Thursday, 28 February 2019

Pure Delight!

This past Valentine’s Day marked some very special transitions. David and I held our own lovely celebration, but that day also opened a new era in my personal life, especially related to writing fiction. Always in eerie sync, my sweet friend Tania Marie opened her new Etsy shop that day. She had texted me previews of the photos, but clicking on The Magick Rabbit shop link brought new levels of delight.

As I sat at my writing desk in my blue office, staring at the waterfall tapestry with a blue velvet “watery” chair beneath, I just knew I needed a “Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea DIY Rabbit Fairy Crystal Garden Kit in Tortoise Finish Indoor Planter Pot Seashell Conch Fairy House.” How could I resist? This precious little bunny in a boat makes me smile every time I see him:


I love all of Tania’s whimsical creations. If I had the room, I would give every single one a spot, but I love this one the best. I also wanted to support Tania’s new venture, and it felt like a perfect Love Day gift to my creative spirit and inner child. I understood the concept: Tania procures and designs the “gardens,” ships them to you, and then you can assemble per the original design or make your own. I was not prepared for all the fun, though!

The box synchronously arrived on Tania’s birthday:


It felt like my birthday, too! Look at the adorable packaging, customized to me with a fox and owl:


In fact, the package critters were so cute that I added them to decked out walls of my office closet turned secret library:


Then I got back to assembling the “Voyage,” which also coincided with me reaching the part in “The Lord of the Rings” where they hear the falls of Lothlórien. At first, I situated him at the foot of the falls, seen here from my writing desk:


That’s a nice spot for him, but my office walls have all that blue. The next thing I knew, it was “row, row, row, your rabbit, gently down the stream … merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream” … all the way back ‘o’ beyond to my blue desk:


He likes both harbors, and I can see him either way. Under the blue desk, he sits beneath “Arthur,” aka “The Blue Lemurian,” also from Tania:


Almost exactly a year ago, I found Arthur “activated,” so you can see it’s a potent spot:


As of this morning, my little boat bunny returned to the waterfall/chair zone:


It’s a joyful journey for both of us, wherever he rows. So silly, I know, but I do love creating spaces and “listening” to the tales they tell. Sacred Decorating makes life extra special. Thank you to Tania for TheMagickRabbit shop. And thank you to everyone who continues to engage with childlike wonder and beauty. I’ll leave you with Enya’s Lothlórien, inspired by “The Lord of the Rings,” from her Shepherd Moons CD:

From Wikipedia:

In J. R. R. Tolkien‘s legendarium, Lothlórien or Lórien is the fairest realm of the Elves remaining in Middle-earth during the Third Age.[3]

The realm, a broad woodland valley, plays an important part in The Lord of the Rings[4] as the Elven centre of resistance against Sauron and is a symbol for the Elves’ aesthetics of preservation[5] which provides a space ‘out of time’ for the characters who both live and visit there.[6]



Monday, 25 February 2019

Last Few Days for February Specials

Just a heads up that March will feature different specials, not a repeat of the ones below:

February 2019 Specials

$77 Medical Intuitive Readings

Medical Intuition is the ability to access information about physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health through “reading” the energy field around the body. A Medical Intuitive Session decodes the message(s) from soul to body into language your conscious mind can understand and begin to address. (It is not meant to replace traditional medical treatment.)

Medical Intuitive Readings are normally $222 per hour, $177 for 40 minutes, or $90 per 20-minute check-in. Medical Intuitive sessions purchased today through 2/28/19, will be discounted to $77 per 20-minute check-in, which can also be doubled to save $23 on a 40-minute reading for $154. Please contact me to sign up, and remember to include your time zone!

Three For Two

Three hours for the price of two: save $222. This package can be used in whatever increments you choose — hour, 40-minute, half-hour, or 20-minute sessions — and for whatever services you’d like — Medical Intuition, Life Coaching, Astrology, Relationship Clarity, Soul Readings, or any other related service. $444 if prepaid on or before 2/28/19. Please contact me to sign up


Saturday, 23 February 2019

Ask Astrid Fridays ~ The Rabbit’s Corner: Cracking the Code

I’m reblogging this lovely share from sweet, wise Faery Twin Tania Marie. Even though we no longer look alike, our experiences continue to parallel. This is a complex share, brought in part by Tania’s magical rabbit companion, Astrid, but those who work with crystals will appreciate the layers, spirals and depth.

It’s also a special post to me, because this Fall, an amethyst Tania gave me back in 2008 happened to spontaneously leap off my blue desk. I had been feeling it want to move on to another dear friend, but not yet. I also felt it wanted to stay here. When it leapt off the desk, I knew part would leave and part stay. The new piece arrived at just the right time for its new guardian.

The other connections include that I happened to notice Tania’s Instagram post about the new amethyst pieces. I am not on Instagram. Something just told me to look and I immediately emailed her about having a piece come home to me. She was just about to text me regarding the same thing. The night before my new amethyst arrived, I kept looking at and holding a Lemurian Seed Crystal gifted to me by the same crystal master Tania mentions in her post. It was actually a thank you for my help traveling with Tania and loading the huge Lemurian Seed Crystal she mentions into her SUV. I was also with her to pick up bunny Joy, and David and I texted her photos of another giant amethyst rabbit during one of our Grand Rapids day trips. On and on the synchronicities unfold, much like exploding crystals. We are all connected, and yes, so many are “cracking the code.” Quite literally, these days. The time is Now. Blessed Be, and be the blessing.

Tania Marie


Well, just when you thought things couldn’t get any better, they sure do. You might recall this blog post from April of last year, Full Circle ~ Amethyst Rabbit Returns where I chronicled how the rabbit ears and another smaller piece of the giant Amethyst geode I once had, returned to me and Astrid. I mentioned in that post, how the Amethyst had split in several pieces, but it wasn’t until just this week (right as the Super Full Moon was in full illumination) that those other pieces were ready to move on again.

Astrid had called them in then and now she has done it again.


My dear friend, Yasmin, of The Sun Moon & Stars NY messaged me about all of the pieces ready to be with new guardians and since that day we’ve been engaging in a flurry of messages and astounding unfoldings with not only this…

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Tuesday, 19 February 2019

The Blue Room

This wants to go up again. Since posting it over eight years ago, I’ve noticed a few more things about this meditation originally from Timothy Glenn.

1) It usually works fast.
2) The situations in which it “doesn’t work” warrant more examination. If you cannot imagine someone coming into the Blue Room, or if you cannot get them to leave, then you would be wise to explore patterns of narcissistic abuse and/or energetic vampirism. Loving souls WANT balance, so if you or someone else either refuses to enter or takes over the Blue Room, then there’s something else going on. For most loving relationships, the Blue Room acts like hitting a welcome reset button.

Happy Full Moon and Chiron to Aries!

Laura Bruno's Blog

I learned this technique from my favorite astrologer/numerologist/tarot reader and generally amazing friend, Timothy Glenn, but it’s so effective, I wanted to share it with all of you!

Anyone who has followed this blog, watched my videos or had sessions with me knows how much I love the Sat Yam Meditation as a method for releasing grief, anger, frustration, and/or fear, whether from this life or other lifetimes. Well, Tim has given me another tool to share with you. It’s called “The Blue Room,” and it works well for any relationship that you suspect old karmic ties may be influencing. As a past life reader, I’d have to add here that MOST relationships at this time have some sort of karmic tug to them. So many of us are here to finish and release old business that it’s pretty safe to say all your close family, friends and work…

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Monday, 18 February 2019

Healing Portal: Pisces Sun, Virgo Supermoon, and Chiron

Spiritual Healing and Practical Woo

Monday, February 18 to Tuesday, February 19, 2019 marks the Sun’s shift from Aquarius to Pisces, followed by a Full Supermoon in Virgo. Pisces (ruled by boundless, graceful Neptune) and Virgo (the detail oriented, Mercurial healer of the zodiac) together bring opportunities for spiritual healing of ourselves, each other and our planet. Think Water and Earth, Cups and Pentacles, Emotional/Intuitive realm and the Body/Physical realm. Aim to integrate practicality (Virgo) and emotions (Pisces).

Go with the flow, especially if the flow leads to a sudden urge to dot your i’s and cross your t’s. 

Tuesday’s Full Moon is the fourth in a series of five supermoon’s in a row. Even though we’ve finished the recent eclipse trio, this ongoing supermoon series intensifies the usual emotional wallop of a Full Moon. This month’s zero degree Virgo adds extra oomph for emotional resets and healing –provided you integrate the polarities.

Through the negative lens, nitpicky Virgo seems like a stick in the mud compared to Pisces’ watery idealism. It might feel like “first the ecstasy, then the laundry,” but this tension can bring positive results. Think of the monastic life, rooted in physical labor and baking bread. If you seek the spiritual in mundane details, you’ll find many miracles. Nebulous prayers reveal their answers in lived experience. If you’ve felt confused or adrift, this Virgo Supermoon could bring sudden clarity about your next logical step.

Chiron from Pisces to Aries

For clues on what’s up for healing, look back to April 17-18, 2018, when Chiron last shifted from 29th degree Pisces to 0 degrees Aries. Yes, coinciding with this Virgo Supermoon and the Sun’s shift to Pisces, Wounded Healer Chiron returns to Aries this Tuesday. Chiron spent April 2010-April 2018 in Pisces, giving an eight year stretch of spiritual healing influence. This centaur galloped into Aries from April 18th until September 27th, 2018 when it retrograded to Pisces again.

The asteroid Chiron represents our deepest wounds and how in healing these wounds we help others heal. Since healing rarely occurs in a linear fashion, it helps to observe cycles and similar aspects:

  • What themes or situations called for healing from April 2010-2018?
  • What did you learn, and what core wounds were influenced by doubt and faith during this period?
  • What healing crisis or need to care for yourself first (Aries) burst onto the scene in April 2018?
  • What relief or insights did you receive in late September 2018?
  • What spiritual wounds or questions arose again?
  • Where are you now?
  • How have you grown?

As Chiron moves from 29th degree Pisces into 0 degrees Aries, what actions will you take to support your own healing? What parts of you need healing before you can forge ahead? The combo of Pisces Sun, Virgo Supermoon, and this Chiron shift provides insight and energy to support deep healing and release. Will you allow yourself to receive the blessings? These are collective energies. How they affect you as an individual depends on your own willingness to embrace the energies, along with aspects to your natal chart. For more insights, look for signs in the 29th or 0 degree range, or we can explore your chart and transits together in a session.

For general inspiration and portal support, I feel led to share the link to Divine Doorway #5: “King of Cups aka Chiron.” I created this door just before Chiron moved from Aquarius to Pisces in April 2010, just flowing with the energies. It’s eerie how much that door opens in 29th degree Chiron, whatever the sign.

Blessings and healing to you and yours!


Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Wishing Everyone a Happy Love Day!

I’m writing this at 12:34 a day ahead of time … but somehow that seems appropriate. “Things are moving right along.” I know a number of people, myself included, for whom Valentine’s Day tomorrow marks a big opening and celebration. Just wanted to send everyone lots of love and gratitude, wherever you are and however you give and receive love in your life. Happy Love Day from my heart to yours! ❤ IMG_2853


Monday, 11 February 2019

Lyme Journal Reviews

I’m grateful for and honored by enthusiastic emails from so many people who have found “Lyme Journal: A Guided Recovery Workbook” both helpful and inspirational. A few highlights include:

“Laura, got the book. Phenomenal. So much heart!”

“I LOVE this book. Seriously. It cannot be solely for Lyme, tho, because it is way too beneficial. It pertains to all mind/body/spirit symptoms. It’s so important!”

“I had time to read through it. It’s AWESOME!! I will share it in my client group and FB page.”
Clients have also shared that “Lyme Journal” helps them feel much more supported between sessions. That warms my heart, because I wrote this guided journal to help people help themselves.
I realize this is a 139-page guided journal, so some people may not have finished it yet, but I have a favor to ask. If you have benefited from this book, I would love an honest review on Amazon. As most blog readers know, I don’t do social media or advertising, and I didn’t do a big “book launch” or marketing blitz for “Lyme Journal.” I keep things sweet and simple with just me, my blog, repeat clients and referrals. I know health issues are very personal, so please don’t feel pressured to leave a review.
If you happen to feel led, though, I would very much appreciate your review. It also helps potential readers decide if a book’s legitimate and likely to resonate with them. Many thanks for your consideration and your support, whether private or public. I have a special place in my heart for people dealing with Lyme disease and similar life-changing health challenges. I wish you peace and empowerment on your healing journey.
Much love,


Friday, 8 February 2019

20, 40 or 60 Minutes?

I keep getting this question several times per day, so I’m going to post the answer here. Many people want to know how to decide between the 20-minute or 40-minute option for a Medical Intuitive Session. Others want to know the difference between a 40- or 60-minute session. Here’s my response:

Most prefer the 40-minute reading for a first session. It depends on how much you like to talk, as well as how complex your issue is.

The 20-minute works well for a relatively simple or recent situation, or if you pretty much know what’s going on but want some extra insights and clarification. If you’ve already had a session with me, then the 20-minute option can work well as a follow-up. It’s also helpful for people who’ve never considered a metaphysical root cause for their symptoms, because it gives you direction and a new place to focus.

The 40-minute option is better if you have multiple, seemingly unrelated conditions, something longer term, any upcoming big life decisions, and/or the things “that always worked before” just aren’t working anymore. If you’d like astrological insights, the longer time allows for exploring past, present and future transits affecting your health. The 40-minute option gives more time for back and forth processing and questions, too.

The full hour option gives the most time for in depth exploration, deeper questions from you, as well as integrating the information from the reading into your life. The hour option works best if you want a combo session of medical intuition, life coaching, astrology, past life/soul reading, your soul’s unique process for healing, and how to implement these factors into your healing.

It also depends on your budget and your own preferences. Whichever you choose, we’ll make the most of our time together.


Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Year of the Pig Predictions and a Breath of Fresh Air

Happy Chinese New Year!

2019 is the Year of the Pig. Despite derogatory or unclean associations, in many ancient traditions, pigs represented abundance, courage, power, security, fertility and good luck. Pigs use their snouts to find tasty and valuable things hidden in dirt. Watch and sniff for opportunities this year.

I suspect many of the best things to unfold in 2019 will at first seem messy (chaotic) or muddy (obscured). Blessings in disguise could become a theme this year. In the Chinese Zodiac, Year of the Pig natives are great and loyal humanitarians. Like wild boars, they can also be fierce. According to, “The Year of the Pig or Boar is a year of completion. It’s the time to bring closure to those relationships, decisions, and circumstances, which need closure.”

With all the endings and disillusionment, new energies keep rising … some brand new … some a refreshing resurgence of the best of the old. Life offers all sorts of things to claim your attention. I hope in this time of shocking revelations, that you each take moments to recharge and rejuvenate yourselves. The following video from 2012 has nothing overt to do with the Chinese Year of the Pig. It crossed my path today, while I was sniffing around for something else. And you know what? I’m still smiling.

Talented, amazing people abound in our world. Many blend into the crowd. When we come together, sharing our gifts — whatever they are — in beautiful ways, we lift up our world. In an atmosphere of constant outrage, every heartfelt smile makes a difference. Don’t forget to smell the truffles, tap your toes, and share your joy.



Friday, 1 February 2019

Happy Imbolc and February 2019 Specials

Happy Imbolc! In a week of minus fifteen degrees Fahrenheit, it helps to remember we’re now halfway between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. That officially happens this year on February 3, 2019, when we reach 15 degrees Aquarius. Meanwhile, we’ve got this Imbolc celebration of hearth and home, Candelmas, Groundhog Day, and the Feast Day of St. Bridget all in the same week. For those of us in the frigid US Midwest, this halfway point is mostly symbolic, but I recognize a theme of Dark to Light happening with many people.

I had a different special in mind; however, I received several signs in the past 24 hours to extend the January “Three for Two” Special into February. So many people keep contacting me right at the point of breakthrough, which can seem an awful lot like “breakdown” until the new, empowered perspective clicks in. I’ve heard and witnessed many profound miracles this week, both in my own life and vicariously through clients. In support of this continued awakening, and because I forgot to copy the January 2019 Specials onto the Monthly Specials page, I feel led to offer another round of Three for Two, as well as a Medical Intuitive Special this month. The Goddess Brigid/St. Bridget is known as a great healer, so the Medical Intuitive focus feels extra appropriate.

Wherever you are and however you experience this time of year, I invite you to light a candle — in front of you or in your own heart. With so much trauma/drama in the news, it helps to cultivate your own moments of peace and faith.

February 2019 Specials

$77 Medical Intuitive Readings

Medical Intuition is the ability to access information about physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health through “reading” the energy field around the body. A Medical Intuitive Session decodes the message(s) from soul to body into language your conscious mind can understand and begin to address. (It is not meant to replace traditional medical treatment.)

Medical Intuitive Readings are normally $222 per hour, $177 for 40 minutes, or $90 per 20-minute check-in. Medical Intuitive sessions purchased today through 2/28/19, will be discounted to $77 per 20-minute check-in, which can also be doubled to save $23 on a 40-minute reading for $154. Please contact me to sign up, and remember to include your time zone!

Three For Two

Three hours for the price of two: save $222. This package can be used in whatever increments you choose — hour, 40-minute, half-hour, or 20-miute sessions — and for whatever services you’d like — Medical Intuition, Life Coaching, Astrology, Relationship Clarity, Soul Readings, or any other related service. $444 if prepaid on or before 2/28/19. Please contact me to sign up
