Tuesday, 29 January 2019

What Does Your Soul Long To Do?

As a medical intuitive healer, people often ask me what their soul is here to do.  “You are not here to verify, Instruct yourself, or inform curiosity  Or carry report. You are here to kneel  Where prayer has been valid. And prayer is more  Than an order of words, the conscious occupation Of the praying […]
Source: https://catherinecarrigan.com/what-does-your-soul-long-to-do/

source https://cscarrigan.wordpress.com/2019/01/29/what-does-your-soul-long-to-do/

Saturday, 26 January 2019

Timothy Glenn on A Fireside Chat Tonight

Heads up to all you Timothy Glenn fans: Tim will be on A Fireside Chat with Zany Mystic tonight (Saturday, January 26, 2019) at 7 p.m. Pacific time (10 p.m. Eastern). You can find the link to the show here, listening on Station 1. If you can’t make it tonight, Lance White (Zany Mystic) has the shows archived on the same page. They have no idea what they’ll cover tonight, but Lance and Tim are a lot of fun together — great on air chemistry and a wide range of topics.

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2019/01/26/timothy-glenn-on-a-fireside-chat-tonight/

Five Days Left

I just realized I never copied these into the Monthly Specials page and people have been checking that page. Oops! Sorry about that. I had them listed on the blog earlier this month, but you needed to dig for those. In any case, we’ve got five days left of these January 2019 Specials.


$44 New Year Tarot Special

Half-hour tarot reading at 20% off the usual rate. Tarot readings offer an energetic check-in, the chance to ask questions about pending decisions or intentions, and represent a fun, yet powerful way to gain perspective on relationships and challenges. They can also be used to offer a snapshots of the coming months and year.

Tarot readings are particularly good for people who don’t know what kinds of questions to ask me; they just want some kind of guidance because they feel unsure of what’s coming or what to focus upon. Tarot also seems to benefit those people who have exceptionally good things coming their way, yet wonder if I might be “padding the reading” or “just saying what they want to hear.” The cards don’t lie. (Neither do I – but the cards seem an even more objective medium for delivering good news.)

Please contact me if you’d like to sign up for this special. Offer valid if prepaid on or before 1/31/19.

Three For Two

So many people have asked me to repeat this special to help them jump start the New Year, so here it is. Three hours for the price of two: save $222. This package can be used in whatever increments you choose — hour, 40-minute, half-hour, or 20-miute sessions — and for whatever services you’d like — Medical Intuition, Life Coaching, Astrology, Relationship Clarity, Soul Readings, or any other related service. $444 if prepaid on or before 1/31/19. Please contact me to sign up.

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2019/01/26/five-days-left/

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Rune Soup ~ Talking Permaculture and Seasonal Festivals with Robyn Francis

I love this talk between Gordon White and Robyn Francis! It’s chock full of information, but feels like storytime with a wise grandmother. So lovely! If you have any interest in permaculture, connection with the land, practicality, and the inherent magic of life, you’ll probably love it, too.

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2019/01/24/rune-soup-talking-permaculture-and-seasonal-festivals-with-robyn-francis/

Monday, 21 January 2019

Synchronicity, Answered Prayer and Dream Journals

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! I wasn’t sure when to post this last round of products to release in early 2019, but today seemed appropriate. MLK lived his faith and inspired others to dream a better world into being.

I know so many people who live amazing, synchronous lives, yet who struggle to maintain their faith when the going gets tough. That’s normal. Sometimes life throws an unexpected health crisis, business upheaval, or high profile misunderstanding. Sometimes life’s challenges seem too overwhelming or impossible for one person to navigate. In sessions, I ask people to remember other times when against all odds, a miracle stepped in to save the day. I ask them to notice the little “signs” or “sync winks” that whisper, “You’re not alone.” “Divine timing is in effect.” “A bigger picture’s got your back.”

For years, I’ve wished something like the next few products existed: a place to record jaw dropping synchronicities, answered prayers, and tiny moments of faith that proved themselves life changing and true. Many people keep journals, but they jumble everything together. That’s fine; however, when people face challenges or crises of faith, it helps to have a personal reference book of divine intervention, “lucky” breaks and ongoing guidance. I find that the more incredible the support, the more likely people begin to doubt their memory over time:

“Did it really happen that way, or am I just trying to make myself feel better? Am I crazy?”

“Have I really gotten signs about this for two straight years, or am I making that up?”

I recently figured out how to create journals specifically dedicated to recording synchronicities, dreams and answered prayers. Some people prefer lined journals with a spot for the date. I also added some dot grid options for helping people to “connect the dots,” while encouraging non-linear thinking and drawing. I designed these journals with reminders on the covers, choosing pen names, images and titles to build faith and jog memory when most needed. They’re 6 x 9″ to tie into Tesla’s quote, “If you only knew the power of 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” They’re $5.55 to reflect the powerful change vibration of three 5’s together.

Is the Universe talking to you? Recording dreams and “meaningful coincidences” helps you track recurring signs and symbols. When Great Mystery speaks, a synchronicity journal reminds you to pay attention and connect the dots. Logging synchronicities in one place can reveal long term patterns and a non-linear, guiding order of events. It also keeps you from forgetting or doubting your memory. Use this dot grid journal for writing, drawing, mapping and more. You can find this “Sync Winks Synchronicity and Dream Journal” here.

Part gratitude journal, part faith builder, this dot grid notebook gives you one place to record the messages and miracles you receive. Reread your own stories of divine intervention whenever you need a boost of confidence or extra faith. When Great Mystery speaks, your synchronicity and answered prayer journal reminds you to pay attention. Logging synchronicities in one place can reveal long term patterns and a non-linear, guiding order of events. It also keeps you from forgetting or doubting your memory. The dot grid interior allows you to write, diagram or draw your experiences to see how little sync winks connect with each other. You can find the “Magical Moments: Synchronicity & Answered Prayer Journal” here.

“But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.” An answered prayer journal reminds you to pay attention. Recognize and record Divine guidance and support in your life. Keeping track of answered prayers, dreams, and “coincidences” in one place aids discernment and builds faith. It also keeps you from forgetting or doubting your memory. Use this lined journal to focus your prayers and celebrate the power of prayer. You can find this “Faith Builder Answered Prayer Journal” here.

Keep track of your answered prayers, so you can remember God’s supportive presence in your life. Part gratitude journal, part prayer journal, this lined notebook gives you one place to record the messages and miracles you receive. Reread your own stories of divine intervention whenever you need a boost of confidence or extra faith. Green for abundance, with love, hope and prayer. You can find this praying heart and hands Answered Prayer Journal here.



source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2019/01/21/synchronicity-answered-prayer-and-dream-journals/

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Sacred Decorating

Today’s post comes as a follow-up to a post from two years ago: How to Thrive in a Less than Ideal Location. I write now from a place of gratitude, post-relocation and feeling ideally placed, but I thought I’d share additional insights from the new location. So often I hear from clients that they feel misplaced, lonely, sick or stuck, with no sacred space to call their own. If that describes you, then do check out the previous link, too. If, instead, you feel largely well placed but you want to upgrade your surroundings, then today’s post offers suggestions for adding even more sacred experience into your everyday home, office, or little corner.

Why Bother?

“I have more important things to worry about than decorating.”

“It’s too overwhelming. If I start, I’ll never finish.”

“My space looks good enough, but I don’t feel inspired or energized. Why can’t I get things to flow in other areas?”

Decorating might seem superficial, but it’s one of the fastest ways to shift energy in other areas of life. Whether you study feng shui, or just pay attention to colors and shapes that delight your senses, your everyday environment seeps into your subconscious. As your subconscious works nonstop to filter and create your outer experience, changing your external environment alters your internal feelings and perspective. These, in turn, alter how you experience your external reality.

It’s like breathing: in, out, in, out. You live and breathe and move in your everyday experiences. Like polluted air, a space that irritates, annoys or crushes your soul does more damage than it would first appear. On the flip side, a space that calms, uplifts and expands your soul acts like increased oxygen in the body. Most parasites and other nasties can’t stand a well oxygenated environment. As you clean and uplift the areas in which you spend your time, you welcome fresh inspiration, healing and opportunities in life.


Toadstool fountain, ferns and orgone pyramid by the meditation chair in my office.

Little Things Count — A Lot

In sessions, I always ask people to pay attention to the little things. What small, symbolic step could you take today, which would move you towards your larger goal? Little things add up. They also take less time, energy, focus and determination. In many instances, little things feel like throw-away’s: five minutes to take out the trash, ten minutes to file the pile. A little thing could include changing your screensaver to something that makes you smile. Maybe you move your desk or bed so that a pleasant view greets you instead of one that sinks your spirit.

While getting my M.A. in English Language and Literature at University of Chicago, I called the school counseling office in search of career counseling. I learned from the person who answered the phone that they did not offer career counseling, but if I didn’t like my trajectory, I should get myself down to their office so I could join the 80% of students on psychotropic drugs. This was 1996, but it remains a “wow” moment. If 80% of your students require meds just to tolerate your school, then school environment’s a problem!

Instead of taking her advice, I bought flowers. Every Friday, as a symbolic act, I brought home a small bouquet and placed it on the kitchen table. Those flowers marked the start of “weekend space.” Every Friday, I packed away anything to do with school, bought myself a nice bouquet and spent the weekend “as though” I just happened to live in the great city of Chicago. (Of course, I did live in the great city of Chicago, but graduate school often overwhelms all areas of life. I made a conscious choice to separate — i.e. set apart, make sacred — weekends. And the ritual of a small bouquet of flowers made that transition real.)

Sometimes I made elaborate vegetarian dinners and invited neighbors in for a low cost but home cooked meal. My only rule at those dinners: no discussing school. Any other topic would do. Other times I went dancing uptown with friends. My one rule was that weekends were “my time.” Yes, that rule made for long nights during the week, but it kept me sane while most of my classmates spiraled into deep depression. Knowing I did not wish to continue at that school, I withdrew my PhD application in February. I wanted nothing tying me to a future that would murder everything I valued in myself. I didn’t trust myself to turn down their offer if it came.

Sound dramatic? It was, yet I managed to thrive. My sunny smile and levity about the whole competitive BS environment drew many friends to me. U of Chicago marked my first foray into spontaneous intuitive readings and dream interpretation. It honed my hostess and vegetarian cooking skills, and it taught me the importance of small details when feeling trapped by commitments or lack of plan.

Having navigated nine months of hell while making my own beauty and fun, I skipped graduation and vowed never to return to Hyde Park. Never say never: in February 2010, a series of dreams led me right back to the belly of the beast. Guess what, though? I had changed.

Post-TBI, post-marriage, now accepting my life path instead of fighting it, I found a different world than I left so many years before. People were no longer getting kidnapped or mugged at one in the afternoon. A new park lined Lake Michigan, and a health food store specializing in fresh veggie juice and homemade raw vegan food options now brightened 53rd Street. The apartment building my dreams and visions led me to ended up providing a Mother Lode of Doors for me to paint. These portal paintings, in turn, directly led to me meeting and eventually marrying David.

In a similar way, when David and I arrived in Goshen and felt led to rent a gut rehabbed cottage across the street from a factory and a very loud train, the external environment felt like a kick in the gut. Little things shifted the energies step by step. Until Goshen, U of Chicago was my main example of living somewhere that crushed my soul. I spent nine months there, whereas Goshen turned into a five-year stint to support David’s aging parents. Because I spent more time there, years of little steps turned into a one-third acre permaculture food forest and two fully decorated cottages, but even more ideal places can welcome upgrades.

We love our new house and all its views. That doesn’t mean neglecting the inside, though. The simple act of putting floral placemats with scalloped edges on a red tablecloth brings me many moments of delight throughout the day. In the midst of our long, gray winters, this post-Christmas table setup makes me smile every time I walk by. Find your own little things that make you smile. You don’t need to do a gut rehab or relocate to find ways to turn your home into your own personal paradise. Often times a little nature goes a long way. Whether real or artificial, flowers, plants, natural materials and/or images that bring you in touch with nature ease the soul and help concentration.


Bring the garden indoors.

Use What You Have or What You Can

Speaking of real or artificial flowers and plants, I’ve purposely included both real and artificial plants in the photos so far. I love gardening, but not everyone has a green thumb. Some people can’t have plants due to animals, allergies or lighting conditions. I forget where I saw this, but I’ve long sensed its truth: scientific studies show that having real or artificial plants in your office improves focus, concentration and creativity. Obviously, avoid toxic smelling faux plants or at least let them off gas. Real plants clean the air on a literal, as well as symbolic level.

But some areas of the home don’t allow for real plants. You can spend a lot of money buying and killing plants to fill dark corners or windowless rooms. Eventually, you might want to consider a tapestry, photograph, coffee table book, or other way to get calming greenery into your space. My office has become a haven inside Dra’Faven:


The cactus and ivy are real. The boxwood hanging from the ceiling and in the cherub’s vase are faux. Those boxwood balls make me giggle when I walk into the room. They also make me look up. This portal door (aka The Tree of Life or Daphne Door) is the first thing my eyes see when I enter the diagonally opposite door. Hanging those balls from the ceiling draws the eye from bottom to top, which corresponds to an uplift of spirit.


This shows a different angle at night with the overhead light on — a bit bright for regular use, but it helps for photos. 😉 Lighting can make a huge difference for not much cost or trouble. The fireplace has a flame-like Himalayan salt lamp, which provides a warm glow, and I have a yellow-toned LED bulb in the lamp behind my computer desk. Using an LED allows me to get much more light out of a 1950’s lamp from David’s parents. Anything more than 20 watts made that lamp dangerous to leave on. For the cost of one LED bulb, I get the equivalent of a 100 watt bulb’s light if I need it, without needing to replace a vintage lamp.

Although I consider our house in Kalamazoo an ideal spot for us right now and into the foreseeable future, I do miss having a water view. I’ve had water views in many locations, including Monterey, Southern Oregon and Lake Michigan. We spend a lot of time on the Michigan shores of Lake Michigan, but in terms of amenities, David’s employment, general attitude and opportunities, Kalamazoo makes sense to live. How to have the best of both worlds? Water sounds (fountain, CD’s) and water tapestries.

Below, you can see the huge Goddess of Summer tapestry, a gift from Tania when I rented Haus Am See as an office.


This tapestry gave me a year round indoor garden view, but the thought of living somewhere “permanently” without a water view made me a little sad. I didn’t even realize I felt sad about it until I spent $12 on this waterfall tapestry to hide a messy area of David’s office while he still lived in Goshen finishing up his old job. I thought I’d feel celebratory when he set up his office. I was surprised to feel sad not to see the waterfall anymore. At the risk of turning my office into a crazy riot of color and nature, I decided to hang the tapestry in my own “Wealth Corner.” As with the boxwood balls, seeing the waterfall makes my heart sing.


The point is to find ways of using what you have and what works in your space. If you truly want to live by the beach, then having a screensaver or tapestry now that puts you in the beach vibe will help you manifest that beach home sooner. If you don’t want to move to the beach, but you love vacationing there, then sprinkling some beachy elements will improve your mood and outlook. A little bit of “ahhh” enters your uggh. Your subconscious registers everything. Bring more of what you wish to see, smell, taste, touch and hear into your immediate space, and watch the larger reality mimic your sacred spot.

You don’t need to follow my ideas or decorating style. The important takeaway is to pay attention to your own preferences, delights and aversions, and respond accordingly. If you want more nature, find some way, somehow to bring nature into your home. If you love a particular color, paint a bookshelf, wall or entire room that color. If you can’t do that, at least get a notebook in that color. Or wear that color. Use what you have or find ways of bringing “the not yet possible” into your reality, right now.

Become Your Own Sacred Space

For all the power of environment to help or hinder people from living dreams, you can become your own sacred space. You can choose to fill your time with little details or symbolic shifts that move you in the direction of your dearest hopes. Instead of waiting for inspiration to complete a masterpiece, commit now to five minutes per day or one afternoon a week to play with creativity. Find the smallest gesture you can for sure commit to, and then follow through. Those tiny actions will build upon each other to change the look and feel of your inner environment.

As with your home, take care whose energies you allow into your inner space. If you find repeat thoughts trouble you, write them down and ask where they come from. Whose are they? Do they belong in the inner space you’d love to create? What upgraded thoughts might replace them?

For example, gratitude stymies worry. If you catch yourself worrying, pause and list five things for which you feel grateful. The first might take awhile, but as you get to five, you’ll probably find even more “thank you’s” flowing in. You cannot feel worry and gratitude at the same time. Gratitude is the antidote to worry. If a worry continues beyond the gratitude, then ask what practical guidance it can offer you at this time. What little step could you take right now or today that would reduce (even very slightly) the cause of worry? Pay attention to those little things. They all add up.

Every home benefits from regular cleaning, and so do your body and your mind. Decluttering your outer space helps to declutter your inner space. You might also find that writing lists declutters your mind and allows you to get more done. If you just flail your arms at dust, you make more dust. Put all those thoughts flying around onto a piece of paper — sweep the dust into one location, then get to work on it. Just having a list you can check off brings some order to your inner space.

One of the most life changing books I ever read was Sarah Ban Breathnach’s “Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy.” Another life changing book was Julia Cameron’s “The Artist’s Way.” Neither book felt good all the time. The soulful elements of each forced me to recognize where my soul lacked expression. Both books resulted in moves and lifestyle shifts. I came to accept myself as an artist, not only when I paint, but in my daily life. I breathe beauty. I need beauty to flow in me, around me and through me. As a young adult, I felt inadequate because of that, like I had some weakness or flaw that made me vain or superficial. In different ways, each book helped me to honor beauty, sensory pleasure, order, color and creation as conversations with my soul.

I feel lucky that a 1998 brain injury forced me to set aside my rational mind for four years while I healed. I longed to live a more intuitive and artistic life, but my left brain always said “No way, that sounds crazy” or, at best, “Come back later.” Eventually, my soul got tired of knocking, so a car accident knocked me out, along with my rational side. It only became safe for reason, logic and sequential thinking to return once I consciously gave my soul permission to run my inner household. When I consciously aligned with Divine Guidance, I found that life flowed better, and lo and behold, Divine Guidance led to fulfilling, soulful experiences.

The soul exerts tremendous influence whether or not you give it permission or room to do so. When you honor your soul through sense and symbol, you retain some conscious influence over the soul. You get to compromise in little steps instead of having a disabling traumatic brain injury or other crisis force the issue. I’m a stubborn lass, so it took a TBI to save my soul. It set me straight, required to live on a path I just happen to love. My brain healed, but more importantly, my soul did, and it’s the little things, Mother Nature, symbols and beauty that soothe the soul. Sacred decorating, inside and out, gives you a chance to align with your soul’s highest hopes and dreams, as well as deep nourishment that works for you.

You’ll feel more productive and more loved. My Aunt Kath and Uncle John always make a toast, “To more love!” That feels like a good way to end this post. Do what you can, with what you have to show more love to your innermost you. Delight that inner child; soothe the frazzled senses; smell the roses. However you bring sacred decorating into your life, do it with the mantra. “To more love!” Your soul will thank you.

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2019/01/15/sacred-decorating/

Monday, 14 January 2019

A Year of Healing

  This year, in 2019, I’m offering something I’ve never created before: a year of healing.  Each month I’ll be writing about specific topics that my clients commonly come to me to resolve.  You can read along at http://www.catherinecarrigan.com or sign up for a year of healing, for which I’ll be offering a special discount […]
Source: https://catherinecarrigan.com/a-year-of-healing/

source https://cscarrigan.wordpress.com/2019/01/14/a-year-of-healing/

Friday, 11 January 2019

Lyme Journal: A Guided Recovery Workbook — Now Available

At long last, “Lyme Journal: A Guided Recovery Workbook” is now available! You can purchase the 8 1/2 x 11″ journal/workbook here.

I designed this 139-page workbook based on over 17 years as a Medical Intuitive Life Coach. Since 2004, I’ve focused on supporting clients, friends and family struggling with Chronic Lyme Disease. In addition to my still-in-progress “Metaphysics of Lyme” book, this latest release shares the unusual knowledge I’ve acquired through intuition and supporting amazing souls on their own Lyme journey.

Prompts on each page explore common Lyme issues and foster positive changes, inside and out. This guide works best for people open to a holistic approach to healing. It explores physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual patterns. Whether you write, draw, or collage your answers, this workbook helps you to identify and address hidden aspects of your journey. Since Lyme is “The Great Imitator,” these questions also apply to autoimmune and neurological issues, along with chronic pain, co-infections, adrenal fatigue, thyroid issues, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, MS, toxic mold exposure, and more.

When people shift limiting thought patterns, clear away spiritual dross, and begin to celebrate and cherish their unique gifts, they open space for healing. This journal/workbook is not meant to replace traditional or alternative treatments, but to trigger movements up and out of the vibration of Lyme symptoms. By accessing deep, authentic parts and honoring Lyme as a powerful soul healer/guide, life becomes freer and more magical than ever before. “Lyme Journal: A Guided Recovery Workbook” is available on Amazon.

Thank you to everyone who’s encouraged this project, and special gratitude goes to those beautiful clients who’ve allowed me to walk with them on this sacred journey.

Blessings and Love,


source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2019/01/11/lyme-journal-a-guided-recovery-workbook-now-available/

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

An Illustrator Is Born

  When a child is born into a family part of the fun comes from waiting and watching for her natural talents to unfold. When Sarah Jane Schulze was born to my brother Dr. Richard Schulze Jr. and his caring wife Donna Schulze, her first gift was to bless us all with so much joy. […]
Source: https://catherinecarrigan.com/an-illustrator-is-born/

source https://cscarrigan.wordpress.com/2019/01/09/an-illustrator-is-born/

Saturday, 5 January 2019

Dragons, Faeries and Flowers at Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park

We had a lovely extended holiday visit with David’s daughter, Allie. On her last day here, she and I took a ladies outing to the Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park. Some people may recall David and me taking Momma Jane there a year ago to see the miniature city, lights and huge greenhouse. Their holiday display remains up through Epiphany, and I thought Austin, Texas based Allie would enjoy some warmth and greenery. Sure enough, we found lush decorations. We also lucked into a spontaneous and personal tour by an 87-year-old volunteer!


This spry octogenarian pointed out the cacao tree with its cocoa filled pods, shown above. We also saw banana plants, an allspice tree (with very scented leaves!) and shade grown coffee bushes hiding under a canopy of palms. Allie and I realized we had taken no pictures together on her entire trip, so we attempted a selfie. After much confusion of the backwards movement required by me to center this orchid above and behind us, we settled on this one as good enough:


Faery-sis Tania pointed out that we almost look like I’m pasted into the photo or in a slightly different dimension, which may be true, LOL. In any case, it’s a sparkly photo of Allie and does capture the fun faery adventure we had wandering among the orchids, palms, and sculptures.


In celebration of Diwali, the Indian Festival of Lights, the greenhouse also featured a rangoli. Made of sand, rice flour, flowers, beans or lentils, rangoli reminded us of the more commonly seen Tibetan sand drawings:


It was almost impossible to photograph the rangoli without children marveling over the design. They really loved it! This was the only shot I could get of the entire image, with just a bit of my red coat in the corner. 🙂 The greenhouse also riffed on my native Bethlehem’s Czech inspired “Moravian Stars,” in this case, with colorful, flashing lights:


Our feast for the eyes also included trips to the Cactus Room and the holiday display of a mini Grand Rapids made from all natural materials, nestled in lush houseplant greenery. We both loved Old Man Cactus …


… and the intricate buildings with all the colorful and variegated leaves and flowers:


The Victorian Room contained this mini greenhouse, once a common sight in homes …


… and the amaryllis and other flowers and foliage just popped:



Allie captured this one in all its glory:


After our indoor exploration of holiday evergreens from around the world, as well as the indoor sculpture rooms, we decided to bundle up for a walk outside. We took advantage of the cold to explore the almost deserted Lena Meijer Children’s Garden. I’ve never ventured in before, because that spot is always very loud and crowded. Getting a peek inside revealed why. This is the coolest children’s garden I’ve ever seen! They’ve got imaginative sculptures and all sorts of forts and bridges, kind of like Robinson Crusoe meets Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood of Make Believe. Dragons, owl, bear, colorful wolf pack … a five scents garden with a sculptured nose …


David’s a Chinese Year of the Dragon, so I gave him a virtual kiss:


and greeted the other dragon so it wouldn’t get jealous:


Of course, whenever I go anywhere, I see bunnies and/or unicorns for Tania, and this trip included a hungry bunny statue above the protected cabbage patch:


We spent the rest of our time strolling through the Japanese Gardens, which look totally different at different times of year. The waterfalls continued to flow, and the serene views and sounds encouraged us just to be rather than stopping for photos. I’m so glad David and I became members of Meijer Gardens, because I love taking out of town guests there for an afternoon of beauty, nature and fun. Allie had admired photos from previous trips, so it was extra special to spend the day with her there on a work day for David.

We rang in our New Year with the Kalamazoo New Year’s Festival, as usual, but Allie encouraged us to mix it up a bit. Instead of just listening to music, we watched a magic show, ventriloquist, and an amazing juggler, followed by Kalamazoo’s mini ball drop at midnight and the huge fireworks celebration. Between the magic of New Year’s Eve and the sensory gifts of Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park, I feel full of gratitude, beauty and joy. A wonderful way to ring in 2019! I hope you enjoyed some of the beauty here — too pretty to keep to myself. 🙂


source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2019/01/05/dragons-faeries-and-flowers-at-frederik-meijer-gardens-and-sculpture-park/

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Timothy Glenn ~ 2019: Welcome to the Reset

Today we have a special treat: Timothy Glenn’s 2019 report coming in well before the Chinese New Year! I’ve hyperlinked the earlier articles he references. It’s always fun to look back on how predictions unfolded across linear time.

Personally, I’ve been feeling Saturn in Capricorn in a major way, as Saturn’s been crossing and hovering over my Capricorn North Node. As Tim mentions, even if you don’t have any obvious Capricorn in your chart, you’re still going to feel these energies in at least some area(s) of life. Both 2019 and 2020 feature a whole bevy of potent astrological alignments. Whew! Excellent times for those who’ve diligently done their Shadow Work, and a chance to awaken for those who haven’t yet … Here’s Timothy’s report:

2019: Welcome to the Reset

by Timothy Glenn

Perhaps you feel as though a gigantic hand with its index finger extended has descended from the universe, and has pressed the reset button on Planet Earth. If so, you’re far from being alone.

From the article 2018: Welcome to the Storm:

2017: SHTF (Shit Hits the Fan)
2018: SFOOTF (Shit Flies Out of the Fan)

And now we can add:

2019: SSAO (Shit Splatters All Over)

The external structures of our world are barely beginning their transmogrification. The governmental, economic, academic, religious and scientific systems of the old Matrix will have no place in the New Earth. Useful remnants of them could find a temporary place in the planetary transition, but will diminish into mere traces as the fear-based Matrix fades away, and the love-based New Earth emerges.

All Eyes on Capricorn

As noted in the article Global Metamorphosis 2018 Update, Pluto has now established itself in the third and final decanate of Capricorn. Its mission of hanging out humanity’s dirty laundry will intensify in 2019, and run headlong into 2020, when it reaches fever pitch.

Our species has a deep, dark, ugly shadow to be drawn out into the light and integrated. 2019 will start making a spectacle of people who have pretended to be “of the light” while indulging in extremely dark practices. Chief among these will be the politicians, propagandists and entertainers who have chosen the career option of deceiving the masses.

2019 will also treat us to three eclipses in Capricorn: a solar eclipse in January, a lunar eclipse in June, and another solar eclipse in December following Jupiter’s triumphal entrance into Capricorn at the beginning of the month. The stage will then be set for the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn to kick off in January of 2020. We could write volumes about the potentials of 2020, but let’s focus on the warm-up exercise of 2019.

The action in Capricorn will continue revolving around the systematic dismantling of a global power structure that has been in place at least since the time of ancient Babylon. We have seen the same group of souls incarnating along the same bloodlines for millennia. They have engineered governments, empires, religions and other control mechanisms. We can give credit where credit is due: they have mastered the science of deception. But the time has come for them and their machinations to be exposed.

The most challenging part of this for millions of well-meaning folks will be facing the dreadful realization that they have been supporting the old bedarkened system while believing the opposite. Serious delusions can die hard, but it would be far more difficult in the long haul for the human race to continue living in denial.

Getting Down to Earth

Uranus will complete its triple transit into the earthy sign of Taurus during the first week of March, and will not even begin its triple transit into Gemini until the middle of 2025. In the interim, Uranus will be complementing the intense restructuring action in Capricorn.

Dreams and visions have their necessary place, but we would all be wise to establish a strong physical presence as the Earth moves through this phase of her transition. Among our main priorities will be health and fitness, symbiotic living with the Earth, and setting clear boundaries. And once we establish our new boundaries, it would behoove us to enforce those boundaries.

Effects of this transit are discussed in the article Uranus in Taurus: The Preview. 2018 gave us a foretaste of what Uranus in Taurus can generate for us. For now, Uranus is tying up loose ends back in Aries. When he blasts his way back into Taurus in March, it will be Game On.

Saturn Sextile Neptune: A Reality Check

Saturn in Capricorn (the sign it rules) will spend all of 2019 dancing in a user-friendly sextile to Neptune in Pisces (the sign it rules). By transiting their own signs, their influence is amplified. Although not as spectacular as other astrological phenomena, the interplay of these two disparate planets will open a significant window of opportunity.

Saturn = get real. Neptune = dream on.

Are your dreams realistic? Do they harmonize with and even enhance your Soul’s purpose for this life? Saturn sextile Neptune will offer to help clear the mists of confusion, and to show us practical steps that will carry us toward the fulfillment of our Soul’s Dream.

Your genuine desires for this life may seem fanciful or even impossible to the Saturnian view of the old world, while being perfectly realistic from a spiritual perspective. We can get completely realistic about our literally infinite possibilities, cultivating the art of practical mysticism.

For those conversant in astrobabble, you might contemplate these two images: Saturn with a heart, and Neptune with a spine. Now picture them teaming up to redesign and reengineer our world.

Saturn sextile Neptune can also support our structured spiritual practices such as tai chi, qi gong, yoga, meditation, etc. It can also help us disengage from emotionally charged circumstances, and to exercise an important spiritual principle: Accept What Is.

2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12

The twelfth card of the tarot deck is commonly called the Hanged Man, although no one is being hanged. The character is voluntarily suspended upside down, much like a yogi doing a brain flush, employing one of the many inverted poses in yoga. I prefer to call this card The Mystic.

The Mystic (or so-called Hanged Man) represents someone who has perspectives that appear upside down according to the old world. Since the twelfth sign of the zodiac is Pisces (ruled by Neptune), the numerology for the year will strengthen Neptune’s influence.

2019 marks the first 12 year of the new millennium. Plenty of people will feel that their world is being turned upside down, but they have been part of an upside down world all along. Perhaps they can come to understand why mystics have called 3D Planet Earth “the deeper dream”. We have somehow co-created a world we could accept as “reality”, when it functions in a manner 180 degrees bass ackwards from Spirit – while simultaneously being a part of and an expression of that Spirit. 2019 also says “Welcome to the World of Paradox.”

20 + 19 = 39

The Knight of Cups is card 39. All the Knights in the deck are mounted, armored and ready to face challenges. Since the suit of Cups corresponds with the water signs in astrology, this Knight rides forth to face emotional challenges. In the Robin Wood Tarot, the Knight is mounted on a steed of the sea and is riding frothing whitecaps. The idea here is to ride those waves of dramatic emotional energy without spilling a drop from your cup.


An essential element of the 19/20 sequence is forgiveness – quite the challenge for most people. Perhaps consideration of a popular meme would help: Forgiveness is not about letting someone else off the hook, but removing the hook from ourselves. We do not have to forgive for the sake of the others, but for our own sake.

Forgiveness has its roots in the genuinely unconditional Divine Love, the energetic essence of the Infinite Energy Field in its wholeness. Not dividing Itself into positive/negative, good/evil, right/wrong or any other expression of polarity, this Love is a completely neutral force. We will not achieve Transcendence into a reality founded on Divine Love unless we learn to forgive, which can be done by achieving a state of neutrality toward everything and everyone, all of which in turn is part of The Field.

One of the Knight’s messages of tough love: get over yourself.

Recapping Capricorn

You do not have to “be a Capricorn” to be powerfully impacted by the action in that sign throughout 2019 and beyond. Some folks might claim there is no Capricorn in their chart, but that is hardly the case. Capricorn was not on vacation in the Andromeda galaxy the day you were born. Its influence appears in your chart, and dominates the affairs in some area of your life.

No matter where it is placed or how significant its influence, Capricorn is becoming profoundly activated in all charts this year. It will rearrange the furniture of our world. In turn, it behooves us to proactively restructure our lives to accommodate a cosmically broader and yet much more down to Earth concept of the universe.

Capricorn’s recommendations: Open up. Reconsider everything. Let go of anything that no longer works. Build a new you. Help co-create a New Earth. And remember that for the New Earth to emerge, the old Matrix needs to be dismantled – completely.

Timothy Glenn

source https://laurabruno.wordpress.com/2019/01/02/timothy-glenn-2019-welcome-to-the-reset/