspect something in your natal chart, as a part of the collective, you’ll experience wide sweeping changes just by living in this era.

Like Gandalf, Uranus makes a dramatic entrance and sometimes seems more than a little crazy in his demands. Full resistance is futile, but it helps to recognize the wisdom of those demands for change. Have you felt dissatisfied or bored in some area of your life? Do you long for inspiration or adventure? Do you feel trapped? Stuck? If you lean into liberation instead of resisting it, you’ll find Uranus in Taurus a powerful ally.

If you’d like to consult a map on this expect-the-unexpected journey, look at the intersections of Uranus and Taurus themes: money, food, security, internet, and real vs. virtual anything. In a more familiar shake up, Mercury goes Retrograde from March 5-March 28, 2019. Since Uranus acts as a higher frequency of Mercury, this next three weeks could feel extra discombobulated. If you’d like some personal guidance on your journey, please feel free to request an astrology session. I made that one of the March 2019 specials in anticipation of this monumental shift.

Whether I hear from you or not, I wish us a collective Bon Voyage! Ready or not, here we go.


Friday, 1 March 2019

March 2019 Specials

This month’s specials reflect increased attention and interaction with the Soul. They be done individually or combined for extra insight and depth. The natal chart reveals many indicators about previous lifetimes, while a past life reading gives details and story line.  I find both astrological and past life factors contribute to health, financial and relationship challenges and success. Understanding background influences frees you to live much more in the present moment, living the life your soul most longs to live.


40-Minute Astrology Special

$133 instead of the usual $177, this 40-Minute Astrology Special can address “why you’re here,” deep soul longings, how to bring more soul into the workplace or your relationship, and/or how your natal chart and transits may be affecting your health or finances. More importantly, the reading offers clues to maximize your own unique Soul’s process, so that you get the most growth and satisfaction from this carefully selected lifetime. Offer valid if prepaid on or before March 31, 2019. Please contact me to sign up.

Return of the $77 Past Life Quickie

With the veils thinning, so many more people have begun to experience what I call “past life bleed-through.” Dreams, hunches, visions, flashes … however the suspected past life awareness arrives, it can feel unsettling, exciting and/or cause obsessive questions. This half-hour reading allows people to ask persistent questions, or to have a check-in regarding the most pressing karmic issues presenting themselves right now. Yes, this can include past life relationships with animal friends.

I don’t normally offer Past Life Readings in a 20-minute format, but I wanted to make this available to the larger numbers of people wondering about previous lifetimes and relationships. If you’d like to double this special for 40 minutes, just let me know in your scheduling request. Offer valid if prepaid on or before March 31, 2019. Please contact me to sign up.
