This past Valentine’s Day marked some very special transitions. David and I held our own lovely celebration, but that day also opened a new era in my personal life, especially related to writing fiction. Always in eerie sync, my sweet friend Tania Marie opened her new Etsy shop that day. She had texted me previews of the photos, but clicking on The Magick Rabbit shop link brought new levels of delight.
As I sat at my writing desk in my blue office, staring at the waterfall tapestry with a blue velvet “watery” chair beneath, I just knew I needed a “Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea DIY Rabbit Fairy Crystal Garden Kit in Tortoise Finish Indoor Planter Pot Seashell Conch Fairy House.” How could I resist? This precious little bunny in a boat makes me smile every time I see him:
I love all of Tania’s whimsical creations. If I had the room, I would give every single one a spot, but I love this one the best. I also wanted to support Tania’s new venture, and it felt like a perfect Love Day gift to my creative spirit and inner child. I understood the concept: Tania procures and designs the “gardens,” ships them to you, and then you can assemble per the original design or make your own. I was not prepared for all the fun, though!
The box synchronously arrived on Tania’s birthday:
It felt like my birthday, too! Look at the adorable packaging, customized to me with a fox and owl:

In fact, the package critters were so cute that I added them to decked out walls of my office closet turned secret library:
Then I got back to assembling the “Voyage,” which also coincided with me reaching the part in “The Lord of the Rings” where they hear the falls of Lothlórien. At first, I situated him at the foot of the falls, seen here from my writing desk:
That’s a nice spot for him, but my office walls have all that blue. The next thing I knew, it was “row, row, row, your rabbit, gently down the stream … merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream” … all the way back ‘o’ beyond to my blue desk:
He likes both harbors, and I can see him either way. Under the blue desk, he sits beneath “Arthur,” aka “The Blue Lemurian,” also from Tania:
Almost exactly a year ago, I found Arthur “activated,” so you can see it’s a potent spot:
As of this morning, my little boat bunny returned to the waterfall/chair zone:
It’s a joyful journey for both of us, wherever he rows. So silly, I know, but I do love creating spaces and “listening” to the tales they tell. Sacred Decorating makes life extra special. Thank you to Tania for TheMagickRabbit shop. And thank you to everyone who continues to engage with childlike wonder and beauty. I’ll leave you with Enya’s Lothlórien, inspired by “The Lord of the Rings,” from her Shepherd Moons CD:
From Wikipedia:
In J. R. R. Tolkien‘s legendarium, Lothlórien or Lórien is the fairest realm of the Elves remaining in Middle-earth during the Third Age.[3]
The realm, a broad woodland valley, plays an important part in The Lord of the Rings[4] as the Elven centre of resistance against Sauron and is a symbol for the Elves’ aesthetics of preservation[5] which provides a space ‘out of time’ for the characters who both live and visit there.[6]